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Sharon Stirrup CPN

Sharon Stirrup CPN. CAMHS Ynys-y-Plant North Powys Cohort 8 CLP 2011. CAMHS. Referral Guidelines A Service Improvement Project. Camhs Criteria-Have You Seen Them?.

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Sharon Stirrup CPN

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sharon StirrupCPN CAMHS Ynys-y-Plant North Powys Cohort 8 CLP 2011

  2. CAMHS Referral Guidelines A Service Improvement Project

  3. Camhs Criteria-Have You Seen Them? Confusion and confrontation continue to grow throughout Powys as referrers search for a copy of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service referral criteria.

  4. IndividualComments • Confusion amongst referrers at times • Sense of North and South Powys teams doing different things • Poor boundaries within the team with a feeling that staff were pulling in different directions • Pressure from families and referrers

  5. Powys wide team meeting • Small working group formed • Set a time and date to meet

  6. What next?.. • We decided to look at what other CAMH services were offering • When this information was gathered it was circulated for the comments of team members

  7. HOWEVER • At this time the Delivery and Support Unit were undertaking a review of CAMHS so it was imperative that we were able to demonstrate that we were communicating to referrers about our criteria and targets.

  8. Emotional Health and Well Being + Primary Mental Health + Specialist CAMHS CAMHS Referral Guidelines =

  9. THE DAILY NEWS THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER www.dailynews.com - Since 1879 GUIDELINES FOUND ONLINE! Referral criteria for Powys Camhs have been found! It has taken the time and effort of many but they are now available on both the Internet and Powys tHB Intranet. A spokesperson for Camhs said the team were ‘extremely relieved’

  10. BENEFITSWhat have we gained as a service? • Clear bi-lingual guidelines that are available to both the public and those who are thinking of making a referral • Consistency within the teams • Clarity about what is appropriate for specialist CAMHS and what other services could be considered as a first line measure

  11. And finally..Thank you for listening to my presentation Particular thanks to all my CAMHS colleagues for their time and support Sharon Stirrup – CPN CAMHS sharon.stirrup@wales.nhs.uk

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