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CHAPTER 5. IT ARCHITECTURES Presented by Bernt Karlsson. Chapter Five Overview. SECTION 5.1 - HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE BASICS Hardware Basics Computer Categories Software Basics SECTION 5.2 – MANAGING ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURES Enterprise Architectures Information Architecture
CHAPTER 5 IT ARCHITECTURES Presented by Bernt Karlsson
Chapter Five Overview • SECTION 5.1 - HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE BASICS • Hardware Basics • Computer Categories • Software Basics • SECTION 5.2 – MANAGING ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURES • Enterprise Architectures • Information Architecture • Infrastructure Architecture • Application Architecture
SECTION 5.1 - HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE BASICS Information technology (IT) - any computer-based tool that people use to work with information and support the information and information-processing needs of an organization • Hardware - consists of the physical devices associated with a computer system • Software - the set of instructions that the hardware executes to carry out specific tasks • Computer – is an electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept, manipulate and store data. It consists of sixhardware components.
Hardware basics Central Processing Unit, CPU Arithmetic Logic Unit, ALU Control Unit
Secondary Storage Zettabyte (ZB) 1024 EB) Yottabyte (YB) 1024 ZB)
Secondary Storage • Vilket årtal levereras den första hårddisken på 1 PetaByte ? • Vilket årtal levereras den första hårddisken på 1 ExaByte ?
Secondary Storage capacity Moores law: number of transistors on an integrated circuit for minimum component cost doubles every 24 months (18 month). Kryders law: Magnetic disk areal storage density doubles annually Log. scale
Secondary Storage 1 TerraByte 2009 1 PettaByte 2024 1 ExaByte 2039
Communication Devices • Communication device -equipment used to send information and receive it from one location to another
Computer categories • Computercategoriesinclude: • SmartPhones1,5”-4” • Personaldigitalassistant(PDA)4”-6” • UltraMobilePC(UMPC)7”-8” • TabletPC8”-12” • Laptop12”-17” • Desktop • Workstation • Minicomputer • Mainframecomputer • Supercomputer
Några tekniska begrepp Binär lagring av tecken – ASCI-kod – 8 st 1/0 kallas byte 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = A 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 (tecknet ett, inte värdet) Binära tal 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 = 35 Lagring av tecken 1 Byte = 1 tecken Lagringskapacitet 100 MB = 100.000.000 bytes(tecken) Överföringshastighet Bits/ sekund Datorns hastighet 1 Hertz = 1 intern aktivitet/ sek (ex en jämförelse av två tal Eller MIPS = milj instruktioner per sekund, ex additioner
CPU speed factors • General factors • Clock speed (Mhz or Ghz). One instruction per cycle • Word length in number of bits, to be processed at the same time • Bus width, the width of the bus connecting internal CPU units • Chip line width, distance between transistors in a chip • Architecture factors • Pipelining of data and instructions • Using cache memory • Parallell processing (multi core (dual core))
Performance variables for Computer system CapacityHow much information can be stored and process? SpeedHow fast can data be processed? Price-PerformanceCost for storage and processing ReliabilityHow long will it continue without unplannedinterruptions? (Mean time between failures, MTBF) Operating conditionsSpace, weight, temperature restrictions, electricity consumption
Software basics • System software -controls how the various technology tools work together along with the application software • Operating system software • Utility software • Application software
Utility Software • Types of utility software • Crash-proof • Disk image • Disk optimization • Encrypt data • File and data recovery • Text protect • Preventative security • AntiSpyware • Antivirus • Firewall • Uninstaller Utility software functions can also be part of the operating system, completely or partly
Application Software • Types of generic application software • Browser • Telnet Communication • Database management • Desktop publishing • E-mail • Groupware • Presentation graphics • Programming • Spreadsheet • Word processing • Types of custom application software • Salary • Bookkeeping • bank transactions
IBM WebSphere utvecklingsmiljö Rapid Application Development Visual composition of business flows Struts framework Java development Web development Web services development EJB development Team development Design and modelling (UML) Wizards, code generators Code assist and proposal XML and XSL development Component test tools Testing and publishing (local and remote) Built-in test environments Enterprice (legacy) tools Relational database tools Debugger (local and remote) Profiling (local and remote) En komplett integrerad utvecklingsmiljö, baserad på checklistor och färdiga mallar och komponenter Bygg ett system på några dagar………. Microsoft har liknande miljöer
Olika paradigmer för programmering Program Databas Funktionellt Ex Pascal och SQL Program Objekt Attribut/Data Operationer/ metoder OO Ex Java Meddelande Logik programmering Ex PROLOG Deklarativ programmering Fråga: b ? Fakta: a Slutsatsregler: a->b Föreslå en lösning
5.2. ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURES • Enterprise architecture - includes the plans for how an organization will build, deploy, use, and share its data, processes, and IT assets • Enterprise architect (EA) -a person grounded in technology, fluent in business, a patient diplomat, and provides the important bridge between IT and the business
IS-plan - en del av business-plan IS-plan Bild ur Alter Information Systems
Vad innehåller en IS-plan ? • Strategier för bl.a. • Kompetensutveckling av IS-personal och användare • Hårdvara • Nät • Programvaruutveckling: metoder, tekniker • Lagring av information • Datakommunikation • Säkerhet och skydd • Leverantörsval • Kvalitetssäkring • Centralicering/decentralisering av IS-personal, datorer, data
Challanges in IS Planning • Svårt att förutse och utvärdera tekniska möjligheter • Svårt att samordna mål, strategier och planer för IT med andra områden i företaget som organisation, produktutveckling etc. • Svårt, dyrt och tar tid att bygga system • Svårt att underhålla och anpassa system till snabba ändringar i verksamhet • Samarbetssvårigheter mellan IT-personal och annan personal, man pratar inte samma språk
Centralisering - Decentralisering Hardware location Data location Ownership / Responsibility and control Development
Backup and Recovery Fig from Alter: Information Systems
Backup and Recovery • Preventing System failure • Fault tolerance, backup component or procedure take over without loss of service (may take some time however). Cold standby system. • Failover, a secondary computer component take over seamless when the primary component fails. Hot standby system (running in parallel)
Disaster Recovery • Disaster recovery plan -a detailed process for recovering information or an IT system in the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a fire or flood • Disaster recovery cost curve - charts (1) the cost to the organization of the unavailability of information and technology and (2) the cost to the organization of recovering from a disaster over time
Information Security • A good information architecture includes: • A strong information security plan • Managing user accesses towards internet • Keep a strong password discipline • Up-to-date antivirus and anti-spy ware software • Install security patches immediately for the operating system, application and utility • Use intrusion detection, content filtering and anti spam software
Infrastructure architecture • Five primary characteristics of a solid infrastructure architecture commonly known as “ilities”: • Flexibility • Scalability • Reliability • Availability • Performance
Web Services • Web service -contains a repertoire of Web-based data and procedural resources that use shared protocols and standards permitting different applications to share data and services • Interoperability - the capability of two or more computer systems to share data and resources, even though they are made by different manufacturers
Web – services SE-Banken Bokning Insättning Consumer SF Biografer • WebServiceisabusinessserviceofferedtoconsumersovertheinternet • WebServiceatechnologythatstandardizessystemcommunicationovertheinternet,usingXML • Internet-standardenochXMLmöjliggörattdatortyp,programmeringspråketc.blirirrelevant.Manfårengenerellöppenlösning.
Broker 1) Publish 2) Find/discover 3) Bind/invoke SOA activities: “Publish-find-bind” SOA roles: provider, broker, consumer Designprincip Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ”Gula sidorna” för Web-tjänster Consumer (Requester) Provider SF-biografer SE-Banken Martin Henkel, 2003 martinh@dsv.su.se
Ett önskeläge Ett företag (processer: Inköp och betalning) önskar samarbeta elektroniskt med en leverantör (processer: Sälj och fakturering) I ett Bibliotek med Businessprocesser (Rutiner, dokument och Programvara) finner man processer som passar ihop. XML-format används genomgående Kommunikationen sker via Internet Företagen installerar detta på varsitt håll, varefter man kan samarbeta elektroniskt
Open Systems • Open system -a broad, general term that describes nonproprietary IT hardware and software made available by the standards and procedures by which their products work, making it easier to integrate them • Allow systems to seamlessly share information • Capitalize on enterprise architectures • Eliminate proprietary systems and promote competitive pricing
Chapter Seven Overview • SECTION 7.1 – NETWORKS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS • Network Basics • Architecture • Topology • Protocols • Media • E-Business Networks • SECTION 7.2 – WIRELESS COMPUTING • Wireless Fidelity • Business Drivers for Wireless Technologies • Advantages of Enterprise Mobility • The Future of Wireless
7.1. NETWORKS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS • Telecommunication system -enable the transmission of data over public or private networks • Network -a communications, data exchange, and resource-sharing system created by linking two or more computers and establishing standards, or protocols, so that they can work together
Wide area network USA Boston IT-center Boston Local area network Metropolitan area network Network basics
Network Basics • Networks are differentiated by the following: • Architecture - peer-to-peer, client/server • Topology - bus, star, ring, hybrid • Protocols - Ethernet, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) • Media - coaxial, twisted-pair, fiber-optic, Wireless • Understanding networks see: • http://compnetworking.about.com/od/basicnetworkingconcepts/
Architecture • There are two primary types of architectures • Peer-to-peer (P2P) network • Public files located on the peers • All computers in the network can act as a peer • Client/server network • One server supporting many clients
Peer-to-Peer Networks • Peer-to-peer (P2P) network - any network without a central file server and in which all computers in the network have access to the public files located on all other workstations E.g. • Napster (1999 - 2001) • Kazaa (2000 – 2006) • Kazaa Lite (2002 - ????) • DC++ (Direct Connect)(2005 - ????) • Bit Torrent (2001 - ????) • LINUX distribution • Podcasting/Podradio (Portable On Demand) • RSS (Really Simple Syndication)(Prenumeration)
Client/Server Networks • Client- a computer that is designed to request information from a server • Server - a computer that is dedicated to providing information in response to external requests • Client/server network -model for applications in which the bulk of the back-end processing takes place on a server, while the front-end processing is handled by the clients • Can a Computer be both a Client and a Server?
Client server vs. Main Frame computing Bild från Alter: Information Systems3
Client/Server Networks • Network operating system (NOS) - the operating system that runs a network, steering information between computers and managing security and users • Packet-switching -occurs when the sending computer divides a message into a number of efficiently sized units called packets, each of which contains the address of the destination computer • Router - an intelligent connecting device that connect networks together. It examines each packet of data it receives and then decides which way to send it onward toward its destination • Switch - an intelligent connecting device that filters and forward packets between network segments • HUB – a concentrator that act as a repeater for USB or Ethernet. Used inside LAN to connect network segments
Client/Server Networks • Client/Server network The router growth worldwide is two times Every 4’th year during 2002 to 2010 (25% per year). 20M routers 2002 och 80M routers 2010.
Protocols • Protocol - a standard that specifies the format of data as well as the rules to be followed during transmission • Interoperability - the capability of two or more computer systems to share data and resources, even though they are made by different manufacturers
Ethernet – most popular (Xerox 1976 - ) • Ethernet - a physical and data layer technology for LAN networking • 85% of all LAN use Ethernet. Others are: • AppleTalk • Token Ring 1, 10, 100, 1000 Mbit/s
Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol Family • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Family - provides the technical foundation for the public Internet as well as for large numbers of private network. Five layer reference model if the physical layer is included. Developed by DoD (Department of Defence) in early -70. TCP is a connection-oriented secure protocol UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an insecure connectionless protocol SNMP UDP Network Data Link Physical Cable, Fiber FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)