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eGovernment in Greece. George Papadopoulos LL.M. ( Cantab ), Attorney at law, Legal Advisor (MAREG, Gen. Secretary (HSA) 12 March 2014.
eGovernment in Greece George Papadopoulos LL.M. (Cantab), Attorney at law, Legal Advisor (MAREG, Gen. Secretary (HSA) 12 March 2014
“All people are entitled to be part of the Information Society. It is the State’s obligation to facilitate access as well as the production, exchange and diffusion of electronic data". Constitution of Greece, Article 5A
Digital Scorecard 2013:GREECE In 65 out of 84 indicators (77%), Greece falls below EU average • Critical areas – Indicators with considerable lag compared to EU average: • Households with broadband access to the Internet • Mobile broadband penetration • High speed broadband penetration • eCommerce indicators • Use of ICT in education and online presence of schools • ICT goods and services imports/ exports.
Digital Scorecard • % target achievement (GR vs EU)
Basic eGovernment indicators • Electronic interaction by citizens* with public authorities (2012) Source: Eurostat *Citizens aged between 25 and 54
Basic eGovernment indicators Take-up of eGovernment by SMEs (2012) While most large enterprises already use eGovernment services the take-up by SMEs is slow Source: Eurostat
Creating new opportunities for innovative start-ups – Open Data
Open e-deliberation and recruitment (opengov.gr) • Opengov.gr is designed to serve the principles of transparency, deliberation, collaboration and accountability. It includes two basic initiatives: Οpen calls for the recruitment of public administration officials, and Electronic, open-deliberation for participatory rule making. The citizens’ needs for timely information as well as their participation into public affairs, consist the central scope of the opengov project. • Draft legislative acts and governmental policy initiatives are posted to a blog like platform for deliberation, prior to their finalization. Citizens and organizations are invited to post their comments, suggestions and criticisms article-by-article. All submitted comments are collected and processed by the relevant authorities and in many cases they are incorporated in the final text.
Open e-deliberation and recruitment (opengov.gr) Indicators (10/2009 - 09/2013): • Numberof consultations: 358 • Numberof comments: 99.750 • Categoriesof consultations: Legislative 52% Pre-Legislative 27%, Others 23% • Mediandurationof consultation: 18 days (3 - 71 days) • Mediannumberof commentsperconsultation: 278 (0 - 13.741 comments) • Mediannumberof commentsperConsultation: 80 • Meannumber of consultationspermonth: 7.5 (1 - 11 months), decliningduringJulyandAugust • Networkof ConsultationManagers: 87 administratorsasrepresentativesofinstitutions.
Greek eGovernment Strategy 2014-2020 • The vision Greece aims to build a more efficient, transparent and accountable administration, through the use of ICT and the support of the necessary governance and monitoring mechanisms, while maximizing constituent satisfaction, increasing participation and recovering confidence by offering constantly enhanced electronic services and promoting a new digital culture.
Greek eGovernment Strategy 2014-2020 • Principles
Greek eGovernment Strategy 2014-2020 • Strategic Orientations & Targets
Greek eGovernment Strategy 2014-2020 • Vertical eGovernment Interventions
Greek eGovernment Strategy 2014-2020 • eGovernment Structure (provisional)
Syzefxis II: National network High level and secure broadband connection. Network and telephony services to 34.000 buildings nationwide. 50% savings on telecom expenses annually Wireless access to 55.000 governmentsmartphones Secure services for the public sector DESIGN/ TENDER START IMPLEMENTATION Q3 2014 616 M€ Q1 2014
Rural Broadband Broadband Development in specific Rural White Areas of Greece Broadband Convergence between rural and urban areas Support at least the 95% of the targeted population Enforce the digital growth and development in rural areas START IMPLEMENTATION Q2 2014 161 M€ Q4 2013 TENDER
TAXISnet Integrated online tax services for citizens and enterprises 6,500,000 users 19milliontransactions yearly Secure transactions Citizen-centric approach Integration with existing tax systems 8 M€ 12/2012
ELENXIS Electronic tax & customs control and audit mechanism for improving tax compliance and fight tax fraud Upgrade the operational capacity of audit services Tackling tax evasion and tax fraud Create and update “credible blacklist” 8 M€ 12/2012
Government CRM • Unified relations management between the state and citizens and enterprises • Unified case management (technology and processes) • Better personalized services • Processes to unify offline and online • Strategic view of citizen and enterprises needs • Single sign-on to electronic services DESIGN/ TENDER START IMPLEMENTATION Q2 2014 14 M€ Q2 2013
Government ERP Fiscal reform projectin order to support all stakeholders in Central Government from a single point with standard procedures and rules for the management of public resources. DESIGN/ TENDER START IMPLEMENTATION Q32014 14 M€ Q4 2013
Government HRMS Introduction of a single unified HRMS for a more effective Human Recourses management and development. Unified HRMS Common HR policies Talent and Time management Supporting the idea of the State employee Focus on Human Capital Development START IMPLEMENTATION DESIGN/ TENDER Q32014 10 M€ Q4 2013
Data Center & G-Cloud Creation of two identical DC’s one for Ministry of Finance projects and one the rest e-Government projects. Tools for the effective management of Operational procedures and utilization of existing ICT infrastructures Economies of scale in the costs of ICT purchases and maintenance Q3 2014 START IMPLEMENTATION Q12014 15 M€ Q1 2013 TENDER