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Huron Perth CALLING ALL 3 YEAR OLDS. Healthy Babies, Healthy Children. Best Start Conference January 16, 2006 Mary Anne Lealess, RN, BScN. HBHC Early Identification Policy Statement. “Screening must occur early for successful interventions and should emphasize empowering

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  1. Huron PerthCALLING ALL 3 YEAR OLDS Healthy Babies, Healthy Children Best Start Conference January 16, 2006 Mary Anne Lealess, RN, BScN

  2. HBHC Early Identification Policy Statement “Screening must occur early for successful interventions and should emphasize empowering parents in assessment of HCD. Boards of Health are required to implement a developmental screen tool; support collaboration and partnership with community members and assist with the transition to school.” Source: Consolidated Guidelines for HBHC, 2003

  3. RESEARCH SHOWS • Identification of delayed development and early intervention prior to Kindergarten can improve development and social outcomes for children with impacts that extend into adulthood.

  4. RESEARCH SHOWScont’d • Only 20-30% of approximately 16% of children with developmental disabilities are detected prior to school.

  5. Calling All 3 Year Olds pilot was • Planned and implemented by Huron Perth Health Units, Boards of Education, OEYC’s and other providers • Designed to offer universal developmental screening to 3 year olds • Linked to preschool registration in the year prior to school entry

  6. OBJECTIVES • Identify 3 year olds at risk for developmental delays • Link at risk children to services as early as possible • Increase parent knowledge about child health and development

  7. OBJECTIVES cont’d • Increase child readiness for school • Inform parents about ECD programs and services.

  8. IMPLEMENTATION • Half day events in 5 schools selected on basis of EDI findings • Activities included - Nipissing developmental screen - registration for school - ECD activity centres for parents and children - displays re: child health, safety, development - registration package with age appropriate child development information

  9. OUTCOMES: EARLY IDENTIFICATION 108 Screening (Nipissing) 20 (19%) 88 (81%) Screen Positive Screen Negative 11 (10%) 9 (9%) Newly Identified Previously Identified

  10. OUTCOMES: EARLY IDENTIFICATIONCont’d • Children most often screened positive in speech/language (71%) and social/emotional (53%) development

  11. OUTCOMES: REFERRAL FOLLOW UP • 71% of parents reached had either followed up with referral recommendations or expressed intent to do so • 29% expressed intention not to follow up

  12. OUTCOMES: (PARENT FEED BACK)INCREASED KNOWLEDGE • 56% of parents learned something new about ECD and local services • 40% of parents learned importance of vision checks • 20% learned about good dental health

  13. OUTCOMES: (PARENT FEED BACK)INCREASED KNOWLEDGE • 20% learned about child safety in the car • 18% learned about preventing infections through handwashing

  14. OUTCOMES: (PARENT FEEDBACK)BEHAVIOUR CHANGE • 50% of parents indicated plans for child vision check • 26% planned to visit EYC • 21% planned to visit local library with their child

  15. OUTCOMES: (PARENT FEEDBACK)BEHAVIOUR CHANGE • 19% planned to improve child’s tooth brushing habits • 11% planned to encourage regular handwashing • Parents liked to network with other parents and get ideas

  16. UNINTENDED OUTCOMES: POSITIVE • Parents networking and sharing ideas • Helpful for school planning due to earlier enrolment data • Relationship building among CATYO partners

  17. UNINTENDED OUTCOMES: NEGATIVE • Parental discomfort with screening if child not meeting milestones • Parents of children with obvious or global delays may have felt uncomfortable

  18. RECOMMENDATIONS • Universally implement a flexible model that is tailored to different needs across Huron and Perth schools. • Continue to identify and capitalize on opportunities to screen children earlier than 3 years. • Target and promote to all 3 year olds regardless of intent to attend Junior Kindergarten. Continued

  19. RECOMMENDATIONS cont’d • Continue to offer CATYO in the year prior to school entry to allow for intervention for identified children. • Educate parents about the purpose and value of developmental screening. • Continue to promote and provide links to ECD services. Continued

  20. RECOMMENDATIONS cont’d • Review referral and follow up mechanisms to increase the proportion of screen positive children who link to services. • Develop a mechanism to share information between the school and health units, which allows informed consent. • Continue to build the partnership to maximize efficiency of resources to promote healthy child development and identify at risk children.

  21. For more information contact: Mary Anne Lealess Perth District Health Unit 653 West Gore St. Stratford, ON N5A 1L4 519-271-7600 ext. 241 mlealess@pdhu.on.ca For a copy of the report see: http://www.pdhu.on.ca/pdf/callin~1.pdf

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