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主曾離寶座 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne. 在昔日 我主為罪人降生 Thou didst eave Thy throne And Thy king-ly crown 撇榮冕離天上寶座 When Thou cam-est to earth for me. 1/15. 教會聖詩 # 114. 在大衛之城 一窮苦馬棚 But in Beth-le-hem’s home There was found no room 有空處作為主居所 For Thy ho-ly na-tiv-ity. 2/15. 副歌 求來到我心 主耶穌
主曾離寶座 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne 在昔日 我主為罪人降生 Thou didst eave Thy throne And Thy king-ly crown 撇榮冕離天上寶座 When Thou cam-est to earth for me 1/15 教會聖詩# 114
在大衛之城 一窮苦馬棚 But in Beth-le-hem’s home There was found no room 有空處作為主居所 For Thy ho-ly na-tiv-ity. 2/15
副歌 求來到我心 主耶穌 O come to my heart, Lord Je-sus: 在我心有空處為祢 There is room in my heart for Thee! 3/15
2 天軍皆稱頌 天樂響天空 Heav-en’s arch-es rang When the a-gels sang 宣揚主無量大尊榮 Pro-claim-ing Thy roy-al de-gree 4/15
主竟肯虛己 降生貧苦地 But in low-ly birth Didst Thou come to earth 為世人受痛苦貧窮 And in great hu-mil-i-ty. 5/15
副歌 求來到我心 主耶穌 O come to my heart, Lord Je-sus: 在我心有空處為祢 There is room in my heart for Thee! 6/15
3 狐狸尚有洞 飛鳥亦有巢 The fox-es found rest And the birds their nest 困乏時能安然居住 In the shade of the forest tree 7/15
8/15 惟我主耶穌 順父旨辛苦 But Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of God 在世間無枕首之處 In the des-erts of Gal-i-lee
9/15 副歌 求來到我心 主耶穌 O come to my heart, Lord Je-sus: 在我心有空處為祢 There is room in my heart for Thee!
4 10/15 救主來世間 賜真理聖言 Thou cam-est, O Lord With the liv-ing word 使人得生命脫罪權 That should set Thy peo-ple free
11/15 人卻戲笑主 荊棘冠刺主 But with mock-ing scorn And with crown of thorn 釘死救主在加略山 They bore Thee to Cal-va-ry.
副歌 求來到我心 主耶穌 O come to my heart, Lord Je-sus: 在我心有空處為祢 There is room in my heart for Thee! 12/15
5 當主再來臨 天樂振天庭 When the heavens shall ring And the an-gels sing 為迎接得勝君歡喜 At Thy com-ig to vic-to-ry 13/15
主向我施恩 對我發慈聲 Let Thy voice call me home say-ing, “Yet there is room. “在我旁有空處為你” There is room at my side for thee.” 14/15
副歌 我心甚快樂 主耶穌 And my heart shall re-joice Lord Je-sus 因主來也肯召呼我 When Thou com-est ad call-est me. 15/15