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EVERYDA Y architecture of. STRUCTURE OF THE EVERYDAY :. THE OF colleges for STRUCTURE primer. a teaching primer for colleges of architecture. Structural Steel Connections STEEL. teaching a L E E. T S 1. American Institute of Steel Construction. STRUCTURE OF THE EVERYDAY

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  1. EVERYDAYarchitecture of STRUCTURE OF THE EVERYDAY: THE OF colleges for STRUCTUREprimer a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Structural SteelConnections STEEL teaching a L E E T S 1 American Institute of SteelConstruction

  2. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture PRODUCTION TEAM College ofArchitecture UNC -Charlotte David Thaddeus,AIA Deborah J. Arbes,RA ProjectDirector Slide Design & Graphics Modeling &Animations Joe Corsi DaveMayo ProductionAssistants Jennifer August Brittany Eaker Kathy Phillips Matt Parker David Thaddeus,AIA ITCoordination Photography JohnCerny PowerPoint Photoshop Cinema 4D(Mac) David Thaddeus, AIA, Associate Professor Thaddeus@email.uncc.edu L Software E E For additionalinformation, pleasecontact: College ofArchitecture, UNC-Charlotte T S 2 Structural Steel Connections |CREDITS

  3. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Acknowledgements • This project was made possible through funding from the American Institute of Steel Construction(AISC) • with support from the College of Architecture at the University of North Carolina atCharlotte • Special thanks to the following people at AISC for their support and help over the duration of the project: Fromy Rosenberg,PE, Director, AISC UniversityPrograms • Megan Maurer, Coordinator, AISC UniversityPrograms • The following people have my sincere gratitude for serving on the Focus Group and offering their comments and feedback in the development of this project: • Kurt Baumgartner, AIA, JIA, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Terri Meyer Boake, Associate Professor, University ofWaterloo • Thomas Fowler, Associate Professor, California Polytechnic StateUniversity • Harry Kaufman, PE, NCARB, Professor, Southern Polytechnic State University Kemp Mooney, Kemp MooneyArchitects • Tim Mrozowski, AIA, Professor, Michigan State University Ryan Smith, Assistant Professor, University ofUtah • The following AISC members have provided invaluable insight into the content of this teaching aid: Ron Bruce, PE, President, Builders Steel Company, North Kansas City,MO • Lawrence Kruth, PE, Engineering & Safety Manager, Douglas Steel, Lansing,MI • David McKenzie, PE, Vice President - Engineering, SP International, North Kansas City,MO L E E T S 3 Structural Steel Connections |ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

  4. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Terms • The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) is a non-profit technical institute and trade association established in 1921 to serve the structural steel design community and construction industry in the UnitedStates. • AISC is offering this teaching aid and learning tool for educational purposes only. The data and information in this presentation is not intended for use in the physical construction of steelstructures. • The information presented here is considered public information and as such may be distributed or copied. The use of appropriate credit to for images, byline, animations, and content isrequested. • We hope that you and your students will find this informationuseful. • Please contact Fromy Rosenberg (rosenberg@aisc.org) for further information on AISC or for feedback on this teaching / learningproduct. • Please contact David Thaddeus (thaddeus@email.uncc.edu) for questions or comments on the content of thisproject. L E E T S 4 Structural Steel Connections |TERMS

  5. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Contents Structural SteelConnections • Steel to SteelConnections • Overview • Bolted Connections WeldedConnections Comparison • Shear Connections • MomentConnections • ColumnSplices • Additional Animations RollerConnection • Curtain Wall to SteelFrame L E E T S 5 Structural Steel Connections |CONTENTS

  6. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Steel Connections |Overview • Connections are the glue that holds a steel structuretogether. • Historically, most major structural failures have been due to some form of connectionfailure. • Connections dependon: • Type ofloading • Strength andstiffness • Economy • Difficulty or ease of erection L E E T S 6 Structural Steel Connections |OVERVIEW

  7. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture • Steel connections have a direct influence on the cost of the framingsystem. • While a connection may be efficient in theuse • of material, it may still be very expensive toerect. • Repetitive connection design may savecosts. L E E T S 6 Structural Steel Connections |OVERVIEW

  8. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture • Most connections have the connecting material (plates,angles, …) attached to one member in the fabrication shop and to the other members in thefield. • It is a common practice to weld shop attachments and to bolt fieldattachments. • If the supporting girder and a supported beam have the same depth, the supported beam must be doublecoped. • End-plate connections are always shopwelded. L E E T S 6 Structural Steel Connections |OVERVIEW

  9. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Steel Connections | BoltedConnections • Bolting is the preferred method of connecting members on the site. Staggered bolt layout allows easier access for tightening with a pneumatic wrench when a connection is all bolted. • High strength bolts may besnug-tightened orslip-critical. • Snug-tightened connections arereferred to as bearingconnections • Bolts in a slip-critical connection act like clamps holding the plies of the material together. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | BOLTEDCONNECTIONS

  10. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture • Bearing type connections may have threads included ( Type N ) or excluded ( Type X ) from the shearplane(s). • Including the threads in the shearplane reduces the strength of the connection by approximately25%. • Loading along the length of thebolt puts the bolt in axialtension. • If tension failure occurs, it usually takes place at the threadedsection. Cy Twombly Gallery. Houston, Texas RenzoPiano L E E T Milwaukee Art Museum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin SantiagoCalatrava S Structural Steel Connections | BOLTEDCONNECTIONS

  11. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture • Three types of high strength bolts A325, A490 (Hexagonal HeadBolts), and F1852 (Button HeadBolt) • A325 may begalvanized • A490 bolts must not be galvanized F1852 bolts are mechanicallygalvanized • High strength bolts are mostcommonly available in 5/8”– 1 ½”diameters • Bolting requires punching or drilling ofholes Slotted holes allow for thermal expansion /contraction • Holes may be standard size holes, oversize holes, short slotted holes, long slottedholes L E E T Oversize holes allow for tolerance in assembling theframe S Structural Steel Connections | BOLTEDCONNECTIONS

  12. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Steel Connections | WeldedConnections • Due to high costs of labor, extensive field -welding is the most expensive component in a steelframe. • Welding should be performed on baremetal. • Shop welding is preferred over fieldwelding. • The weld material should have a higher strength than the pieces beingconnected. L E E T De Menil CollectionMuseum Houston .Texas RenzoPiano BCE Place Galleria Toronto . Canada SantiagoCalatrava10 S Structural Steel Connections | WELDEDCONNECTIONS

  13. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture • Single-pass welds are more economical than multi-passwelds. • The most economical size weld that may be horizontallydeposited in one pass has5/16”. Miller Outdoor Theater Houston .Texas. • Fillet welds and groove welds make up the majority of all structuralwelds. • The strength of a fillet weld is directly proportional to the weld’s throatdimension. • The capacity of a weld depends onthe weld’s throat dimension and itslength L E E Crown Hall at IITCampus Chicago .Illinois Ludwig Mies van derRohe T S Structural Steel Connections | WELDEDCONNECTIONS

  14. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Steel Connections | ShearConnections • Shear connections are the most prevalent type of connections in a steel framebuilding. • Shear connections are called simple connections – Since they are assumed not to transfer bending moment, thus allowing end rotation of themember. • Shear connections may be made to the web of the supported member while the flanges remainunconnected. L E E T Shear Connections transfer load from beam web to column flange. No moment transfer occurs since the flanges are free torotate Cantilevered Beam with Shearsplice S Structural Steel Connections | SHEARCONNECTIONS

  15. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture The Corning Museum ofGlass Corning . NewYork Smith - Miller +Hawkinson • Seat or hanger connections are the only type of shear connections that connect to the flange of the supportedbeam. • Angles for shear connections may be attached to supporting members by bolting orwelding. • Although single plate connections, are the most economical, they must sometimes be evaluated foreccentricity. • Single angle connections allow end-rotation for flexibleconnections. • Single angle connections tend to have lower load capacities than double-angleconnections. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEARCONNECTIONS

  16. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Steel Connections | Moment Connections • Moment connections are also called rigidconnections. • Moment connections carry a portion or the full moment capacity of the supported member thus preventing any end-rotation of themember. • Moment connections are typically designed to also carry the shear component of theload. L E E The Royal OntarioMuseum Toronto .Canada DanielLibeskind T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENTCONNECTIONS

  17. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture • Moment connections provide continuity between the supported and supportingmembers. • Relative rotation between thesupporting and supported members isnegligible. • The flanges of the supported member are attached to either a connection elementor directly to the supportingmember. L The De Menil Collection Museum Houston .Texas RenzoPiano E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENTCONNECTIONS

  18. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Steel Connections | Welding vs.Bolting WELDING BOLTING • Advantages: • Eliminates need for punching ordrilling. • Simplifies complicatedjoints. • Disadvantages: • Greater level of skillrequired for welding thanbolting • More expensive thanbolting. • Weld inspection is required andis expensive. • Advantages: • Easy method of connecting members on thesite. • Field-bolting is cheaperthan field-welding. • Disadvantages: • Requires drilling or punchingthrough allplies. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | WELDING vs.BOLTING

  19. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Bolted Double Angle | Field-Bolted Beam to Girder orColumn • Double angles are shop-bolted to the web of thebeam. • If the beam and girder have the same depth, then both flanges of the beam are coped to meet flush with the top flange of thegirder. • The double angles are then field-bolted to theweb of thegirder. • The holes on the beam and the girder may beoffset with respect to each other for ease offastening. • Some rotation is possible in the gap between the beam flanges and the column web. This happens by the yielding of the connection material (the outstanding angleleg) • This is a shear connection since the double angles are fastened to the web, and transfer the load inshear. • The bolts on the beam web are in doubleshear. Those on the girder web are in singleshear. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR1

  20. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Bolted Double Angle | Field-Bolted Beam to Girder orColumn L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR1

  21. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Double Angle | Field-Bolted Beam to Girder orColumn • Double angles are shop-welded to the web of thebeam. • If the beam and girder have different depth, the top flange of the beam is coped to meet flush with the top flange of thegirder. • The double angles are then field-bolted to the web of thegirder. • Some rotation is possible in the gap between the beam flanges and the column web. This happens by the yielding of the connection material (the outstanding angleleg). • This is a shear connection since the double angles are fastened to the web, and transfer the load inshear. • The bolts on the girder web are in singleshear. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR2

  22. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Double Angle | Field-Bolted Beam toGirder L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR2

  23. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Double Angle | Field-Welded Beam to ColumnWeb • Double angles areshop-welded to the web of thebeam. • If the beam flanges are too wide to fit in between the column flanges, the beam flanges will becoped. • Some rotation is possible in the gapbetween the beam flanges and the column web. This happens by the yielding of the connection material (the outstanding angleleg) • This is a shear connection since the double angles are fastened to the webs of the beam andcolumn. • The vertical segment of the weld transfers the load from the beam web to the columnweb. • Welding all around the outstanding legwill inhibit the flexibility of theconnection. • The weld at the top is limited to aweld-return. • The weld at the bottom isoptional. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR3

  24. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Double Angle | Field-Welded Beam to ColumnWeb L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR3

  25. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture End Plate Connection | Field-Welded Beam to GirderWeb • End plate is shop-welded to the web of thebeam. • Holes in the end plate are punched in theshop. • Some rotation is possible in the gap between the beam flanges and the column web. Thishappens by the yielding of the connectionmaterial • (the outstanding angle leg) The end plate isthen • field-bolted to the web of thegirder. • This is a shear connection as the end plate is fastened to the web of the girder (beamflanges are not secured againstrotation) • The bolts attaching the end plate to thegirder web are in singleshear. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR 4

  26. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture End Plate Connection | Shop-WeldedField-Bolted L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR 4

  27. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Unstiffened Seat | Shop-Welded andField-Bolted • The angles are pre-drilled or punched in the shop before they are welded to the girder orcolumn. • The bottom angle is called theseat. • The seat is where the girder transfers its load to the column inbearing. • The top angle provides stability to thegirder. • The seat angle is larger and thicker since it transfers the load from the girder to thecolumn. • Unlike others, this shear connection is not made to theweb. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR5

  28. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Seat (Unstiffened) | Field-Bolted to ColumnFlange L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR5

  29. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Single Plate | Field-Bolted Plate to Beam orColumn • The single plate is pre-drilled or punched and then shop-welded to the supporting columnor • girderweb. • The beam may be swung into place insteadof lowered intoplace. • The top flange of the beam is coped tomatch the girderelevation. • This is a shear connection since the single plate is fastened to the web of thebeam. • The bolts shown are in singleshear. • This connection can transfer a small amount of moment to the supportingmember L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR6

  30. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Single Plate | Field-Bolted Plate to BeamWeb L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | SHEAR6

  31. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Flange Plates | Field-Bolted Girder toColumn • The top and bottom flange plates are pre-drilled and then shop-welded to thecolumn. • The top and bottom flange plates arefield-bolted to the girderflanges. • The flange plates are cut to fill the space between the columnflanges. • The single plate on the girder web transfers shear to thecolumn. The Corning Museum ofGlass Corning . NewYork Smith - Miller +Hawkinson • The flange plates prevent rotation and thus the transfer of moment forces to thecolumn • Allowance for shims must be made. Mill tolerance on beam depth needs to beaccommodated L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT1

  32. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Flange Plates | Field-Bolted Girder toColumn L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT1

  33. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Flange Plates | Field-Bolted Girder toColumn • The top and bottom flanges arepre-drilled and then shop-welded to thecolumn. • The single plate is shop-bolted to the web of thegirder. • The top and bottom flange plates arefield-welded to the girderflanges. • The single plate is field-welded to the columnweb. • The flange plates are cut to fill the space between the columnflanges. • The corners of the flange plates are clipped to eliminate the development ofstress • concentrations at the re-entrant (back)corners. • These corners are left open and are notwelded. • The single plate on the girder web transfers shear to thecolumn • The flange plates prevent rotation and thus the transfer of moment forces to the column, which makes this a momentconnection • Allowance for shims must bemade. • Mill tolerance on beam depth needs to beaccommodated L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT2

  34. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Flange Plates | Field-Bolted Girder toColumn L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT2

  35. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded End Plate | Field-Bolted Girder toColumn • The end plate is pre-drilled andshop-welded to the end of thegirder. • The corresponding holes in the columnflange arepre-drilled. • The two transverse stiffener plates are shop- welded to secure the column flanges against the load transferred from the girderflanges. • Extended end-plate connectionsrequire tight fabrication and erectiontolerances. • Extended end plate prevents rotation and thus transfers moment forces to the column, which makes this a momentconnection. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT 3

  36. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded Plate | Field-Bolted Girder toColumn L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT 3

  37. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Field-Bolted Moment Splice | Girder to Girder or ColumnConnection • All holes in this connectionare pre-drilled in theshop. • The web and flanges of eachgirder arepre-drilled. • (2) Shear plates are field-boltedin each side of thewebs. • The plates that attach the (2) webs to each other are responsible for transferringshear. • Pre-drilled flange plates are field-boltedto the top and bottomflanges. The Royal OntarioMuseum Toronto .Canada DanielLibeskind L • The flange plates are responsible for transferring bending moments across theconnection. • The bolts fastening the webplates are in doubleshear. • The flange plates prohibit anyrotation and so this is a momentconnection. E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT4

  38. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Field-Bolted Moment Splice | Girder to Girder or ColumnConnection L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | MOMENT4

  39. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded or Shop Bolted Splice | Connecting Two DifferentColumns • The plates are pre-punched and then shop-welded to the lower (larger)column. • The flange splice plates are field-boltedtogether. • If the two columns have the same depth, but different flange thickness, then a filler plate or shim is used to make up the difference inthickness. L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | COLUMN SPLICE1

  40. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded or Shop Bolted Splice | Connecting Two Different SizeColumns L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | COLUMN SPLICE1

  41. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Field - Welded ColumnSplice • A temporary plate or erectionaid is either welded or bolted to the web and / or flange of the lower (larger) column in theshop. • Flange plates may alsobe required for stability of the column duringerection. • This plate helps align theupper and lowercolumns. • The upper and lowercolumns may be of differentsizes. Steel Columns are most economical when they extend over 2 or morestories L • The flanges and webs of the two columns are field-welded to eachother. • This type of weld is calleda grooveweld. • Groovewelds E E T S Structural Steel Connections | COLUMN SPLICE2

  42. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Shop-Welded, Field - Bolted ColumnSplice L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | COLUMN SLPICE2

  43. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Thermal Expansion and Contraction for a Highway Girder on a RollerConnection L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | Rock & RollConnection

  44. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture Curtain Wall Connection to a SteelFrame L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | Envelope toFrame

  45. STRUCTURE OF THEEVERYDAY a teaching primer for colleges ofarchitecture theend L E E T S Structural Steel Connections | The American Institute of SteelConstruction

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