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問題解決:木とグラフの探索. 白井 良明 立命館大学情報理工学部 知能情報学科 shirai@ci.ritsumei.ac.jp. ON (B, C) ON (C, A). ON (B, C) ON (C, A). 問題の記述:初期状態と目標状態. A. B. C. B. A. C. ONTABLE (A) ONTABLE (C). x. y. 問題の記述: オペレータ.

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  1. 問題解決:木とグラフの探索 白井 良明 立命館大学情報理工学部 知能情報学科 shirai@ci.ritsumei.ac.jp

  2. ON (B, C) ON (C, A) ON (B, C) ON (C, A) 問題の記述:初期状態と目標状態 A B C B A C ONTABLE (A) ONTABLE (C)

  3. x y 問題の記述:オペレータ PICKUP(x);テーブルの上のxをつかむ                 前提条件: ONTABLE(x),CLEAR(x),EMPTY           削除リスト:ONTABLE(x),CLEAR(x),EMPTY           追加リスト:HOLD(x);手はxをつかんでいる      PUTDOWN(x);xをテーブルの上に置く                 前提条件: HOLD(x)                           削除リスト:HOLD(x)                           追加リスト: ONTABLE(x),CLEAR(x),EMPTYTAKEOFF(x,y);yの上にあるxをつかむ                前提条件:ON(x,y),CLEAR(x),EMPTY               削除リスト: ON(x,y),CLEAR(x),EMPTY               追加リスト:CLEAR(y),HOLD(x)                PUTON(x,y);xをyの上へ置く                       前提条件: HOLD(x),CLEAR(y)                    削除リスト:HOLD(x),CLEAR(y)                   追加リスト:  ON(x,y),CLEAR(x),EMPTY x x

  4. 木の探索 S A B C D E F H G

  5. width-first procedure depth-first tree search • add (s, open); • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into the top of open and attach pointers to n; • Go to LOOP. last

  6. グラフの探索 D B E G H A C F S I

  7. procedure depth-first tree search • add (s, open); • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into the top of open and attach pointers to n; • Go to LOOP. add(n, closed)

  8. procedure depth-first tree search • add (s, open); • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into the top of open and attach pointers to n; • Go to LOOP. which are not in open nor closed

  9. 4 1 6 5 4 3 5 7 6 7 最適経路の探索 S 4 1 B A 2 3 1 2 E C F D 4 3 2 1 H G1 I G2

  10. procedure optimal tree search • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into open and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP.

  11. 4 1 6 5 4 3 5 7 6 7 最適経路の探索 S 4 1 B A 2 3 1 2 E C F D 4 3 2 1 H G1 I G2

  12. グラフ最適経路の探索 D B E G 6 5 4 5 3 6 H A 4 5 C F 6 S I

  13. procedure optimal tree search • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into open and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP.

  14. procedure optimal tree search • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into open, and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP. add(n, closed)

  15. procedure optimal tree search • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into open, and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP. which are not in open nor closed. If child node j was in open and g^(n, j) < g^(j), then attach pointers to n;

  16. グラフ最適経路の探索 D B E G 6 5 4 5 3 6 H A 4 5 C F 6 S I

  17. グラフ最適経路の探索 4 B G 3 C A 2 H D E 4 S F

  18. グラフ最適経路の探索 4 B G 3 C A 2 7 H D E 4 S F

  19. グラフ最適経路の探索 4 B G 3 C A 2 / 5 7 H D E 4 S F

  20. グラフ最適経路の探索 4 B G 8 3 C A 2 6 5 H D E 4 6 S F

  21. 1 3 0 D B E G 2 3 A H 4 3 C F 4 6 S I グラフの最良優先探索

  22. 2 1 3 0 D B E G 2 3 A H 4 4 3 C F 4 6 S I グラフの最良優先探索 3 6

  23. 1 2 1 3 3 0 D B E G 2 3 A H 4 4 3 C F 4 6 S I グラフの最良優先探索 3 6

  24. 1 2 1 3 0 3 0 D B E G 2 2 3 A H 4 4 3 C F 4 6 S I グラフの最良優先探索 3 6

  25. procedure best-first search • add (s, open); • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes except in open or closed into open, Sort nodes in open in increasing order of h^ ; • Go to LOOP;

  26. 0 B G 4 3 A C 3 4 2 H D E 6 4 S F グラフの最良優先探索

  27. 2 0 B G 4 4 3 3 A C 3 4 2 H D E 6 6 4 S F グラフの最良優先探索 3

  28. 2 0 B G 4 4 3 3 A C 3 4 4 2 2 H D E 6 6 4 S F グラフの最良優先探索 3

  29. 2 0 0 B G 4 4 3 3 A C 3 4 4 2 2 H D E 6 6 4 4 S F グラフの最良優先探索 3

  30. A*アルゴリズム f^(n):= g^(n) + h^(n) 2 1 3 0 D B E G 6 3 2 A H 4 3 C F 4 6 6 S I

  31. 8 A*アルゴリズム 2 1 3 0 D B E G 6 3 2 A H 4 3 C F 4 6 6 S I

  32. 6 8 8 A*アルゴリズム 2 1 3 0 D B E G 6 3 2 A H 4 3 C F 4 6 6 S I

  33. 6 8 6 8 8 A*アルゴリズム 2 1 3 0 D B E G 6 3 2 A H 4 3 C F 4 6 6 S I

  34. procedure optimal tree search • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into open, and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP. which are not in open nor closed. If child node j was in open,select min{g^(j), g^(n, j)},

  35. procedure optimal tree search • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes into open, and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP. which are not in open nor closed. If child node j was in open,select min{g^(j), g^(n, j)},

  36. procedure optimal search • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes except in open or closed into open, compute g, and attach pointers to n; and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP. If child node j was in open,select min{g^(j), g^(n, j)},

  37. A-algorithm procedure optimal search f^(s):=h^(s); • add (s, open); g^(s):= 0; • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes except in open or closed into open, compute g, and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP. f^(n, j):= g^(n, j) + h^(n); If child node j was in open,select min{g^(j), g^(n, j)},

  38. procedure A-algorithm • add (s, open);f^(s):=h^(s); • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes except in open or closed into open, compute g; f^(n, j):= g^(n, j) + h^(n); and attach pointers to n; • Sort nodes in open in increasing order of g^; • Go to LOOP. If child node j was in open,select min{g^(j), g^(n, j)}, min{f^(j), f^(n, j)}; f^;

  39. procedure optimal search procedure A-algorithm search procedure A-algorithm search • add (s, open); f^(s):= h^(s); • LOOP: if open = null then exit(fail); • n:= first(open); • If goal(n) then exit (success); • Remove(n, open); add(n, closed) • Expand(n); • Put all child nodes except in open or closed into open, compute g; f^(n, j):= g^(n, j) + h^(n); if node j is in open or closed, select min{f^(j), f^(n, j)} and put into open; Sort nodes in open in increasing order of f^; • Go to LOOP;

  40. A*アルゴリズム 2 0 6 B G 4 3 6 6 A C 3 4 2 D E H 6 6 4 S F

  41. A*アルゴリズム 2 0 6 B G 4 3 6 6 A C 3 4 2 8 10 D E H 6 6 4 S F

  42. A*アルゴリズム 2 0 6 B G 4 3 6 6 A C 8 3 4 2 8 D E H 6 6 10 4 S F

  43. A*アルゴリズム 2 8 0 6 B G 4 3 6 6 A C 8 3 4 2 8 10 8 D E H 6 6 10 4 S F

  44. CLOSED, OPEN を用いる例 10 S 3 1 9 9 6 10 A B 1 6 4 5 8 7 14 7 15 E D C

  45. CLOSED, OPEN を用いる例 10 S 3 1 8 9 6 10 A B 1 6 4 5 8 7 14 15 7 15 E D C

  46. CLOSED, OPEN を用いる例 10 S 3 1 8 9 6 10 A B 1 6 4 5 8 7 14 15 13 7 14 15 E D C

  47. A*アルゴリズムが有効な例 S (7) 4 5 6 9 9 8 (5) (4) (2) A B C 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 10 8 9 (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (1) D E K F H I J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 3 3 4 4 4 9 8 G2 G1 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8

  48. A*アルゴリズムとならない例 S 5 2 3 5 3 4 7 A B 4 2 G 6

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