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Active European Citizenship and the Europe for Citizens programme (2007–2013). Jim Dratwa, Citizenship policy - "Europe for Citizens" Unit Directorate General for Education and Culture European Commission Douzelage Conference in Türi, Estonia , 8-11 May 2008. Context.
Active European Citizenship and the Europe for Citizens programme (2007–2013) Jim Dratwa, Citizenship policy - "Europe for Citizens" Unit Directorate General for Education and Culture European Commission Douzelage Conference in Türi, Estonia, 8-11 May 2008
Context • Active citizenship • A priority for the Barroso Commission: • To bridge the gap between the citizens and the European institutions • No miracle solution, but a series of tools: • Better inform (Communication, COMM) • Make citizens aware of their rights (Fundamental rights and Citizenship, JLS) • Associate citizens actively («Europe for Citizens», EAC)
DG EAC instruments to foster active European citizenship • Programme “Europe for citizens” (2007-2013) • Other programmes (2007-2013) • - Life-Long Learning } • - Culture } citizenship aspect integrated • - Youth } • + Sport • Visits section - organisation of information in the Commission • - groups of citizens • - information multipliers
Programme “Europe for citizens” Overview General objectives and specific objectives Permanent and annual priorities Actions – 1, 2, 3, 4 Implementation
General objectives • Participation of citizens • European identity • Sense of belonging/ownership • Tolerance and mutual understanding
Specific objectives • Bringing together people from local communities across Europe. • Fostering action, debate and reflections related to European citizenship and democracy. • Bringing Europe closer to its citizens by promoting Europe’s values and achievements. • Encouraging interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries.
Permanent Priority Themes – and annual focus • Future of the European Union and its basic values 2008: New institutional developments 9th May •Active European Citizenship: participation and democracy in Europe 2008: Women participation in political life •Inter-cultural dialogue 2008: The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 •People’s well-being in Europe: employment, social cohesion and sustainable development 2008: Sport for active citizenship and social inclusion •Impact of EU policies in societies 2008: The European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009
Permanent Priority Themes – and annual focus • Future of the European Union and its basic values 2008: New institutional developments 9th May •Active European Citizenship: participation and democracy in Europe 2008: Women participation in political life •Inter-cultural dialogue 2008: The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008 •People’s well-being in Europe: employment, social cohesion and sustainable development 2008: Sport for active citizenship and social inclusion •Impact of EU policies in societies 2008: The European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009
Fields of Action 1.Active Citizens: Twinning (citizens meetings/ networks); Citizens’ panels 2. Active Civil Society: NGO’s projects & operating grants 3. Together for Europe: High visibility events; studies; 4. Active remembrance: Preservation of memorials and memory
Implementation :Participating countries The 27 Member States Conditionally: • The EFTA States that are party to the EEA Agreement (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway - likely 2008) • Countries of the western Balkans • The candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy (Croatia in! – FYROM and Albania likely 2008)
Implementation :Beneficiaries Local and regional authorities and their organisations Civil society organisations including: Trade unions Educational institutions Organisations active in the field of voluntary work Organisations active in the field of amateur sport Organisations specific to remembrance Museums, archives etc.
Budget 2007-2013: € 215 M Action 1, at least 45 % Action 2, approximately 31 % Action 3, approximtely 10 % Action 4, approximately 4 % Implementation
Action 1: Town Twinning; Citizens’ Projects • "A twinning is the coming together of two communities • seeking, in this way, to take action with a European perspective • in the aim of facing their problems and developing between • themselves closer and closer ties of friendship." (source CEMR practical handbook) • Encourage friendship, co-operation, mutual understanding, trust • Instrument for peace, stability, integration (2nd WW, enlargements) • Exchange of experiences (i.e. waste treatment, social welfare, eco)
CEMR (Council of European Municipalities and Regions) Database “twinning market”(search by country, population size). Spring 2008 website will be updated in 20 languages with instructions http://www.twinnings.org/en/index_en.htm Contact CEMR 35 Twinning officers and national associations : http://www.ccre.org/docs/twinning_officers.doc
Minimum grant € 2.000 & maximum € 20.000 • Flat rate system (no invoices, fixed rate per person/country) • Phases : 5 per year covering a full year since 2008 (January to Dec) • Applicant: town or municipality where meeting takes place • Countries: 27 EU Member States + Croatia as of November 2007 • Bilateral (1+1): minimum 10 participants from each invited town • Multilateral (1+2 or more): minimum 5 participants from each invited town • Existing or future town twinning agreement (proof) • At least 2 Member states involved
1 or 3 days conference(s)/workshop(s) Two per project Clear target group and priority themes, should serve as basis for future initiatives and actions 20 participants from 3 municipalities from different Member States in the framework of town twinning Municipalities and their twinning committees; local and regional governments; associations representing local authorities Creation/consolidation of networks of twinned towns As of 2008 – multi-annual networking of twinned towns and support measures Thematic networking of twinned towns
Provide clear and complete documentation Address objectives, themes, horizontal features in the project description and plan for the meeting / conference If applicable, take into account the priority criteria Explain who are participants and their ‘active’ role Involve local community in all phases of citizens’ meetings Submit detailed ‘digestible’ plan for the meeting / conference Provide convincing plan of how to give your project visibility / publicity Ensure project results identifiable products and relevant to participants / target group / users Demonstrate convincing ideas, arguments to support sustainable twinning / network development How to prepare a good proposal?
Grant Organisation : Flat rate from host country X participants x days x daily rate 2.Grant Transport : Flat rate X participants x km x € 0.025 (round trip distance for return journey Michelin automatic distance calculator) Min € 2,000 and max € 20,000 per project Only one grant per year ! Calculation of grants: Citizens’ meetings
How and when informed on results of the selection? • Reception of applications • Eligibility check (before and after committee, if no letter sent • with detailed motives of rejection) • Selection • Results on the web • Grant decision (unilateral act, no signature from the beneficiary) • Payment
Citizens’meetings: 2 months after event complete 4 documents 1. Final report (event, results, impact) 2. Payment request 3. List of participants signed per day per invited towns 4. Summary statement of actual costs incurred (no invoices anymore) Payment terms: 45 days Letter is sent with amounts of final grant + details of grant split Citizens’ meetings: Final report
1. Event Grant : Country fixed rates x participants/ days Max 400 participants rate for local and international) rates calculated using EUROSTAT cost per country. Min of 3 hours’ activity = 1 day (excluding receptions, meals or social activities) Maximum duration 3 days 2. Communication Grant : Flat rate same for all countries per each tool € 1.500 a) Publication (min 8 p, 1,000 copies) b) DVD or CD-ROM (15 minutes, 1,000 copies) c) EU domain name website having + links 5 websites, min 12 months) Max 3 separate communication tools max € 4.500 Calculation of grants: Thematic networking
Thematic Network: 2 months after event complete 6 documents 1. Implementation report (copy of press, pub material event) 2. Payment request 3. List of conference/workshop participants and who are included in the payment request calculation (separate list for local and international participants nb only the signed lists can be taken into consideration 4. Original of the programme for the event(s) and documentation 5. If applicable, 2 originals of publications, CD’s, CD-Roms, DVD copy of invoices printing, publication, production) 6 Summary statement of actual costs Thematic networking: Final report
Key documents to consult before applying User guide (in 23 languages) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/citizenship/guide/documents/programme_guide_en.pdf Frequently asked questions – FAQ http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/citizenship/faq/faq_citizens_meetings_2007_en.pdf On-line application guide (in 23 languages) http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/citizenship/action1/towntwinning/funding_en.htm
Action 2: Operating grants and NGO projects • Foster action, debate and reflection related to European citizenship • and democracy, shared values, common history and culture. • Structural support to civil society organisations and think tanks at • European level in form of an operating grant. • Support to concrete cooperation projects of civil society • organisations from different participating countries established at • local, regional, national or European level. • Involvement of at least 2 participating countries is required.
Action 2: Grant calculation • 2 types of support: • Operating grants (not linked to project but structural support to cover the costs necessary for the proper conduct of the normal and permanent activities of the organisations selected. • 25-30 grants/year ; 30.000 – 250.000 € • Civil society projects : (projects from a non profit making organisation) action, debate, reflexion, networking • max 12 months (flat rate system + max 3 comm tool 1500€ each)
Action 3: Together for Europe • New action to ensure: • Mobilisation of the citizens on the European level • Visibility of the programme and its objectives • Dissemination of the results • Specifically : • High visibility events • Studies and opinion polls • Information tools, internet portal « citizenship »
Action 4: Active European Remembrance • Preservation of main sites and memorials associated with the mass deportations and extermination sites of Nazism, as well as projects related to the memory of the victims and of those who rescued people from the holocaust. • Commemoration of the victims of mass exterminations and mass deportations associated with Stalinism, as well as the preservation of the memorials and archives.
Implementation :Finding a balance Between continuity and innovation Between activities directly involving citizens as well as structured measures
Implementation :New synergies Between the actors : encouraging new partnerships and creation of networks Between different activities : «cross-fertilization»
Implementation :Valorisation Each project will be encouraged to disseminate its results Certain categories of projects will ensure visibility and sustainability. Ex. thematic networking Certain organisations will have a specific role to play. Ex. intermediaries, networks… Commission plays active role at programme level
Programme Guide published on http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/citizenship/index_en.htm Includes all procedures and conditions for applying for the actions and measures, including deadlines for applications until 2013. Implementation
More information http://ec.europa.eu/citizenship http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/citizenship/index_en.htm
Today, the 9th of May …and the future
Contact details – Executive Agency Mailboxes per action Town twinning eacea-p7@ec.europa.eu Civil society eacea-p7-civilsociety@ec.europa.eu Remembranceeacea-p7-remembrance@ec.europa.eu :Executive agency Education, audiovisual & culture (EACEA) Unit Citizenship (P7) BOUR 00/13 Avenue du Bourget, 1 B-1140 Brussels