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First technical workshop on the revision of the Guidelines for the review of Biennial Reports and National Communications, including National Inventory reviews for developed country Parties. Javier Hanna , MDA - UNFCCCsecretariat,. Introduction Bonn, Germany, 7 October 2013. Outline.
First technical workshop on the revision of the Guidelines forthe review of Biennial Reports and National Communications, including National Inventory reviews for developed country Parties Javier Hanna, MDA - UNFCCCsecretariat, Introduction Bonn, Germany, 7 October 2013
Outline • Background • Work programme • SBSTA 37 • SBSTA 38 • Organization of the work • Three sessions of the workshop
1/CP.16 (2010): Developed country Parties should enhance their reporting in National Communications and submit Biennial Reports: Progressmade in achieving emission reductions; Provisionof financial, technological and capacity-building support to developing country Parties Building on existing reporting and review guidelines, processes and experiences, establishes a work programme: The revision of guidelines for the review of national communications, including the biennial report, annual greenhouse gas inventories and national inventory systems; Modalities and procedures for international assessment and review of emissions and removals related to quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets. Background
2/CP.17 (2011): Recognize the need to have an efficient, cost-effective and practical international assessment and review (IAR) process which does not impose excessive burden on Parties and on the secretariat: The IAR process will be conducted through a technical review of information and a multilateral assessment of the implementation of quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets; A work programme on the revision of the review guidelines under the SBSTA, with a view to concluding them no later than COP 19; Secretariat to enhance coordination between different review processes in such a way as to ensure effective and efficient processes and procedures. Background
SBSTA 36 (2012): Initiated consideration of the work programme: In revising the review guidelines, Parties should take into account experience in reporting and review of information under the Convention and the need to have a cost-effective, efficient and practical review process that does not impose an excessive burden on Parties or the secretariat; Secretariat to prepare a technical paper on current review processes under the Convention and experience in coordinating reviews of NCs and annual GHG inventories of Annex I Parties for SBSTA 37; Parties to submit views on the elements of the work programme, timeline of activities, and key elements of the revision of the review guidelines. . Work programme
SBSTA 37 (2012): Agreed on the work programme on revision of the review guidelines: NCs and BRs review guidelines will be completed by COP 19; GHG inventories review guidelines can be completed by COP 20; Take into account the experience with the review of information submitted by Annex I Parties under the Convention, including submissions from Parties and the secretariat’s experience with coordinating reviews; Need to have a cost-effective, efficient and practical review process that does not impose an excessive burden on Parties, experts or the secretariat; Lead reviewers to discuss in 2013 options to improve the cost-effectiveness, efficiency and practicality of the review process as input for SBSTA 38; Work programme
SBSTA 37 (2012): Secretariat to organize technical workshops in 2013 and 2014 as part of the work programme to advance the work, and to prepare workshop reports as inputs to discussions at SBSTA; First workshop will be held in the second half of 2013 to discuss the overall structure and approach to the review guidelines to BRs, NCs and GHG inventories, and the draft of the review guidelines for BRs and NCs; Second workshop in the first half of 2014 to continue discussions on the revised review guidelines for GHG inventories; Work programme could be adjusted and could be additional workshops before COP 20. Work programme
SBSTA 37 (2012): Work programme activities: Parties to submit views on the overall approach and structure, outline, key elements and content of the review guidelines for NCs and BRs by 15 July 2013; Secretariat to prepare a synthesis report and draft revised review guidelines for NCs and BRs, based on Parties’ submissions by 15 September 2013; Secretariat to prepare a report on the first workshop, containing the draft revised review guidelines for NCs and BRs, as input to SBSTA 39; First workshop discussions based on Parties’ submissions and outcome of lead reviewers’ meetingin 2013. Work programme
Lead reviewers meeting (2013): Consideration of options to improve the cost-effectiveness, efficiency and practicality of the review process: Streamlining the review process through combining different types of review and modifying their format and frequency; Professionalization of the review process; Enhance training activities through expanding the curriculum to cover key elements of the review of NCs and BRs. Work programme
SBSTA 38 (2013): Took note of the conclusions of the 10th meeting of lead reviewers; Noted that appropriate streamlining of the review process could improve its efficiency and cost-effectiveness: cost effective, efficient and practical review processes without compromising quality; Concluded that the review of NCs should be conducted in conjunction with the review of BRs in the years when both reports are submitted; Agreed that the same information submitted in NCs, BRs and GHG inventories would be reviewed only once; Work programme
SBSTA 38 (2013): Noted that reviews of NCs and BRs could be conducted through a combination of in-country and centralized reviews, only through centralized reviews, or only through in-country reviews: Further discussions on the specific format and combination of reviews could be carried out during the first technical workshop; Identified two alternatives to structuring the review guidelines: One set of review guidelines: general approach + specific requirements for review of NCs, BRs and GHG inventories; Three separate sets of review guidelines: NCs + BRs + GHG inventories. Work programme
SBSTA 38 (2013): First technical workshop should focus on mapping information requirements in BRs and NCs reporting guidelines to identify: overlappingreporting requirements (substantively common and duplicated information); uniqueinformation in BRs and NCs. Unique information to BRs could serve as starting point for a discussion for developing BR review guidelines; Overlapping reporting information to NC and BR could serve as input to discussion on streamlining the review process. Work programme
SBSTA 38 (2013): Parties to submit additional views on: scope, structure, timing, outline and publication of review reports; Specific views on key elements and content, and proposed texts, of the review guidelines for NCs and BRs; Secretariat to prepare a synthesis report and a draft of the review guidelines based on Parties’ submissions, in which options proposed should be traceable in a transparent manner Secretariat to begin the development of new training materials and procedures for review of NCs and BRs, which should cover reporting requirements and procedures for general aspects of the review process: Secretariat to present developed materials and procedures at SBSTA 39. Work programme
Agenda contains three main sessions: Where we are now? What the future will look like? What is to be done? The agenda has ben prepared under the guidance of the SBSTA Chair. The agenda is flexible and shall meet the objectives of the workshop and accommodate its timing to cover all the main points under discussion, as well as to provide to SBSTA 39 with a draft review guidelines for its consideration. Organization of the work
First session: Where we are now? Introduction and detailed recapitulation of the mandate and the advances in the work programme; Overview of the Parties’ views on: Overall structure and approach to the review guidelines to BRs, NCs and GHG inventories; Overlapping and unique information in reporting requirements; Views on general and specific key elements of the review guidelines. Organization of the work
Second session: What the future will look like? Identification of overlapping and unique information in BRs, NCs and GHG inventories: Complete and detailed mapping of the reporting requirements. Planning for the International Assessment and Review Process: Timing for the technical reviews and multilateral assessment and needed institutional arrangements. Organization of the work
Third session: What is to be done? Overview of the draft review guidelines: Complete text of the review guidelines based on the Parties’ views and experiences of the secretariat. Three main session discussions: Objectives, approach and overall structure of the review guidelines; Format, procedures and timing of the reviews => streamlining; Specific issues: identification of problems, role of the LRs and the secretariat, training activities, outline of review reports, etc. Work on the text: General approach, review of NCs and review of BRs. Organization of the work