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Topics for discussion. Implication of assets and investment strategy in Canadian Valuation Methodology : Canadian Asset Liability Method (CALM)Asset capital requirement under Canadian Capital Framework : Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements (MCCSR)IFRS brings unknown changes. CALM .
1. Implication of Asset in liabilities valuation andcapital requirementKin Chung Chan, FSA, FCIA, FLMIVP & ActuaryCorporate Actuarial
2. Topics for discussion Implication of assets and investment strategy in Canadian Valuation Methodology : Canadian Asset Liability Method (CALM)
Asset capital requirement under Canadian Capital Framework : Minimum Continuing Capital and Surplus Requirements (MCCSR)
IFRS brings unknown changes
3. CALM Policy liabilities calculated under CALM (CIA SOP 2320.02)
The amount of the policy liabilities calculated under CALM for a particular scenario is equal to the amount of supporting assets at the balance sheet date which are forecasted to reduce to zero at the last liability cash flow in that scenario
Liability grouping and asset segmentation (CIA SOP 2320.09)
The actuary would usually apply the Canadian asset liability method to policies in groups which reflect the insurer’s asset-liability management practice for allocation of assets to liabilities and investment strategy. That application is a convenience, however, which would not militate against calculation of policy liabilities that, in the aggregate, reflect the risks to which the insurer is exposed
4. CALM (continued) Forecast of cash flow (CIA SOP 2320.41)
In calculating policy liabilities, the actuary would allocate assets to the liabilities at the balance sheet date, forecast their cash flow after that date, and, by trial and error, adjust the allocated assets so that they reduce to zero at the last cash flow.
5. CALM (continued) Scenario assumptions: Interest rates (CIA Sop 2330)
2330.01 : An interest rate scenario comprises, for each forecast period between the balance sheet date and the last cash flow,
An investment strategy, and
An interest rate for each risk-free asset and the corresponding premium for each asset subject to default
2330.04 : The investment strategy defines reinvestment and disinvestment practice for each type, default risk classification, and the term of the invested assets which support policy liabilities. Assumption of the insurer’s current investment strategy implies investment decisions of reinvestment and disinvestment in accordance with that strategy and hence the risk inherent in that strategy.
6. CALM (continued) Prescribed scenarios
2330.10 : Because future investment returns and inflation rates are so conjectural, it is desirable that the calculation of policy liabilities for all insurers take account of certain common assumptions. There are therefore nine prescribed scenarios which follow.
2330.15 : the prescribed scenarios provide guidance on interest rates for sale and purchase of investments and on the type and term of investments purchased, but provide no guidance on the type and term of investments sold.
7. CALM (continued) Implication of integrating asset and investment strategy in CALM
Market value changes in assets
The CALM reserve is a cash flow reserve, the changes in market value of debt assets in accounting statement would not introduce gain/loss as the level of reserve is reported at the market value of the Hold-for-trading assets required in calculating the CALM reserve
Change in market value of equity assets does affect the calculation of CALM reserve as selling of such assets is per schedule of selling in the CALM model
Change in credit spread will be reflected in asset modeling in CALM and hence impact cash flows in investing and disinvesting on debt assets
8. CALM (continued) Implication of integrating asset and investment strategy in CALM (continued)
Importance of a dynamic governance framework to ensure investment practice and investment strategy are synchronised
Given the impact of reinvesting and disinvesting of assets in the model, a strong governance is needed to protect the integrity of the reserve calculation, yet allow a sound and dynamic investment practice
Two examples
In a highly depressed equity market and with a further stressed test on the equity by dropping the market value by another 40%, it would be considered an unusual situation that warrants judgment to change asset purchasing and selling strategy to be inline with investment practice
A temporary over-investment in risk free government bonds at a time when investing in corporate bonds are deemed risky
9. Overview of MCCSR Minimum Continuing Capital and Solvency Requirement
Capital Required
5 main categories plus others
Evolving over time as investment assets and insurance products changes
Available Capital
Permanent, free of mandatory fixed charges against earnings, and subordinated legal position to the rights of policyholders
Separate into Tier 1 and Tier 2, Tier 1 capital with a supervisory target ratio of 105%
Supervisory target is 150%
10. Overview of MCCSR (continued) Minimum Continuing Capital and Solvency Requirement
Unregistered Reinsurance treatment
Cannot take solvency credit unless dedicated asset available to back ceded liabilities
Opinion of the Appointed Actuary
Covers both capital required and available capital calculation
11. Overview of MCCSR (continued) Available Capital
Tier 1
Appropriations (subtracted)
Goodwill (subtracted)
Innovative instrument
OCI (negative)
Tier 2
OCI (positive)
Subordinated debt
Appropriations (added)
Out of Canada Terminal Dividend
Non-life investments and other (subtracted)
12. Overview of MCCSR (continued) Required capital
asset default risk (C-1)
mortality/morbidity/lapse Risk
interest margin pricing risk
changes in interest rate environment risk
segregated funds risk
other risk
off balance sheet exposures
indexed linked pass through products
13. Asset default risk (C-1) Asset default factor
Short-term securities (original maturities of less than one year)
0% - 2%
Bonds/Loans/Private Placements
Rating based
0% - 16%
Can use company internal rating if external rating not available
14. Asset default risk (C-1) (continued) Asset default factors
By type of mortgaged property
2% - 8%
asset default risk (C-1)
Equity and Mutual Fund Instruments
Preferred stocks: from 1% to 15%
Common stocks: 15%
15. Asset default risk (C-1) (continued) Asset Replicated Synthetically and Derivatives Transactions
Credit Protection Provided
Same as holding the security directly
Short Positions in Equities
Same as holding the net exposure of the underlying equity
Futures, Forwards and Swaps
Report the equivalent of the spot position
Futures contract to purchase equities will report the market value of the equities underlying the futures contract
Swap will report the long position
16. Asset default risk (C-1) (continued) Asset Replicated Synthetically and Derivatives Transactions
Options on Equities
Capital charge determined by a 2-dimensional matrix of changes in the value of the option position under various market scenarios
Alternative treatment for purchased option is to deduct the carrying value of the option from the available capital
Options hedge recognition
Allowed if option’s reference asset is exactly the same as the asset held
17. Asset default risk (C-1) (continued) Asset Replicated Synthetically and Derivatives Transactions
Equity-Linked Notes
Need to be decomposed into the sum of a fixed-income amount, and the value of the option embedded within the note
Convertible bonds
Capital charge is equal to the charge for the bond’s fixed-income component plus the equity option charge for the bond’s embedded warrant
Alternative is treat the full carrying amount of the convertible bond as an equity exposure
18. Evolving capital framework Based on November 2008 document
Target Assets Requirement equals best estimate of its insurance obligations plus a solvency buffer
Four risk categories
Issued draft for calculation of solvency buffer for market risk in November 2008
19. Evolving capital framework (continued) Approach to calculate solvency buffer for market risk
Same risk same solvency buffer
Consistent with future modeling approach
Deterministic stress tests
Measure risk by legal entity
20. Evolving capital framework (continued) Market risk categories
Interest rate
Interest rate spread
Real estate
Market option
Liability market option
Asset market option
21. Evolving capital framework (continued) Procedure to calculate the solvency buffer
No reinvestment of cash flows
Assume cash flow from non-interest sensitive assets are teir market value at time zero
Base scenario is the net present value of the asset and liability cash flows
Calculate the net present value of the asset and liability cash flow under 5 prescribed scenarios
The solvency buffer is the largest negative difference between the base scenario and the net present value of the cash flow mismatches
22. Conclusion Valuation in phase 2 of IFRS suggested that reserve will be calculated using a discounting method instead of CALM
Asset will not be part of the valuation model
Capital framework will be changed significantly
Modeling is needed for calibration
Total balance sheet approach
Implications for product design
Classification of insurance contracts vs. investment contracts
Capital and income implication
23. Questions ??