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REQUEST PROCESSING AND ISSUANCE. REQUEST ISSUANCE TEAMS. Mail in team Texas online team Lobby team Action team. MAIL IN TEAM. 11 Members in the Team. Processes approximately 102,360 requests in the last year. Currently at 19 Days to Completion (6 to 8 weeks quoted DTC).
REQUEST ISSUANCE TEAMS • Mail in team • Texas online team • Lobby team • Action team
MAIL IN TEAM • 11 Members in the Team. • Processes approximately 102,360 requests in the last year. • Currently at 19 Days to Completion (6 to 8 weeks quoted DTC). • Displaced due to Imaging Project, which will be for two years.
TEXAS ONLINE TEAM • Started in December of 2005. • Processes approximately 108,600 requests in the last year. • Comprised of 12 members. • Currently at 6 DTC in processing time. • Accessed at www.texasonline.gov. • Handles birth and death certificates and verifications, marriage and divorce verifications.
LOBBY TEAM • Direct customer service at our facility. • Comprised of 7 team members and support from all other teams. • Handles 55,359 customer requests in the last year. • Quick, personal service, usually within 3 hours or less. • Also handles supplementals, paternities and adoptions. Turn around in 48 hours.
ACTION TEAM • Processes credit card faxed orders and expedited overnight orders. • Credit card orders increased from 155 per month in Sept. 2007 to 2,264 per month in Sept. 2008. • Processes the DCOA orders. Increased from 108 orders per week in Sept. 2007 to 1009 orders per week in Sept. 2008. • Comprised of 4 team members.
INTERNET ACCESS • www.texasonline.gov or www.texasonline.com • http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/vs
Swifter credit card processing • Online Identification check • Faster response time • Customer convenience • Customer security Greater payment Flexibility! Qualified applicant Restrictions on Closed records!
Have you seen our website? It has everything!
VITAL STATISTICS APPLICATIONSCredit Card Application • Credit card fee is now $8.00. • Most common problems: 1. Both signatures need to be on application. 2. Legible photo ID not received.
Application to Amend Certificate of Birth.Application to Amend Certificate of Death.Application for New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage.Certificate of Adoption. VITAL STATISTICS FORMS
Application to Amend Certificate of Birth May be used to: • correct items on the Birth Certificate that have been proven by satisfactory evidence to be mistakes. • add items that were left blank. This form cannot be used to add or delete the father from the Birth Certificate. Cost: 15.00
Proper Completion of Amendment Application • Part 1: Information as it is on the record now! (Before Amendment) • Part 2: Information that needs to be Corrected • Part 3: Affidavit portion of amendment form must be a sworn statement • Please Note: This form can not be used to add the father to the birth record. No exceptions!
Part One of the Amendment Application. • If child has no name put “Infant of” then last name of father if he is listed on record. If the father is not listed, put “Infant of” then Mother’s last name. • If you do not know the state file number leave it blank. • If the father is not listed on the birth record leave it blank.
Item Number or Name as it is on the birth record: “First Name” “Item 1a” Proper Completion of Amendment Application John Jon First Name Smitth Smith Last Name What the Correct information is. How it appears on the original birth record
Proper Completion of Amendment Application James Smith and Kathy Smith • If the child is a minor and both parents are listed on child’s the birth record BOTH Parents must sign the affidavit portion. • It must say how the person who is signing the affidavit portion is related to the registrant (The person listed on the birth record) i.e. “Parents” “Mother and Father” “Older Sister” etc. “Parents” or “Mother and Father”
Application to Amend Certificate of Death May be used to: • correct items on the Death Certificate. • add items that were left off. • the informant is the only one who can amend the marital status. Cost: $15.00
Application for a New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage May be used to: • add the biological father’s name and information. • remove the father or mother’s name and information with a court order. • substitute the Intended Parents in a gestational agreement. Cost: $25.00
Adding The Biological Father To The Birth Certificate. • Texas VSU must have The Application for New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage (VS-166) completed and signed in front of a Notary Public by both parents. • If a court order establishing parentage is being submitted with the request only one parent need sign the VS-166 in front of a Notary Public.
Adding The Biological Father To The Birth Certificate; Cont. • Texas VSU will also need one of the following in addition to a properly completed VS-166 form: • If the biological parents were married before, at the time of the child's conception, at the time of the child's birth, or after the child's birth, a certified copy of a marriage license between the mother and the biological father [HSC § 192.005 (a)(1)]; • If the parents are not married, a properly completed State of Texas Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP) form (VS-159.1) [HSC § 192.005 (a)(3)]; or • Certified copy of a court decree establishing parentage between the child and the biological father [HSC § 192.005 (a)(2)].
Changing The Father's Name And Information On A Birth Certificate When There Is Already A Father Listed On It. • If the person listed on the birth certificate completed an AOP, Texas VSU must have a court decree stating person that is being added to the birth certificate is the biological father and that he is to be placed on the birth certificate. • If man is on a birth record because he is married to the mother of the child but is not the biological father, the mother and biological father can complete an AOP form with the man presently listed as the father on the existing birth certificate completing the denial portion of the AOP form.
Removing The Father's Name And Information From A Birth Certificate? • This requires a certified copy of a court order indicating that: • The man currently listed as the father on the birth certificate is not the biological father, or • The father's rights have been terminated, and his name is to be removed from the birth certificate. • The Application for a New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage (VS-166) can be signed in the presence of a notary public by either the mother or by the man whose name is being removed from the birth certificate.
Important Note!!! When a court decree Terminates the Parental Rights of the father, it must also state he is to be removed from the birth record in order for us to remove him from the birth record.
Removing The Mother's Information From A Birth Certificate. • The mother's birth information can be removed using the Application for a New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage if a court order was granted that terminates the mother's rights and specifically states that her information is to be removed from the birth certificate.
Changing the parents information on a birth certificate based on Gestational Agreements • A gestational agreement is an agreement under which a woman agrees to bear the child of a married couple. The child being carried by its "gestational mother" does not share any of her genetic material. The baby's genetic parents are usually referred to as the "intended parents.“ • Based on a gestational agreement, the court may order the birth certificate of a child born to a gestational mother be changed to show the genetic parents' names and information.
Changing the parents information on a birth certificate based on Gestational Agreements, Cont. • The Hospital can place the intended parents on the birth certificate if the court decree specifically states that the hospitals is to do so. • The birth certificate can also be changed after record has been filed with the state by submitting the Application for New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage and a certified copy of the gestational agreement, indicating the intended parents to be placed on the birth certificate, with the required fees.
Changing the Child’s Last Name • The parents may change the child’s last name (surname) to that of the father without a court order when adding the father to the birth record. 01 01 2008 Travis John Jacob Black Lucy Black Grey John Jacob 01 31 1970 Texas Grey Jim 07 04 1976 Lucy Black Texas
Changing the Child’s Last Name,Cont. • The parents also have the option of adding the father’s surname to the child’s existing surname when adding the father to the birth certificate. 01 01 2008 Travis John Jacob Black Lucy Black Grey Black John Jacob 01 31 1970 Texas Grey Jim 07 04 1976 Lucy Black Texas
Changing the Child’s Last Name, Cont. • If a court decree is being used as proof of parentage and it indicates the child’s surname is to be changed, we must change the child’s last name to what the court decree specifies. • If the court order does not address any name change at all, the parents may change the child’s last name to that of the father if BOTH parents sign the application for new birth certificate based on parentage in the presence of a notary public.
Does sending in an AOP automatically change the Birth Certificate? • No. The AOP only establishes legal parentage. An Application For New Birth Certificate Based On Parentage completed and signed in the presence of a notary public by both parents would still need to be sent into our office. • If an AOP is on file but one of the parents refuses to sign Application For New Birth Certificate Based On Parentage, we would need a court decree stating that the father is to be added to the birth certificate.
Certified Copies of Court Decrees • We must have a certified copy of the entire court decree. This certified copy must have the seal of the district clerk where it is filed.
Acknowledgment of Paternity and Divorce Decree • The denial of paternity portion of the Acknowledgment of Paternity form does not have to be completed by the presumed father if the biological mother states to the certified entity that there is a court order that states that the man the mother was married to is not the father of the child.
Acknowledgment of Paternity and Divorce Decree, Cont. • If the man the mother was married to is listed on the birth certificate as the father, VSU will need to have a certified copy of the court order to remove the presumed father from the birth certificate and place the biological father on the birth record.
Successfully Rescinding or Challenging an AOP. • To remove the father listed on the birth record we will need: • A certified copy of the court decree successfully rescinding or challenging of the AOP • The VS-166 form signed by the mother or the person who is to be removed from the birth record in the presence of a notary public • Please Note: This will not automatically change the child’s last name to the mother’s maiden name. The court order would specify the surname is to be changed or the mother would have to sign the Application for New birth Certificate Based on Parentage in front of a notary public indicating that the surname of the child is to be changed to her maiden name.
Adding A Step-Father To A Birth Certificate. • This can not be done with The Application for a New Birth Certificate Based on Parentage (VS-166). This form can only be used when adding the biological father to the birth certificate. The Step-Father must legally adopt the child in order to be placed on the birth certificate.
Obtaining a Certified Copy of the AOP. • To obtain a certified copy of the AOP, the Acknowledgement of Paternity Inquiry Request Form (VS-134.1) would need to be completed and sent into our office. The instructions are located on the application. • Access is limited to a signatory of the acknowledgment or denial (mother, father, or presumed father) and to the courts and the Title IV-D agency of this state or another state. [FC § 160.313] • The Title IV-D agency for the state of Texas is the Office of the Attorney General.
Obtaining A Copy Of The Application Used To File The New Birth Certificate Based On Parentage. • Once a new birth certificate based on parentage has been filed the original information (Original birth certificate, VS-166 form, and the supporting proof of parentage) are sealed. • Access to the original certificate of birth and related documents shall not be authorized except upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction. [Title 25 TAC §181.9 (a)] • We strongly encourage parents to retain copies of the documents that were submitted to change their child's birth certificate.
Obtaining A Copy Of The Application Used To File The New Birth Certificate Based On Parentage; Cont. • The court decree must identify the correct sealed file by including the registrant's name as it appears on the current birth certificate, the registrant's date of birth, and the registrant's place of birth. • Once the decree has been obtained, a certified copy of the court decree along with $10 sealed file opening fee would need to be sent into our office. We will retain the certified court decree.
Last name change and the Social Security Administration, DMV, etc. • In some cases the SSA, DMV, or some other entity might need to see proof of name change other than the new birth certificate. • If a court order was used to change the last name of the child they can present the court decree granting the name change.
Last name change and the Social Security Administration, DMV, etc. • When the surname of the child was changed due to a paternity action without a court order and proof of name change is needed, Texas VSU can provide a certified statement stating that the name on the birth certificate was changed and on what date it was changed.
Last name change and the Social Security Administration, DMV, etc. • The following is needed to obtain a Paternity Verification Letter: • Name and Date of Birth of the Child before and after the change • Parents Names • Return Address • Photo Identification • $22.00 Processing Fee.
Certificate of Adoption May be used to: • file an adoption which has gone through the Texas courts. • file an adoption for a child who was born in another country and adopted in a Texas court. The Certificate of Adoption is now available on our website. Cost: $25.00
Adding the Father or Mother to the birth certificate based on Adoption. • The following information will be needed: • A certificate of adoption would need to be sent into our office with, at the least, Parts 1 and 2 completed. • Part 4 would need to be completed and signed by the district clerk’s office. If part 4 cannot be completed we will need a certified copy of the court decree granting the adoption. • $25.00 processing Fee • $22.00 for Certified Copy of the New Birth Certificate • $15.00 Central Adoption Registry Fee (If it has not already been paid at the county.)
Foreign Adoption A resident of the State of Texas who adopt children in foreign countries can have a new birth certificate based on adoption filed in Texas [Title 25 TAC §181.29]
Information needed to Complete a New Birth Certificate Based on Foreign Adoption. • A certified copy of the decree of adoption granted in a foreign country and information with translation into the English language relating to the adoptive parent(s) and adoptee should be submitted to a court of competent jurisdiction of this state for validation. • It is the responsibility of the applicant(s) to have all required documents translated into the English language. • An official certificate of adoption(VS-160) must be prepared and submitted to the Bureau by the clerk of the court validating the foreign adoption. Title 25 TAC §181.29(b)
Certificates of Adoption received by VSU with No Processing Fee. • The Certificate of Adoption is placed in a permanent pending file. • If the Certificate of Adoption was sent in by the attorney, a letter is sent to the Attoney’s office requesting the processing fee. • If it is sent in by the district clerk’s office, a letter is sent to the adoptive parents requesting the processing fee.
IDENTITY OF THE COURT Pertains to the Court that Granted the Adoption Cost: $10.00
Sealed File Opening Can be either an Adoption or Paternity sealed file opening. Cost: $10.00