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Clustering benchmark graph. Link analysis of the web. Web page = vertexLink = directed edgeLink matrix: Aij = 1 if page i links to page j. Web graph: PageRank (Google) [Brin, Page] . Markov process: follow a random link most of the time; otherwise, go to any page at random.Importance = stationary distribution of Markov process.Transition matrix is p*A (1-p)*ones(size(A)), scaled so each column sums to 1.Importance of page i is the i-th entry in the principal eigen1145
1. Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication
3. Link analysis of the web Web page = vertex
Link = directed edge
Link matrix: Aij = 1 if page i links to page j
4. Web graph: PageRank (Google) [Brin, Page] Markov process: follow a random link most of the time; otherwise, go to any page at random.
Importance = stationary distribution of Markov process.
Transition matrix is p*A + (1-p)*ones(size(A)), scaled so each column sums to 1.
Importance of page i is the i-th entry in the principal eigenvector of the transition matrix.
But, the matrix is 8,000,000,000 by 8,000,000,000.
5. A Page Rank Matrix Importance ranking of web pages
Stationary distribution of a Markov chain
Power method: matvec and vector arithmetic
Matlab*P page ranking demo (from SC’03) on a web crawl of mit.edu (170,000 pages)
6. Strongly connected components Symmetric permutation to block triangular form
Find P in linear time by depth-first search [Tarjan]
7. RMAT Approximate Power-Law Graph
8. Strongly Connected Components
9. Sparse Adjacency Matrix and Graph Adjacency matrix: sparse array w/ nonzeros for graph edges
Storage-efficient implementation from sparse data structures
10. Breadth-First Search: Sparse mat * vec Multiply by adjacency matrix ? step to neighbor vertices
Work-efficient implementation from sparse data structures
11. Breadth-First Search: Sparse mat * vec Multiply by adjacency matrix ? step to neighbor vertices
Work-efficient implementation from sparse data structures
12. Breadth-First Search: Sparse mat * vec Multiply by adjacency matrix ? step to neighbor vertices
Work-efficient implementation from sparse data structures
13. Sparse Matrix times Sparse Matrix Shows up often as a primitive.
Graphs are mostly not mesh-like, i.e. geometric locality and good separators.
On a 2D processor grid, the parallel sparse algorithm looks much like the parallel dense algorithm.
Redistribute to round-robin cyclic or random distribution for load balance.
14. Load Balance Without Redistribution
15. Load Balance With Redistribution