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Test your knowledge on non-renewable and renewable energy sources, energy transformation, environmental consequences, and conservation efforts. 8 relevant keywords: Jeopardy, Non-Renewable, Renewable, Energy, Transformation, Consequences, Conservation,

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  1. Jeopardy Non-Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Energy Transformation Consequences Conservation $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. We use this most days to get to work, school, or other destinations. It is also the largest use for petroleum. What is transportation? Transportation accounts for 28% of greenhouse gas emissions! Non-Renewable Energy - $100

  3. Non-Renewable Energy - $200 • This is the number of years left that are estimated for global oil reserves. • What is 50 years? • BP, a large oil corporation, estimates this number for based on “reserve-to-production” ratios

  4. Non-Renewable Energy - $300 • Natural gas is used for heating, cooling, and electrical generation. As natural gas undergoes combustion, it releases _____ (hint: greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere. • What is carbon dioxide (CO2)? • The drilling, extraction, and transportation of natural gas leaks methane (CH4), which is another GHG!

  5. Non-Renewable Energy - $400 • This form of non-renewable energy is largely used for electricity generation today. • What is coal? • Emissions from coal power plants generated 197,286 tons of airborne particles in 2014!

  6. Non-Renewable Energy - $500 • The alteration of atoms generates nuclear energy. The division of two atoms is called ___ which releases heat energy that we capture for electricity. The combination of two atoms is ___, which releases uncontrollable amounts of energy. • What is fission and fusion? • Our sun is an example of nuclear fusion between two hydrogen isotopes!

  7. Renewable Energy - $100 • Wood, garbage, seaweed, and animal waste are all examples of a renewable energy, called ____. • What is biomass? • As long as the sun burns, these resources will continue to renew via photosynthesis.

  8. Renewable Energy - $200 • A reservoir captures large volumes of water, which is stored behind a dam. This type of renewable energy is produced when water is released through a dam. • What is a hydropower? • Central Texas uses power generated from the Highland Lake dams. • Did you know?: average annual evaporation from the lakes accounts for more than the whole region drinks!

  9. Renewable Energy - $300 • Light travels from the sun to the Earth in just 8 minutes. The sun’s energy reaches the Earth in this form. • What is radiant energy? • If you were thinking of thermal energy, that is characteristic of the energy transformation (radiant->thermal).

  10. Renewable Energy - $400 • This form of renewable energy can generate electricity for homes and businesses, and it significantly reduces harmful emissions. It doesn’t, however, generate power at night. • What is solar power?

  11. Renewable Energy - $500 • This form of renewable energy is generated by capturing the thermal energy naturally produced within the Earth’s subsurface. • What is geothermal energy? • Humans have enjoyed geothermal energy in the form of hot springs for hundreds to thousands of years!

  12. Energy Transformation - $100 • This energy transformation is how flowing water produces energy : ____ energy ->____ energy • What is mechanical to electrical energy?

  13. Energy Transformation - $200 • The process in which biomass grows includes this energy transformation: ____ energy ->____ energy • What is radiant to chemical energy (via photosynthesis)

  14. Non-Renewable Energy - $300 • Striking a match involves a three step energy transformation: _____ energy -> ___energy->___energy • What is mechanical/thermal, chemical, and electromagnetic energy?

  15. Energy Transformation - $400 • Think of a swinging pendulum. The pendulum speed is greatest at the bottom, where _____ energy and greatest, and zero _____ energy is present. • What is kinetic and potential energy?

  16. Energy Transformation - $500 According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed: • A spinning top will not remain in motion forever, but where does the energy go? The energy is transformed from mechanical to ____ energy. • What is thermal energy? • This occurs through friction between the top and the surface.

  17. Consequences- $100 • Production of electricity and heat accounts for 25% of _____ gas emissions into the atmosphere, while agriculture and forestry accounts for another 24%. • What is carbon dioxide (CO2)? • The emission of this gas creates a greenhouse effect in our atmosphere.

  18. Consequences- $200 • When humans increase energy use, we increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This creates a “thick blanket” around the Earth, causing global temperatures to ______ with time. • What is increase? • As greenhouse gas concentrations increase, less radiant energy can escape the Earth’s atmosphere!

  19. Consequences - $300 • Global sources of electricity largely comes from the burning of _____, which is non-renewable. • What is coal? • The demand for electrical energy continues to increase with rapid population growth, resulting in increased CO2 emissions. • How might we change this in the future?

  20. Consequences - $400 • Increased average global temperatures have been shown to accelerate glacial melting. This is a concern because of ___. • What is sea level rise?

  21. Consequences - $500 • This resource is necessary for all life, and is non- renewable. • What is water? • Our fresh water resources are limited and decreasing. The water is the ocean is far too salty for our uses, and desalination is too expensive!

  22. Conservation - $100 • This type of light bulb is much more energy efficient than the typical halogen bulb. • What is LED light bulb? • LED bulbs uses 12 watts of energy, while halogen bulbs use 43 watts!

  23. Conservation - $200 • This appliance is the second-greatest energy consumer in our homes and schools. • What is a water heater? • Heating and cooling our homes and schools is the highest ranking in energy consumption!

  24. Conservation - $300 • These two water-dependent appliances should only be ran when fully loaded. • What is the dishwater and washing machine? • If everyone followed this rule of thumb, energy produced from the water heater would be saved.

  25. Conservation - $400 • Leaving a vehicle in idle is a large waste of energy. For every 10 minutes your vehicle is off, you’ll prevent ____ pound(s) of carbon dioxide from being released. • What is 1 pound? • “Idle free is the way to be!”

  26. Conservation - $500 • ______ energy loss is a sneaky power sucker that occurs when devices and appliances are left plugged in. • What is Phantom [energy loss]? • A great way to mitigate against this is the use of a power strip, where a simple switch can turn off all devices.

  27. Final Jeopardy • _____ is an international body for assessing the science related to climate change. The panel assessments provide a scientific bases for governments to develop climate-related policies. • What is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)?

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