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Granton Area School District. Athletic Code Meeting August 7, 2014. Rhonda Opelt 4K-12 Principal/AD opeltr@granton.k12.wi.us Purpose of Meeting Discuss role of athletics in education Friendly reminders of forms and fees that need to be turned in prior to first practice and competition
Granton Area School District Athletic Code Meeting August 7, 2014
Rhonda Opelt 4K-12 Principal/AD opeltr@granton.k12.wi.us Purpose of Meeting • Discuss role of athletics in education • Friendly reminders of forms and fees that need to be turned in prior to first practice and competition • To introduce/revisit the Athletic Code Policy and notify parents and athletes of changes Introduction
The answer is simple: it assists the educational process in instilling and developing skills necessary for future success • What skills? • Leadership-Communication-Goal Setting-Organization-Work Ethic-Self-Discipline-Perseverance-Cooperation-Loyalty-Honesty-Perspective-Relationships Why Participate in Athletics?
Fall Sports • Football-Greenwood/GrantonCo-op Coaches: • HS Chris Schmitz, Rugg Lindner, Danny Bravener, Larry Klabon, Noah Werner • MS
Volleyball-Loyal/Granton Co-op Coaches: • HS Jessica Schoonover, Angela Kolpanen • MS Katie Treweiler • Cross Country-Loyal/Greenwood/Granton Co-op Coaches: • HS Jim Genteman, Charles Brannen • MS Mark Reis
Winter Sports • Boys Basketball • Girls Basketball • Hockey-Marshfield/Granton Co-op Spring Sports • Softball • Baseball • Track-Neillsville/Granton Co-op
Sportsmanship • Granton Athletic Programs require good sportsmanship from student-athletes, coaches and spectators. • Un-sportsmanlike conduct from athletes or spectators will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the event. • Support the participants and officials in a positive manner. Granton Area School District Athletic Program Philosophy
Eligibility • Full-time student • Meets academic requirements • Minimum of 4 classes per quarter • Up to 8 semesters of participation allowed • Must be in attendance for at least 4 consecutive periods to be eligible to participate that day • Signed pledge to athletic code
Academics • If an athlete receives an F on a grade report the athlete is ineligible to ride team bus or compete for 15 school days. Athlete has 15 days to rectify the failing grade. If athlete does not rectify, they become ineligible to participate for the remainder of the quarter (if at mid-term) and the next quarter • If a student receives two F’s on a grade report the student is ineligible to participate for the remainder of the current quarter (if at mid-term)and the next quarter
Incomplete grades • Athlete can practice but not compete • Athlete has 10 days to earn passing grade • Homeroom • Meets every day • Teacher is “Academic Advisor” • Intervention/Enrichment Period • 8th hour • All teachers are available GO SEE THEM ASK FOR HELP
Behavior • Athletes shall not manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, buy or sell alcohol, or tobacco products • Athletes shall not participate in or be present at activities at which controlled substances are being used or alcoholic beverages are being unlawfully consumed • No use, consumption, possession, distribution or sale of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia
The WIAA is against the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and other performance enhancing substances (PES). http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=H2RJwY6mNKM • Athletes shall not commit acts of vandalism or fighting on school grounds or at any school function or any other serious violation of policies of the Granton School
Consequences • First offense ------------------25% of season • Second offense ---------------25% of season • Third offense ------------------50% of season • Fourth offense ----------------Termination of the athlete’s participation for the remainder of his/her entire high school career.
Suspension will be for all conference and nonconference competitions • Athlete will attend all practices and competitions during period of suspension • If violation occurred with less than ¼ for current season remaining, the suspension will carry into next sport season in which athlete participates
If allegations are denied by the athlete, and disciplinary action has been imposed, a written appeal may be made by the athlete and/or his/her parent/guardian for a hearing by the Athletic Board. The request shall be made in writing to a school administrator. • A hearing shall be convened within three (3) days of receiving the appeal. • Those that may be in attendance at this hearing include the Athletic Board, athlete and parent/guardian, and witness to the alleged violation. Appeal Processes
If the ruling of ineligibility has been sustained by the Athletic Board, the athlete and/or parent/guardian may formally appeal the decision in writing to the School Board within seven (7) days of the last decision. The decision of the School Board will be sent by certified mail. • Athletes may not participate in the athletic program during the appeal procedure. • The decision of the School Board shall be final. Appeal Processes Cont.
Coaches Prerogative • Any coach has the right to discipline a player for behavior that is unbecoming an athlete • Any decision made by the coach in regard to disciplining a player will be consistent for all players who partake in the same behavior during the same season
If you have a concern… • Talk to the coach • In private • Not day of game • DO NOT ask “Why does _______play instead of my son/daughter ?” • Meet with AD • Meet with Athletic Board Following Proper Channels
All Sports • If a parent/guardian would like to alter transportation procedures, a request must be submitted in writing, by the parent/guardian and approved by the principal prior to that event. Transportation
Co-op Sports • School provides transportation to and from practices. All participants are to travel to and from practice on the school transportation • School provides transportation to the co-oping school for all competitions. The co-oping school will provide transportation to and from “away competitions” to their facility only. • Parents are responsible for arranging transportation from the co-oping school for all competitions.
Where can I find an updated schedule or find out about cancellations?” • www.cloverbeltconference.org Sign up for e-mail notifications • There is also a link available from the school website (www.granton.k12.wi.us) Schedules
Every athlete must have a physical examination once every two (2) years • If an athlete is injured and receives medical care he/she may not resume practice/competition until written permission is received by the coach, and signed by the attending physician or Licensed Athletic Trainer • PARENTS/GUARDIAN NEED TO BE AWARE THAT INJURY ACCIDENTS, DISABILITY, AND EVEN DEATH CAN RESULT FROM ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION. Medical
Blood and other body fluids will be handled as regulated by the Department of Industry and Labor and Human Relations • All athletes must document insurance coverage. The school district does not provide any type of insurance. Insurance is available through the District’s Student Insurance carrier. • Emergency form lists any medical history that may be of value to the coaches if a medical emergency should occur. The form will GRANT PERMISSION TO THE COACH TO AUTHORIZE MEDICAL TREATMENT
Impact Testing arranged at Loyal or Greenwood to obtain baseline information • No athlete shall return to play or practice having been diagnosed with a concussion until receives written clearance from health care provider. Concussion Information
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zCCD52Pty4Ahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zCCD52Pty4A Concussion Video
Uniforms will be washed at school, by school personal. • Any equipment issued is the athlete’s responsibility. Lost or damaged equipment may have to be paid for by the athlete. • Athletes must provide their own practice attire. Uniforms and Equipment
Student Athletes are required to pay a yearly $35 fee (grades 9-12) or a $25 fee (grades 6-8) in order to participate. • This fee covers the entire school year and does not change based on the number of sports participate in. This fee must be paid in order to practice Fees
Physical or Alternate Year Card • Insurance Coverage Form • Pledge Sheet • Emergency Form • WIAA Athletic Eligibility Form • Parent/Athlete Concussion Acknowledgement • Fees paid Required Items