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Magnetic materials refer primarily to the materials with direct or indirect magnetism composed of transition elements like ferrum, cobalt, nickel and their alloys. Magnetic materials find application in wind power, electronics, computer, communication, medical treatment, household appliances and military fields. By quality and structure, magnetic materials can be classified into ferrite magnetic materials, rare earth magnetic materials, and others.In 2012, the number of flexible ferrite magnet enterprises approximated 200 in China, roughly 150 of which had a capacity over 500t/a, about 60 had a capacity over 1,000t/a. Enterprises such as Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics and TDG Holding had a capacity over 10,000t/a.
China Magnetic Materials Industry Report, 2013-2016 Order this report by calling +1 888 391 5441 or Send an email to sales@reportsandreports.com with your contact details and questions if any. Published: July 2013 Single User PDF: US$ 1899 Corporate User PDF: US$ 2999 © ReportsnReports.com / Contact sales@reportsandreports.com
China Magnetic Materials Industry Report, 2013-2016 Magnetic materialsrefer primarily to the materials with direct or indirect magnetism composed of transition elements like ferrum, cobalt, nickel and their alloys. Magnetic materials find application in wind power, electronics, computer, communication, medical treatment, household appliances and military fields. By quality and structure, magnetic materials can be classified into ferrite magnetic materials, rare earth magnetic materials, and others. In 2012, the number of flexible ferrite magnet enterprises approximated 200 in China, roughly 150 of which had a capacity over 500t/a, about 60 had a capacity over 1,000t/a. Enterprises such as Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics and TDG Holding had a capacity over 10,000t/a. In 2012, China's output of ferrite permanent magnet totaled 630,000 tons, an increase of 5% YOY. The growth rate decreased by 6 percentage points over a year before. Enterprises with a capacity over 10,000 t/a cover chiefly Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics, JPMF Guangdong Co., Ltd, Shanghai Longci Electronic Technology Co., Ltd, Zhejiang Kaiven Magnet Co., Ltd, Hunan Aerospace Magnet & Magneto Group, etc. Complete Report is available @ http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/275996-china-magnetic-materials-industry-report-2013-2016.html . © ReportsnReports.com / Contact sales@reportsandreports.com
China Magnetic Materials Industry Report, 2013-2016 In 2012, polarization of NdFeB industry got more serious. Capacity of low-end NdFeB (often used in fields other than automobile or VCM) registered about 200,000 tons, with a capacity utilization of 25% or so. By contrast, capacity of medium and high-end NdFeB (mainly applied to automobile and VCM) was dominated by nine enterprises under patent protection, with a capacity utilization over 80%. China Magnetic Materials Industry Report, 2013-2016 of Sino Market Insight consists of 8 chapters and 120 charts, highlighting the supply & demand of flexible ferrite magnet, ferrite permanent magnet and NdFeB permanent magnet, as well as the operation & financial data, output of main products and major projects of 11 magnetic material companies, citing Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co., Ltd., BGRIMM Magnetic Materials & Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing ZhongKe San Huan High-Tech Co., Ltd. Buy a Copy of Report @ http://www.reportsnreports.com/purchase.aspx?name=275996 . Order this report by calling +1 888 391 5441 or Send an email to sales@reportsandreports.com with your contact details and questions if any. © ReportsnReports.com / Contact sales@reportsandreports.com
China Magnetic Materials Industry Report, 2013-2016 Table Of Contents 1 Macro-economic Environment in China, 2011-20131.1 China's GDP1.2 Industrial Added Value1.3 Fixed-Asset Investment1.4 Consumption Maintains Steady Growth1.5 Import and Export1.6 Price Level1.7 Macroeconomic Forecast, 2012-2013E 2 Overview of Magnetic Materials Market2.1 Definition and Classification3 Supply and Demand of Magnetic Materials3.1 Overview3.1.1 Flexible Magnet3.1.2 Permanent Magnet3.2 Output3.3 Competition PatternInquire for Discount @ http://www.reportsnreports.com/contacts/discount.aspx?name=275996 . Order this report by calling +1 888 391 5441 or Send an email to sales@reportsandreports.com with your contact details and questions if any. © ReportsnReports.com / Contact sales@reportsandreports.com
China Magnetic Materials Industry Report, 2013-2016 4 Supply and Demand of Flexible Ferrite Magnet4.1 Supply4.1.1 Output4.1.2 Gross Margin4.1.3 Cost structure4.2 Demand and Application 5 Ferrite Permanent Magnet5.1 Supply5.1.1 Output5.1.2 Gross Margin5.1.3 Costs5.2 Demand5.2.1 Demand from Automotive Industry5.2.2 Demand from Household Appliance Industry5.2.3 Demand from Electric Tool and Toy Industry5.3 Development Trend 6 NdFeB Permanent Magnet 7 Other Permanent-Magnetic Materials8 Major Companies Contactsales@reportsandreports.com/ Call +1 888 391 5441 for further information on “China Magnetic Materials Industry Report, 2013-2016” report OR for any other market research and intelligence needs you may have for your business.