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Introduction of PIANC and PIANC-Japan. Yasuhiro KAWASHIMA Vice President of PIANC President of PIANC-Japan. Feb 24 th , 2010. PIANC (Permanent International Association of Navigation Congress ).
Introduction of PIANCand PIANC-Japan Yasuhiro KAWASHIMA Vice President of PIANC President of PIANC-Japan Feb 24th , 2010
PIANC(Permanent International Association of Navigation Congress ) ・PIANC is the global organization providing guidance for sustainable waterborne transportinfrastructure for ports and waterways. PIANC is the forum where professionals around the world join forces to provide expert advice on cost-effective, reliable and sustainable infrastructure to facilitate the growth of waterborne transport. ・As a non-political and non-profit organization, PIANC brings together the best international experts on technical, economic and environmental issues pertaining to waterborne transport infrastructure.
Organization of PIANC PIANC is headquartered in Belgium and have AGA, Council and some commissions. A number of WGsare organized under 5 technical Commissions such as InCom, MarCom, RecCom, EnviCom and CoCom. The outcomes of WGs are put into guidelines and utilized as a global standard. Organization Chart Organizational Chart AGA Secretariat (Belgium) Council Organizing Committee for Congress ExCom (Executive Commission) National Sections Technical Commissions FinCom (Financial Commission) InCom (Inland Navigation Commission) EdCom (Editing Commission) MarCom (Maritime Navigation Commission) ProCom (Promotional Commission) RecCom (Recreational Navigation Commission) YPCom (Young Professional Commission) EnviCom (Environmental Commission) CoCom (Int’l Co-operation Commission)
PIANC-Japan PIANC Japan, the Japanese national sectionof PIANC and headquartered in Tokyo, provides various services with its members, such as transmitting information of PIANC activities, subsidizing the cost of attending meetings, and publishing bulletins.
History of PIANC-JAPAN PIANC Japan started its history by participating at the 11th International Congress in Petersburg, USSR, in 1908 and now has more than 100 years history. ・The first participation at the 11th International Congress in Petersburg, USSR, in 1908 ・Japan’s Ministry of Transport (currently, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)) became a governmental member based on a Cabinet Resolution in 1952. ・The Fisheries Agency also became a governmental member in 1965. ・Japan held Int’l Navigation Congress in 1990 (Osaka) and AGA in 1978 (Tokyo) and 2004 (Fukuoka). ・At the Congressin Osaka in 1990, Crown Prince gave a special lecture titled “The Thames as Highway”. ・Japan will host “PIANC 125th anniversary celebration in Asia” in Nagoya in 2010 Crown prince at 27th International Navigation Congress in Osaka (1990) AGA in Fukuoka in 2004
Commission members from Japan and the related WGs As of 2009, PIANC-Japan has been sending its members to some PIANC commissions and WGs, and contributing PIANC activities with the Japanese technology. • Commission members • MarCom member Yoshiaki HIGUCHI from Japan Ports and Harbours Association • EnviCom member Yoshiyuki NAKAMURA from Port and Airport Research Institute • RecCom member Tateo KONDO from Nippon University • CoCom member Setsuo NODA from Sealam Engineering co ltd. • YPCom member Mitsuyasu IWANAMI from Port and Airport Research Institute • WGs • ・ InCom WG129Waterway Infrastructure Asset Maintenance Management • ・ MarComWG49Horizontal and vertical dimensions of fairways • ・ MarCom WG50General principles for the design of maritime structures • ・ MarCom WG52Criteria for the (Un-)Loading of Container Ships • ・ MarCom WG54Use of hydro/meteo information to optimize safe port access • ・ EnviComWG11Management, reclamation of dredged material and the transformation of existing confined disposal facilities • EnviComWG15Dredging and port construction around coral reefs • EnviComWG16Management of ports and waterways for fish and shellfish habit • RecCom WG17Guidelines for Marina design-update 2004 • RecCom WG131Catalogue of prefabricated marina elements • CoCom WG126 Training in ports and waterways
Multilateral Framework in the port sector Japan’s port sector is participating following International activities in order to cooperate with international society. PIANC Headquarter: Belgium Member: Engineers, governments, corporations etc… APEC Headquarter: Singapore Member: Governments in the Asia-Pacific Region IAPH Headquarter: Japan Member: Port Authorities Northeast Asia Port Director–General Meeting/ Symposium Headquarter: - Member: Governments in the northeast Asia Benefit achieved through PIANC Ex.) Collaboration with PIANC WG to develop the guidelines for fender design
PIANC 125th Anniversary Celebration In 2010, PIANC will celebrate 125 years of existence. PIANC will organize special activities on four continents to commemorate this event. Japan will host an event to commemorate 125th anniversary of PIANC in September 2010 representing Asia. In order to promote PIANC activities in Asia, Port related parties in Asia will exchange information through international seminars and enhance a friendly relationship . <JAPAN> DATE: September 12-14, 2010 Venue: Nagoya, Aichi HOST: Organization Committee for PIANC 125 Anniversary Celebration in Asia (consist of PIANC Japan, MLIT, MAFF etc) Other related Meetings:PIANC ExCom and Council Introduction of the celebration at the Northeast Asia Port Symposium in Dalian, China on Nov.25th ,2008 <ENGLAND> DATE: May 10-14, 2010 Venue: Liverpool Other related Meetings: International Navigation Congress PIANC AGA <ARGENTINE> DATE: April 5-7, 2010 Venue: Buenos Aires Under consideration: Spain and Morocco Leaflet of Congress in Liverpool
Program of PIANC 125th anniversary celebration (Tentative)
International Seminar Ⅰ “Coastal and Inland Waterborne Transport and Regional Development“ Date: 13:30~17:00, September 12th (Sun), 2010 Venue: TEHSHU Banquet Hall, The Westin Nagoya Castel Moderator: Prof. Tatsuhiko IKEDA, Yokohama National University (YNU), Japan Presentation: 1) Mr. Ian White, InCom Chair, PIANC “ InCom’s Effort on promoting coastal and inland waterborne transport” 2) Mr. Tran Thi Tuyet Mai ANH,Vice Director,Department of International Cooperation,Vietnam Maritime Administration,Socialist Republic of Vietnam “Inland Waterborne transport in Mekong River in Vietnam” 3) Mr. Ros SOPHORNNA, Deputy Director,Department of Waterway, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Kingdom of Cambodia “Inland Waterborne transport in Mekong River in Cambodia“ 4) Mr. Vanthong SOPMHAVATH, Deputy Director General, Department of Waterways, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic “Inland Waterborne transport in Mekong River in Laos” 5) Mr. Park Jun Kwon, Director of Port Policy Division, Port Development Policy Bureau, MLTM, Republic of Korea “Coastal and Inland Waterborne Transport in Korea” 6) From People's Republic of China “ Inland Waterborne transport in Yangtze River” 7) Dr. Yasuhiro AKAKURA, Director, Port Planning Division, Port and Harbor Department, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan “ Coastal and Inland Waterborne transport in Japan” ※ All presentation titles are tentative
International Seminar Ⅱ “Dredging and Environment“ Date: 9:00~12:30, September 13th (Mon), 2010 Venue: Nagoya Port Authority Building Moderator: Dr. Yoshiyuki NAKAMURA, Distinguished Researcher, Port and Research Institute, Japan Presentation (9:45-11:35 15mins each) 1) Mr. Harald KöTHE, EnviCom Chair, PIANC “EnviCom’s efforts on promoting environmental dredging “ 2) Mr. Geoffroy CAUDE, MarCom Chair, PIANC “MarCom’s efforts on promoting environmental dredging” 3) Prof. Kisaburo NAKATA, School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University, Japan “Efforts on environmental reclamation by using dredged soils in Japan” 4) Dr. Gil Lim YOON, Senior researcher, Coastal harbor engineering Lab, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Republic of Korea "Environmental Standards for Reusing of Dredged Materials in Korea" 5) From People's Republic of China “ Efforts on large environmental dredging projects in China” 6) From Republic of Indonesia “Indonesian efforts on promoting environmental dredging” ※ All presentation titles are tentative
Venue of 125th Anniversary Celebration in AsiaNAGOYA, JAPAN The Westin Nagoya Castle Hotel, Nagoya The Westin Nagoya Castle Hotel is located beside the Nagoya Castle moat in the city center. The Hotel is approximately 40 minutes by train and car from the Central Japan International Airport (Centrair).
We are looking forward to Seeing you in Nagoya! Thank you 감사합니다 ありがとうございました。