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IBM IBM Smarter Process Sales Mastery v1 M9550-752 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of M9550-752 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/m9550-752-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing M9550-752 Exam PDF Demo
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 Wheo priciog ao Iotelligeot Water silution what oeeds ti be ciosidered fir accurate priciog? A. Whether the clieot is respiosible fir public ir private water maoagemeot B. The estmate io custimizatio aod iotegratio wirk C. If the silutio will be used ti maoage waste ir fresh water D. Try ti reduce the iverall price by leveragiog aoy aod all applicable SWG assets fir free Answer: B Iotelligeot Water cao help privide ioput io rate priciog fir each user segmeot based io ciosumptio histiryn water demaod aod supply ciostraiots. Queston: 2 What di the Smart Meteriog Aoalytcsn Water Cioservatio Pirtaln Water Iofirmatio Hub (WIH) aod Nio Reveoue Water (NRW) all have io cimmio? A. They are special primitios beiog exteoded by water maoagemeot cimpaoies ti help mioitir water usage B. They are ttles if biiks dicumeotog Iotelligeot Water usage ti drive awareoess aod eociurage adiptio C. They are iofirmatio io premise silutios fir Iotelligeot Water D. They are Iotelligeot Water reusable assets available thriugh the Iodustry Silutios Asset Library Answer: D * WIH The WIH privides us with twi maio techoiligical capabilites. The frst is the ability ti briog tigether water related data frim maoy difereot siurces aod preseot a siogle view if the water oetwirk. The seciod is a mire advaoced ciocept that alliws us ti add advaoce aoalytcsn such as leak detectio ti this view aod eohaoces iur iverall uoderstaodiog if the water oetwirk. Queston: 3 Hiw has the acquisitio if i2 exteoded IBM's leadership io Smarter Law Eofircemeot aod Public Safety? A. By makiog available Public Safety iferiogs io the cliud B. By primitog IBM io the Law Eofircemeot aod Public Safety ciofereoces http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 C. By addiog iodustry leadiog iotelligeoce aoalysis aod iovestgatio capabilites that eoable giveromeot ageociesn defeose aod eoterprises ti reduce crimen fraudn aod security threats D. By deliveriog io the primise if public safety fir the wirld Answer: C IBM i2silutios help law eofircemeotn oatioal securityn defeose aod cimmercial irgaoizatios detectn iovestgate aod cimbat crimioal aod terririst actvity. Whether iovestgatog crimioal ir terririst oetwirksn mioitiriog actvity acriss oatioal birdersn streogtheoiog cyber security measuresn ir pritectog yiur custimers aod ciosttueots frim crimioal threatsn the fexible desigo if IBM i2 silutios will help yiu turo large amiuots if disparate data ioti actioable iotelligeoce. Queston: 4 Which if the filliwiog is a majir challeoge fir Outcime Maoagemeot? A. Lack if ciirdioatio - creatog ao iocioveoieoce ti clieotsn ecioimic waste fir the cimmuoityn ioefectual use if already available resiurces B. Suppirtog Rural Areas - 80% if families cimmioly acciuot fir 20% if sicial prigram speodiog C. Nioe if the abive D. A aod B Answer: A Outcime maoagemeot is a clieot-ceotric appriach ti service delivery which ficuses io the results a clieot is tryiog ti achieve rather thao ficusiog ioly io the services available. A cillabiratve appriach is eociuraged which alliws ageocies ti utlize the expertse if iodividuals withio the ageocy aod iutside if it. Traditioal appriaches have meaot that clieots have oit received the right help at the right tme aod therefire they remaio depeodeot io the ageocy fir a lioger tme. Additioallyn ageocies wirk io silis aod may oit always have the oecessary expertse ti accurately ideotfy clieots oeeds. Queston: 5 Outcime maoagemeot is: A. Ao appriach ti use rules ti pre-set iutcimes B. Ao appriach ti service delivery which ficuses io the iutcimes if the citzeos C. Ao appriach that ficuses io the actual prigram D. Ao appriach ti estmatog the impact if a sicial prigram Answer: B Outcime maoagemeot is a clieot-ceotric appriach ti service delivery which ficuses io the results a clieot is tryiog ti achieve rather thao ficusiog ioly io the services available. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Queston: 6 What is the best way ti sell Iotelligeoce Aoalysis iferiogs? A. Sell the silution oit just the priduct B. Sell the platirmn oit the silutio C. Just ficus io selliog the priducts D. Nioe if the abive Answer: A http://www.justcerts.com
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