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Standards 4 & 5. Supportive learning environments, assessment and providing feedback. T he standards. Group Activity. Develop a list of five to six beliefs about behaviour and learning. work in groups of 4 – 6 people. What are the underlying assumptions about The Teacher’s role?
Standards 4 & 5 Supportive learning environments, assessment and providing feedback
Group Activity Develop a list of five to six beliefs about behaviour and learning. • work in groups of 4 – 6 people What are the underlying assumptions about The Teacher’s role? The Student’s role?
Classroom Management/supportive learning environments/Behaviour management Students are less likely to develop anti-social behaviour when they experience the following: • effective instruction, consistent management practices • the opportunity to acquire and utilise pro-social behaviour management skills • a sense of support and connectedness • a sense of community Significant Issues/Findings
Significant Issues/Findings • While most students comply with expected behaviour, in all school systems there are some 5 to 15 per cent who will require support beyond that provided by a classroom teacher. These students require support from well qualified personnel to support and complement the work of classroom teachers. • For those students who do not readily ‘fit’ the school system, alternative intervention programs that focus on both learning outcomes and skill development may assist with entry to the workplace.
Significant Issues/Findings • Improving the quality of teaching and learning drives improvements in the standard of student behaviour - therefore the focus needs to shift from ‘behaviour’ management to ‘learning’ management.
Classroom Management Plan • Should complement the School Behaviour Management Plan & build on work with Essential Skills • It’s about thinking through specific strategies, having a range of strategies and practicing them so you don’t get lost ‘in the heat of the moment’ • It’s about a staged approach – all the different things you can do before reaching ‘corrective’ strategies
Preventive Management Strategies (Adapt these and add specific examples) This includes strategies and documentation which focus on: • Clarifying and communicating expectations and requirements (including displaying these) • Involving students in clarifying/revisiting rules and consequences • Class routines (entrances etc) • Physical organization and layout • Teaching expected behaviours for the term/unit/learning experience • Modelling expected behaviours • Effective instruction giving • Establishing a positive and supportive classroom environment • Designing learning experiences that are engaging for students, using a variety of strategies and ways to involve them • Providing incentives and acknowledging student learning and progress
Supportive Strategies This includes strategies and documentation which focus on: • Non-verbal communications – list specific things you can do to reinforce desired behaviours and address inappropriate behaviours • Verbal reinforcement/reminders (list specific things you could say) • Redirecting behaviours (least obtrusive means) • Focussing on curriculum matters • Preparing for smooth transitions between activities • Invoking consequences – in least intrusive ways • Preventing escalation • Follows plan – reminding, encouraging, acknowledging positive behaviours/developments
Corrective Strategies This may include strategies and documentation which focus on: • Providing behavioural choices to the classroom student • Follow through on expectations and consequences • Stimulus change (appropriate environmental change to change the context/situation) • Conferencing as relevant • Individual behaviour plan/contract • Progressive steps in School Behaviour Plan This work draws on the following resource: Hutson, S (2005) Managing Student Behaviour: A Workbook for Teachers Maroochydore, Qld: unpublished manuscript
How could our original scenario be played differently? • What preventive and supportive strategies could have been used? • How can you build them into your ‘best’ lesson?
Assessment, data gathering, feedback Types of assessment… List all the types you can think of…
QSA P-12 Assessment policy • Assessment is the purposeful and systematic collection of information about students’ achievement… • In school-based assessment, teachers are responsible for designing assessment programs and making judgments about the standards achieved by their students.
Feedback (the link between supportive learning environment, classroom management, learning, assessment …)
Hattie – Visible learning Rank Domain Influence 1 Student Self-report grades 2 Student Piagetian programs 3 Teaching Providing formative evaluation 4 Teacher Micro teaching 5 School Acceleration 6 School Classroom behavioural 7 Teaching Comprehensive interventions for learning disabled students 8 Teacher Teacher clarity 9 Teaching Reciprocal teaching 10 Teaching Feedback 11 Teacher Teacher-student relationship 12 Teaching Spaced vs. mass practice 13 Teaching Meta-cognitive strategies 14 Student Prior achievement 15 Curricula Vocabulary programs 16 Curricula Repeated reading programs 17 Curricula Creativity programs 18 Teaching Self-verbalization/self-questioning 19 Teacher Professional development 20 Teaching Problem-solving teaching Source: Hattie 2009, Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement.
What is effective feedback? Effective feedback provides: information about what happened or was done an evaluation of how well or otherwise the action or task was performed Building common understandings (reduce discrepancy) guidance as to how performance can be improved - closing the gap (Sadler) Sadler, D. R. (1989). Formative assessment and the design of instructional systems. Instructional Science, 18, 119-144.
Principles of effective feedback Is specific Is varied - method of application Uses models Values student work Marks or grades - sparingly Time allowed for students to act upon it
Possible feedback strategies (1) Work with students to ensure understanding of the meaning and application of assessment criteria prior to their commencement of a task. Use wall displays and checklists which identify what is being sought in the learning. Give verbal feedback while students work on a task. Model or co-construct the standard of work required and frame feedback in relation to this. Ask students to maintain learning journals.
Possible feedback strategies (2) Develop agreed symbols for annotating student work, to focus on improving work. Use self-adhesive notes to give quick feedback, without devaluing the student’s work, especially in the case of major projects. Encourage students to write a learning intention at the outset. Consciously focus on highlighting successes. Use marks or grades sparingly, not constantly. Make use of student self-assessment or peer assessment. Warm and cool feedback processes e.g. Tuning protocol
Possible feedback strategies (3) Feedback linked to improvement – “2 stars and a wish” – validate what students have done, then give some feedback about what can work on (be careful about using but to link ideas). Collective sharing of work /sharing circle - oral, physical or verbal. Student identifies the strengths and weaknesses of their work. Side-coaching – teacher or facilitator provides supportive and corrective commentary as the activity is enacted/rehearsed.
Building shared sense of understanding Modelling feedback Building vocab & speech genres Students practise verbalising Ventriloquate what they have heard others say/do Internalising Externalising in different forms
So … What different kinds of feedback do you give/model/receive? How do you work with students on helping them process it and respond? How can you encourage students to use positive and negative feedback to lead to new or improved learning? How does this get reflected in your planning and in evidence?
Incorporate that into your planning! Think as an assessor, not an activity planner