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Functional Programming Lecture 2 - Functions

Functional Programming Lecture 2 - Functions. Muffy Calder. Function Definitions. f :: Int -> Int -- multiply argument by 100 f x = x*100 “f takes an Int and returns an Int; the value of f x is x*100” The mantra: comment, type, equation. Defining Equation of Function.

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Functional Programming Lecture 2 - Functions

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  1. Functional ProgrammingLecture 2 - Functions Muffy Calder

  2. Function Definitions f :: Int -> Int -- multiply argument by 100 f x = x*100 “f takes an Int and returns an Int; the value of f x is x*100” The mantra: comment, type, equation

  3. Defining Equation of Function Fn_name arg1 arg2 … argn = expression that can use arg1…argn E.g. g x y = x + y >= 10

  4. Evaluation or Simplification Given: f x y = x*y Evaluate: f 3 4 f 3 4 => 3 * 4 = 12 Now evaluate: f 3 (f 4 5) f 3 (f 4 5)=> 3 * f 4 5=> 3 * (4*5)=> 3 * 20=> 60 Note there is an alternative evaluation! Does it matter which one we pick? (Stay tuned)

  5. Programs (Scripts) What is meant by “given”? A set of definitions is saved in a file. E.g. x = 2 y = 4 z = 100*x -30*y f :: Int -> Int -> Int f x y = x + 2*y You use a program by “asking” it to perform a calculation, e.g. calculate f 2 3. > f 2 3

  6. Equations vs. Assignments Assignment - command to update a variable e.g. x:= x+1 x ------ ---- 3 Equation - permanent assertion that two values are equal e.g. x=3 or x = y+1 x ----- 3 You obey assignments and solve equations. Equations in a script can appear in any order!

  7. := and = Ada x := x+1 take the old value of x and increment it This is a common and useful operation. Haskell x = x+1 Assert that x and x+1 are the same value. This equation has no solution. It is a syntactically-valid statement, but it is not solvable. There is no solution for x. So this equation cannot be true!

  8. Side Effects andEquational Reasoning Equations are timeless -there is no notion of changingthe value of a variable Mathematics (algebra) is all about reasoning with equations, not with the contents of computer locations -- that keep changing.

  9. Local names: let expressions let x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 in x+y+z The variables x, y, z are local A script is just one big let expression.

  10. A let expression is an expression! E.g. 2 + let a = x+y in (a+1)*(a-1) 2 + (let a = 5 in (a+1)*(a-1) ) + 3 - allows you to make somelocal definitions - it is not a block of statements to be executed.

  11. Conditional expressions if boolean_exp then exp1 else exp2 Haskell evaluates boolean_exp and returns the appropriate expression. exp1 and exp2must have the same type E.g. f x = if x>3 then x+2 else x-2 g x = if x>3 then x+2 else False (wrong) What are the types of f and g?

  12. Guarded expressions f x | x>0 = True | otherwise = False In general: Name x1 x2 .. xn | guard1 = e1 | guard2 = e2 …. | otherwise = e Haskell evaluates the guards, from the top, and returns the appropriate expression. guard1, ... must have the Bool type exp1, ... must have the same type Note: f x | x>0 = True | otherwise = 2 (wrong)

  13. Examples positive :: Int -> Bool positive x | (x>=0) = True | otherwise = False or positive x = if (x>=0) then True else False max :: Int -> Int -> Int max x y | (x>=y) = x | otherwise = y or max x y = if (x>=y) then x else y maxthree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int maxthree x y z | ((x>=y) && (x>=z) = x | (y>=z) = y | otherwise = z

  14. Examples or maxthree x y z = max x (max y z) mystery :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool mystery m n p = not ((m==n) && (n==p)) Evaluate: mystery 0 1 2 mystery 0 1 1 mystery 1 1 1

  15. Recursion Functions can be recursive (i.e. the function can occur on the rhs of the defining equation). This is fundamental to functional programming. Example fact :: Int -> Int fact 1 = 1 -- fact.0 fact n = n * (fact n-1) -- fact.1 So, fact 4 => 4 * (fact 3) => 4 * 3 * (fact 2) => 4 * 3 * 2 * (fact 1) => 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 => 24 fact.0 is called the base case.

  16. Off-side Rule mystery :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool mystery m n p = not ((m==n) && (n==p)) the box Whatever is typed in the box is part of the definition. So, f :: Int -> Int f x = 42 --okay g :: Int -> Int --(start new definition) g x --okay = 36 h:: Int -> Int h y= 42 * --okay 1 hy = 42 -- will give an error (unexpected ‘;’)

  17. Functional Data Structures Allow you to build aggregate objects from smaller values • Built-in data structures Lists Tuples Arrays • User defined data structures

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