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Cybal. An Introduction to Cybalism. The New View of the Universal Truth. What is Cybalism?. A Spiritual Philosophy based on the Self-evident Truth of the Universe Has broad similarities to 2,500 year-old Taoist Philosophy, combined with Science Provides strong sense of wellbeing and calmness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cybal

  2. An Introduction to Cybalism The New View of the Universal Truth

  3. What is Cybalism? • A Spiritual Philosophy based on the Self-evident Truth of the Universe • Has broad similarities to 2,500 year-old Taoist Philosophy, combined with Science • Provides strong sense of wellbeing and calmness • Belief in a single spirit, in cycles and balance in all things

  4. Why has it come to light now? • Modern science has provided the link through “Big Bang” and “Big Crunch” theories • Many other systems have come very close • 15 years of philosophical thought has resulted in “The Book of Cybalism” • To be published in 2009 • The book “closes the loop”

  5. Cycles The Symbolism of the Cybal Negative Positive The Balance, or See-Saw

  6. Cycles Throughout the Universe • Planetary Orbit & Rotation • Menstruation & Biorhythms • Seasons, Tides, Animal Migration • The Food Chain • Birth, Life, Reproduction & Death • Rise and Fall of Empires • Circles are special cycles without time • Feel the cycles present in everything

  7. Balance – The Universal Way • Balance is the most natural state • All things move towards balance • The sum of all the matter and energy in the Universe is balanced at zero • Appreciate the balance inherent in all things • e.g. Your gravitational pull on Earth = its pull on you!

  8. Is there a God? • Not in the “biblical” sense of a separate, sentient, intervening, all-powerful being • “The Ghost” is a spirit or spark, apart from the Universe but able to experience it or “commune” with it through life-forms • The mind of living things is a conduit, connecting the Ghost with the physical world • Mankind has the most optimal conduit

  9. The Ghost • The Ghost is like a hologram smashed into pieces – there is a whole image in every piece • It has no sentience, like electricity • Yet it is the sum of the sentience of all living things • We all have the same Ghost, but are different aspects of it • We are all the Ghost – if the Ghost is God, we are all God

  10. Death & the Afterlife • When we die, the Ghost remains present in all other living things • We therefore live on through others, as those who have died live on through us • “Heaven” and “Hell” do not exist, there is no balance in their concepts • Justice is inherent in the Ghost – harm done to others harms ourselves

  11. The Cataclysm The Two Cycles The Great Cycle The Ghost Cycle

  12. The Great Cycle • The Universe is born, expands and dies in “The Great Cycle” • The Big Bang is the start • As the Universe expands, the extreme distances involved cause it to enter the fourth dimension, a “curvature” • This curvature brings the Universe back in on itself

  13. The Great Cycle • Eventually, the Universe returns to the central point and implodes in a “Big Crunch” • The sum of all positive and negative mass and energy is zero – total balance • At the crunch, the Universe “winks” out of existence, and is reborn in the next Big Bang

  14. The Ghost Cycle • The gulf between the rebirth of the Universe and that of the Ghost is the “Cataclysm” • The Ghost is born with the first life-form • It dies with the death of the last • During the Cataclysm, the Universe is barren and time is unmeasured

  15. The Five Virtues Simplicity Flow Control Truth Balance

  16. Simplicity • Removal of Prejudice and conditioning • Reduction of complexity • Child-like thought • Start with “blank sheet” • Paint picture first with facts • Fill in with perceptions based on cycles and balance

  17. Control • Remain in control of your life • Never seek to control others • Make your own path • Ignore social and peer pressures • Believe in yourself, or you cannot expect others to believe in you • Allow others to be in control of themselves

  18. Truth • Be truthful to yourself and to others • Be readable like an open book • Lies are like bricks in a wall across the road between mind and spirit • Appreciate and encourage truth in others • Be accepting and open-minded

  19. Balance • The natural flow of all things is towards balance • Balance is the ultimate state of all things • Be balanced and moderate of opinion, seeing both sides of the coin • Realize that all things are both good and bad • The truth flows through the middle

  20. Flow • All things have a natural flow • Learn to discover and appreciate this • Your own flow is your natural path • Go in harmony with the flow of things, and you can achieve without effort • To flow is to achieve wellbeing and calmness

  21. The Three Layers Spiritual Mental Physical

  22. Physical Layer • Concerned with the body and all living and material things • A body tuned by the virtues is a pillar for the mind • Concentrate first on the body and the mind will follow • Provides senses, a pathway from the physical to the mind

  23. Mental Layer • Concerned with the brain or mind • A mind tuned by the virtues provides a conduit or road between the Universe and the Ghost at the Spirit Layer • This road must be wide, flat, straight, and free of debris • Via this road, the Ghost experiences the Universe

  24. Spirit Layer • This is the layer at which the Ghost resides • A spirit layer tuned by the virtues allows one to “glimpse” the Ghost • If provided with a strong conduit, the Ghost can experience the Universe, resulting in calmness, wellbeing and ecstasy

  25. Further Study • Look out for “The Book of Cybalism” in 2009 • Check out www.cybalism.org, much more information is coming soon • The Cybalism Forum there is ready for discussion and analysis • Further lectures on advanced techniques and compatibility with Thelema etc. • Email info@cybalism.org

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