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Higher Education, Science & Technology …. Imperatives for Socio-economic Development

Higher Education, Science & Technology …. Imperatives for Socio-economic Development. Dr. S. T. K Naim Consultant COMSTECH 33-Constitution Avenue G-5/2, Islamabad. November 2006. Knowledge critical for development.

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Higher Education, Science & Technology …. Imperatives for Socio-economic Development

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  1. Higher Education, Science & Technology …. Imperatives for Socio-economic Development Dr. S. T. K Naim Consultant COMSTECH 33-Constitution Avenue G-5/2, Islamabad November 2006

  2. Knowledge critical for development • Growing recognition that development “is built not merely through accumulation of physical capital and human skills, but on a foundation of information, learning and adaptation…” • World Bank, 1999. World Development Report: Knowledge For development • Promotion of Innovation Culture 2

  3. Challenges for Developing Countries • Rapidly advancing S&T knowledge • Increasing use of information technology • Knowledge capital replacing physical capital as source of wealth • Higher education gaining vital importance • Resulting expansion: rapid, chaotic, and unplanned 3

  4. Challenges • Low literacy level (50%) and low enrollment in higher education • High population growth rate • Low R&D expenditure • Few scientists and engineers • Non competitive industry and knowledge producing institutions • Limited private sector R&D and Innovation activities • Weak linkages between industry and university • Brain Drain 4

  5. Risks Excluding Nations with low investment in Education and Scientific Research • Unskilled will be marginalized in the knowledge economy Brain Drain • Movement of highly skilled to developed countries as demand exists due to ageing population Losing competition for capital investment • Capital investment follows human resource capacity • (China’s high technology science zones with foreign enterprises account for 75% of its exports) 5

  6. PAKISTAN REFORMS POLITICAL WILL • S&T Budget increased 6000%!!! • Higher Education budget increased 1,200%!!! • Full support and personal interest by President Musharraf • A real beginning after 30 years of neglect 6


  8. Strategy: Learning from Korea Growth of Per Capita GNP: PAKISTAN & KOREA Launching of National Research & Development Program (NRDP) 16000 13980 14000 Establishment of Korean Advanced Institute for Sciences & Technology (KAIST) 13000 12000 10076 Establishment of Korean Institute of Science & Technology (KIST) 10000 8000 US dollars 5883 6000 4000 2000 1597 2000 600 508 443 363 409 350 353 173 123 79 253 187 89 95 0 1960-61 1965-66 1970-71 1975-76 1980-81 1985-86 1990-91 1995-96 1999-2000 2004 Pakistan Korea Source Pakistan: UNESCO, Statistical Year Book 1980,1982,1991 and Economic Survey of Pakistan Source Korea: Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Korea, World Bank 8

  9. Lessons from China • Opened up to global knowledge: 1978 • Imported massively capital goods and components • Reform of Universities and R&D Organizations • Large number of students sent abroad for training • Incubation System at Universities • Attracted FDI for both domestic and export markets • Induced FDI to set up large domestic research facilities • Expatriate scientists set up high tech industries • Focus on premier universities as key knowledge institutions • – Many alliances with global universities • – Spinning off high tech companies 9

  10. China Technology Change at Industry • Increasing domestic R&D • Larger R&D share by productive sector • Moving rapidly towards market economy • Joined WTO to lock in need for structural reform • Has become major global player 10

  11. Strategy • Learning from past policies / review reports • Peer evaluation of 228 provincial R&D centres and 300 S&T departments of Universities • Identification of productive centres / scientists • Bench Marking Institutions 11

  12. StrategyForesight for Technology • Wide consultation with private sector, scientists, government officials and economists • Strategy and Action Plan proposed to fill Skills, Technology and Policy gaps • Key Projects identified with costs and possible impact on social / economic development 12

  13. PAKISTAN REFORMS Major Programmes • Human Resource Development • Up-gradating R&D Infrastructure • Technology Development & Industrialization • Information Technology • Restructuring of R&D Institutions • Strengthening of Policy, Coordination and Management Structure 13

  14. Overarching Approach • Simultaneous Bi-Modal Approach Required • Bottom-Up • Basic Health, Primary Education, Water …. • Investment in ICT and transport infrastructure • Top-Down • Higher Education • Technology Development • Industrial Linkages 14

  15. Faculty Development Programs & Achievements • Foreign Scholarship Programs • Over 1000 students being trained in Universities: Germany, France, Austria, Sweden, Netherlands, Korea, and China • Fulbright Scholarship Program • 1000 students being trained over 5 years • 4 years funding for graduate study in US • In service Training • University teachers exposed to modern teaching methods 15

  16. Faculty DevelopmentPrograms & Achievements (Contd.) • Post Doctoral Research Program • 100 scholars sent per year abroad • Faculty Hiring • More than 250 foreign faculty participating • Over 100 under long term hiring scheme (1- 5 years) • Indigenous Scholarship Program • Over 2000 scholarships awarded • HEC Approved Supervisor scheme • Current Deficiencies met through Foreign faculty 16

  17. Increasing Access / Relevance Programs & Achievements • Enhancing Enrolment • 40% increase in enrolment • 19% increase in Distance Learning Program enrolment • University Development Projects • 5- 7 year development vision of universities • Infrastructure, faculty, new programs • Technology Parks / Business Incubators • Faisalabad: Agricultural-Biological Research • Karachi: Herbal Pharmaceutical Research 17

  18. Promotion of Scientific ResearchPrograms & Achievements • Enhancing Research Facilities • 20 Centralized Research Laboratories in major universities • Digital Library access to over 20,000 leading e-journals i.e. 80% of world’s peer reviewed content • Research Support • Over 240 research projects funded • International conference sponsoring • Research Productivity Allowance • Incentives linked to research publications • 60% increase in Research publications in international journals • HEC providing Patenting Service 18

  19. Building Knowledge NetworksPrograms & Achievements • International Linkages • 15 collaborative research projects between Pakistan and British universities • 35 new linkages to be launched soon • US$1.3 billion linkage programme between Pak-US Universities over 10 years • Research collaboration with China 19

  20. Quality Assurance • Prescribed criteria for Higher Education Institutions in Private sector • Quality Enhancement Cells • Educational Accreditation Councils • Examination System Review • Quality of Faculty • Appointment Criteria • Tenure Track • Training and Research Opportunities • Curriculum Review • Industry Collaboration • International Standards • 4 - year undergraduate degreestandardization • Projects Monitoring 20

  21. Technology Infrastructure: Leveraging IT • University Computerization & Networking • Computer Laboratories • Campus wide high-speed LAN • Computerization of Administration • Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) (60 public sector universities connected) • Digital Library • PAKSAT – 1 • Distance Education • Virtual University • Educational TV Channels • Video Lecturing 21

  22. Pakistan Education and Research Network • University Computerization & Networking • ICT infrastructure, Computer Laboratories, LAN & WAN • Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) • 60 universities connected • 155 Mbps International Internet Bandwidth • Intranet bandwidth of 50Mbps • Institutional internet bandwidth of 5Mbps • Video conferencing, Voice-over-IP services • Satellite-based Internet Downlinks: Remote institutions and campuses provided with connectivity through 45MB downlink 22

  23. FASTEST INTERNETSPREAD!! Oct 2005: 2339 cities / villages 400 cities on optic fiber!! IT Infrastructure and Diffusion 23

  24. National Digital Library ProgramINASP as Partner • Availability of over 25 Publisher databases providing access to nearly 20,000 full text journals (almost 80% of the world’s peer reviewed scientific content) • Accessible at 220 institutions (Public Universities, Private Institutions, R & D Organizations) • 10,000 faculty members and students trained at universities/R&D institutions across the country • One million articles downloaded in 2005 • Access to over 10,000 e-books • Expansion programme with US Library of Congress 24

  25. Selective Approach to Strengthening S&T / Higher Education Core Areas • Information Technology • Engineering • Biotechnology • Pharmaceuticals / Chemicals Support Areas • Basic Sciences(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics) • Food Technology • Material Sciences • Environmental Sciences • Renewable Energy • Water Resources • Electronics 25

  26. Improving Access / Relevance • New Universities(Building Regional Knowledge Networks) • 9 New Engineering Universities to be established in collaboration with Sweden, Germany, Austria, France, Korea, Netherlands, UK, USA, China • At strategic sites close to industrial hubs • First university to be functional by 2008 26

  27. Technology Development and Industrialization • Technology promotion through public / private partnership • Strengthening Metrology, Testing and Quality Institutions • Common Facility Centers and Skill Development Fund • Private sector involvement for Technical Training • National Accreditation Council • Quality Policy 27

  28. Partnership for Change: Working with the Private Sector Role of Government is to provide: • Consistency of Policy ( legal, regulatory, IPR and fiscal) • Human capital • Measurement , Standards and Quality Testing Labs (need to be upgraded) • Stability, Law and Order, fast commercial courts • Encourage SMEs (Credit, Skill, Technology) • Linking Technology purchases and FDI with knowledge transfer 28

  29. Policy Imperative • Seed capital / start up funds for Technology commercialization (Venture Capital) • Special initiatives for hi-tech start up firms (China’s example) • Innovation Credit Scheme for Design and Engineering capability in Firms • Performance awards to scientists for proactive approach to smaller firms • Flexibility and effectiveness for Funds mobilization 29

  30. THANK YOU 30

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