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SONI PERMANA, 2201406080 THE USE OF QUESTION WORD QUESTIONS AS GUIDELINES IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT <br /> (A Case of the Tenth Grade of Senior High School Students at MA Al Asror, Patemon in Academic Year 2009/2010). Identitas Mahasiswa.
SONI PERMANA, 2201406080THE USE OF QUESTION WORD QUESTIONS AS GUIDELINES IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT <br /> (A Case of the Tenth Grade of Senior High School Students at MA Al Asror, Patemon in Academic Year 2009/2010)
Identitas Mahasiswa • - NAMA : SONI PERMANA - NIM : 2201406080 - PRODI : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris - JURUSAN : BAHASA & SASTRA INGGRIS - FAKULTAS : Bahasa dan Seni - EMAIL : nick_campus pada domain rocketmail.com - PEMBIMBING 1 : Widhiyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. - PEMBIMBING 2 : Dra. C. Murni W., M.A - TGL UJIAN : 2010-08-31
Judul • THE USE OF QUESTION WORD QUESTIONS AS GUIDELINES IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT <br /> (A Case of the Tenth Grade of Senior High School Students at MA Al Asror, Patemon in Academic Year 2009/2010)
Abstrak • Writing is a difficult subject for senior high school students in Indonesia since the students do not only have to keep their purpose of writing, but also they have to think on how to organize them in the composition. One way that can be used to figure out that problem is by using the appropriate technique to teach that subject. Therefore, I conducted the research about the use of question-word questions as one of techniques in writing narrative text. The subject of the research is the tenth graders in class X.A of MA Al Asror Patemon in academic year 2009-2010. While, the objective of the research is to help improving students’ writing skill especially in narrative text by using question-word-question as guidelines for the students. The study is an action research consisting of two cycles, which were conducted, in two meetings for each cycle. The activities in the cycles were practicing answering questions, developing the answers, and creating a narrative text, besides the students did the three tests, pretest, formative test, and posttest. Moreover, the students answered the questionnaire I gave to them as the supporting data for the research. After conducting the activities in the cycles, based on the observation sheet I found that there were differences of students’ behavior in the process of teaching and learning in the first meeting up to fourth meeting. The students seemed more ready to join in the teaching and learning process and actively engaged in the activity in meeting III and IV. Moreover, the students used the questions to create the narrative text. Besides, from the questionnaire, I could conclude that the students felt easier creating a narrative text by using questions guidance. Moreover, the result of pretest, formative test and posttest increased, they were 59.96, 68.66, and 71.27. From the analysis of the activities and the result of the tests, I conclude that the use of question-word questions as guidelines in writing narrative text is effective to improve students’ skill in writing narrative text. Therefore, I suggest that the use of questions word questions as guidelines in writing narrative text can be the alternative technique for English teachers in teaching this subject.
Kata Kunci • question-word questions, guidelines, narrative text
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