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Performance Discussion Workshop: Tips for Employees

Learn the benefits of performance appraisal, types, and key elements to improve employee performance management. Discover how performance discussions enhance organizational development. Gain insights into successful performance appraisal strategies.

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Performance Discussion Workshop: Tips for Employees

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  1. Performance Discussion Workshop:Tips for Employees Employment & Organizational Development July 17, 2019

  2. Key Terms Defined • Benefits of Performance Appraisal • Types of Performance Appraisal • Key Elements of Performance Appraisals • Performance Management Cycle • Successful Performance Appraisal Discussion Performance DiscussionWorkshopContent overview

  3. Performance Management: the continuous process aimed at planning, monitoring and evaluating the objective for employees and their total contribution • Performance Appraisal: an operational tool to improve efficiency of employees • Employee Development: an effort between the Institute and the employee to develop workers’ skills, knowledge and opportunity Key Terms Defined

  4. Development: Employees learn what their key strengths are and where they should focus • Better Performance: On the individual level and organizational levels when done consistently and well • Effective: Higher satisfaction and morale among staff, retention of strong performers, and an effective means for poor performance • Broad view: Overall Assessment allows employee to see the big picture vs. focus on small points Benefits of Performance Appraisal: The Employee

  5. Establish clear, measurable expectations and providing a climate conducive to success • Guide Performance to ensure work is at a consistently higher level or improves over time • Goal attainment making certain that individual tasks contribute to the attainment of departmental goals • Identify performance issues and set clear course for correcting or improving them Benefits of Performance Appraisal:The Manager/Supervisor

  6. Helps both the manager and the employee assess how performance fits into the bigger picture of the department/Institute • Facilitates the department and Institute in realizing their missions and objectives • Assists the department in determining whether skills and knowledge of current staff can meet the future needs of the organization Benefits of Performance Appraisal:TheInstitute

  7. Narrative: A series of brief paragraphs in which appraisers provide detailed assessments of employee performance in particular categories. (descriptive summary) • Numerical Scale Form: A quantitative form in which the appraiser assigns a numeric value to the employee’s performance. (e.g. scale from 1-5) • Descriptive Scale Form: a semi-quantitative form that requires the appraiser to rank the employee’s performance that uses descriptors. (e.g. Exceptional to Unsatisfactory) Types of Performance Appraisal

  8. General Performance General performance includes basic workplace responsibilities, such as attendance, punctuality and policy adherence • Specific Job Responsibilities The specific job responsibilities are the immediate items in which the you are responsible for completing every day and without fail • Year-to-Year Comparison Your performance review may include a section that provides a year-to-year or evaluation-to-evaluation comparison. • Goal setting/Development Plan This section may include goals/development for improving your position and success within the organization. Key Elements aPerformance Appraisals may include

  9. Performance Goals • Short-term objectives set for specific work in in your current position • Relate to the department's overall goals • Includes clearly defined expectations for success • Usually asked as: What goals would you be interested in working toward between now and the next performance appraisal? Goal Setting

  10. Development Plans • Tie to anticipated needs in the your current position and/or focus on opportunities outside the your current role and/or • The organization's anticipated needs and/or focus on your strengths, talents, and interests separately from the current position • Usually asked as: What are your careers goals in the next year or two? or Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Development Plans

  11. Suggested Performance Discussion Process

  12. The purpose of the Performance Appraisal Discussion is for each manager to engage in a substantive discussion with their employees. Discussions may include: • Employee successes in the past year • Obstacles encountered since the last conversation • What are the performance goals/development plan for the coming year? Performance Appraisal Discussions

  13. A positive and supportive working environment that includes timely feedback • Feedback that is clear and consistent • Accurate performance evaluations • Fair and consistent treatment • Addressing issues in a timely manner • Clarifying expectations • Ongoing communication The Manager’s Responsibilities

  14. Meeting job requirements and acceptable standards of performance, conduct, and attendance • Being prompt and reliable, and accurately reporting time and attendance • Giving adequate notice of absence • Communicating with management on all subjects affecting their ability to perform their job •  Complying with all Institute policies and procedures •  Working cooperatively with all members of the Caltech community •  Asking for assistance when unsure about a task or assignment The Employee’s Responsibilities

  15. The Employee knows: • What am I doing well? • Why do my goals matter? • How do they need to be accomplished? • What can I improve on? The manager knows: • How did the employee fare with set goals and expectations? • What expectations can be set for the following year? • Are there any performance gaps? • Useful employee feedback After the Performance Appraisal Discussion

  16. What Employee and Organizational Development can assist you with? • To roundtable concerns and solutions • To clarify policy • Coaching/consulting on workplace matters EOD is here to help Employee & Organizational Development at x6382 • Jessica Almeida x8039 • Rose Murillo x5930 • Ofelia Velazquez-Perez x3819 • Ana Liza V. Zell x3173

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