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Delve into the historical journey of nucleosynthesis, from the Big Bang to present, exploring the formation of elements like Fe and actinides through stellar processes and cosmic milestones. Unravel the mysteries of spectral lines, abundance messages from space, and the evolution of nucleosynthesis concepts over the decades. Discover the key players in the field and their groundbreaking discoveries, from the first table of solar abundances to the identification of stellar energy sources. Delight in the cosmic ballet of stars and supernovae that shape the elemental landscape, and ponder over unanswered questions like the cosmological lithium problem and the enigmatic r-process. Peer into the late stages of stellar evolution, explore the role of different processes in element production, and contemplate the diverse pathways leading to the formation of elements. Join this cosmic odyssey through the cosmos, unlocking secrets of the elemental world around us.
The Origin of the Elements – a story of Red Giants and Supernovae I it all began not so longago… an historicalintroduction II nucleosynthesis from the Big Bang until today IIIfromFe to the actinides by neutron capture reactions
spectral linies – abundance messages from space
milestones of nucleosynthesis 1937first table of solar abundances by Goldschmidt 1937 - pp chain and CNO cycle identified as stellar energy sources by Bethe & Critchfield and by von Weizsäcker 1940ies initial ideas about Big Bang and CMB formulated by Gamow et al. 1952discovery of Tc in Red Giant stars by Merrill: evidence for stellar nucleosynthesis 1957fundamental papers on nucleosynthesis by Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler & Hoyle (B2FH) Rev. Mod. Phys. 29, 547 (1957) Cameron Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific 9, 201 (1957) 39
sources of abundance information Meteorites stone iron carbonaceous chondrites ±10% ±1%
s r abundances beyond Fe – ashes of stellar burning and SNe Neutrons Fusion BB Fe H 30 000 C 10 Fe 1 Au 2 10-7 abundance s r mass number neutrons produce 75% of the stable isotopes, but only 0.005% of total abundances
1957: nucleosynthesis concepts Al Cameron Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler, Hoyle
Big Bang t = 0.5 – 200 s: thermal equilibrium, nn/np = e−Q/kT = 1/7 at T>1 GK t = 200 – 1000 s: nucleosynthesis of d, t, 3He, 4He, 7Li 7Li Xpred = (1.5 ± 0.2) 10-9 4He (n, a)a Xpred∼ (2n+2p) +12 p 0.25 by mass Xobs ∼ (3–7) × 10−10 (n, p) Xobs = 0.248±0.003 the cosmological Li problem remains unsolved
nucleosynthesis: stars or BB? Merrill 1952: discovery of Tc lines in spectra of Red Giants all Tc isotopes unstable (t1/2<4 Myr) proof of stellar origin
convection zone radiation zone main sequence abundances by H fusion surface composition not affected H 4He CNO 14N H He
H burning: pp chain and CNO cycle wikimedia.org
Coulomb barrier, cross section, S factor, Gamow window Rolfs & Rodney, Fig 4.2
S factor and solar Gamow window 3He(a, g) 14N(p, g) Takacs et al. (2015): 0.54±0.054 keV b 0.1 1 Ecm (MeV) 0.01 0.1 1 Ecm (MeV) ʘ BB
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (1913) LUMINOSITY SURFACE TEMPERATURE
Fred Hoyle and the triple-a-process 1953: based on the observed carbon abundance Hoyle postulates a nuclear state in 12C at 7.68 MeV; the Hoyle state was promptly confirmed experimentally at CalTech Zentrum Dunbar et al. Phys. Rev. 92, 649 (1953): „… we find the energy of excitation in 12C to be 7.68±0.03 MeV.“ wikimedia.org
late stages of stellar evolution planetary nebula oder supernova? from ESO
Konvektive Hülle He burning in low-mass stars (<8Mʘ) element production and transport to surface H He-shell burning Tc! He 4He, 12C, 14N, 16,18O 22Ne, 25,26Mg and main s-process contributes to most isotopes from Fe to Pb/Bi 13C(a,n) convective envelope C/O
s-process enriched envelope ejected in stellar wind and as planetary nebula
s-process signature s N ≈ const CROSS SECTION x ABUNDANCE (Si=106) MASS NUMBER
Konvektive Hülle H → He: 7 Myr He → C, O: 0.700 Myr C → Ne, Mg: 600 yr Ne → O: 1 yr O → Si: 0.5 yr Si → Ni: 1 d massive stars (>8Mʘ) H He C Ne O Si Fe/Ni fusion: C- Fe weak s process: Fe – Zr 22Ne(a,n) collapse of Fe/Ni core triggers supernova r process? Fe to actinides?
Nr = N - Ns r-process residuals
Crab nebula: typical supernova remnant no or very little r process
classical nucleosynthesis in supernovae: rand p process np process p process r process ?
p process abundances with 2D model of core collapse SNe : 20 Mʘ deficits below A~120 25 Mʘ Pignatari et al. 2016 https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.03690
np process works below A~120 Martinez-Pinedo, Physik Journal 7, 51 (2008)
r process observed in early GCE • oldest stars (Z = 10-4 Zʘ) show r-process pattern from Ba to Pb identical with solar r abundances log ABUNDANCE observed scaled solar system ATOMIC NUMBER two r-processes?
neutron star mergers: another site for the r process Hulse-Taylor-Pulsar PSR 1913+16 orb. period: 147 min distance: 3 Ls (1 000 000 km) rot. period: 23 ms & 2.8 s masses: 1.34 & 1.25 Mʘ time dilatation: 0.4 ms life time: 300 Myr ± 0.03%
neutron star merger simulation Rosswog et al., Class. Quantum Gravity 34, 104001 (2017) D. Martin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 121101 (2016)
August 17 2017: multi-messenger data of GW170812 Abbott et al. Ap.J.Lett 848 (2017) L12
stellar evolution in a nutshell 0.1 M 1 M 4 10 Gyr, Fe seed 10 M 1 Myr, no seed required 100 M
ca.10 Gyr ca. 10 Myr star formation rate 4 stellar masses s-process late contribution r-process, C - Fe first metals