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The Book « HARRY Potter ». Writer JK Rowling . Barsegyan Leva. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
The Book «HARRY Potter» Writer JK Rowling . BarsegyanLeva
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire • In Little Hengltone still call him the Riddle House, although Riddle family lived there a long time ago. The house stands on a hill above the village, its windows boarded up, showered tiles from the roof and the facade is almost invisible for the wildly overgrown with ivy. Beautiful mansion was once the most magnificent building in the neighborhood, now languishing in the House Riddle emptiness and abandonment.Residents of Little Hengltona unanimous in their opinion that in the old house hides some sort of horror. Half a century ago it was something dreadful and mysterious, as until now the old-timers like the village gossip, when other topics for gossip exhausted. The history of this so many times retold, distorting and embellishing that now no one knows that it is true and what is not. The beginning, however, always the same: fifty years ago, at a time when the House Riddle was still neat and tidy and has not lost grandeur, serene summer morning, the maid entered the room and found all three dead Riddle. With loud cries of the girl ran down the hill and picked up on their feet the whole village.- Lay and his eyes are open to all! Cold as ice! Dressed for dinner!The police arrived, and the entire Little Henglton began to seethe, stared curiously. A special sadness over the death of Riddle, it should be noted, no one showed - in the village they did not like. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle had been rich people, arrogant and rude, and their adult son Tom and worse. But all extremely concerned by the question: who is the murderer? It is clear also that three otherwise healthy people could not just pick up and suddenly die.That evening trade in the "gallows", a rustic tavern, flourished as never before - to discuss the murder here was packed the entire village. And having met the audience was rewarded for being sacrificed in this hour of home comfort - in the midst of the conversation, barely breath, broke the cook Riddle and in the silence announced that today arrested a man named Frank Bryce.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II The two of them, appearing as if out of nowhere, a couple of seconds,stood a few steps away against each other on the narrow, moonlit trail.They stood motionless, pointing one to the chest of another magicwand, and then, when everyone knew who to him, removed the stickunder the mantle and quickly moved in one direction.- There's news - he asked what it was taller.- The best - Severus Snape replied.Along the trail went left of the wild blackberry bushes low, and the right - high well-groomed hedges. Long robes of men swayed, Braiding around the ankles.- I'm too afraid to be late - said Yaxley, his face a grave covered by the light of the moon makes its way over the path between the overhangingbranches, then again plunged into darkness. - The road was harder than I expected. However, I hope he will be pleased. Do you really thinkwe can expect a good reception?
JK Rowling has finished writing a book January 11, 2007 at the Balmoral in Edinburgh [2]. It was announced that the novel will be released on July 21, 2007 at 00:01 GMT. However, five days before the start of sales of the book appeared in Internet photos iotskanirovannye page images of the American edition of the seventh book [3], which proved to be genuine. After a short time this text was translated into several languages, including Russian. It was later revealed that the culprit was a leaking Store DeepDiscount.com, which is in violation of the embargo on the sale of books, sent out about 1,200 copies to customers by mail prior to the date [4].The first widely available version of the book appeared in Russian on the Internet at a group of amateur translators, who call themselves Potter's Army. The translation was completed July 25, 2007 around 23 pm Moscow time. Even in the original version of the book was translated in detail, in compliance with the author's literary style, but with significant shortcomings (eg, missing a piece of her thirty-third chapter, also translated a large number of spelling and grammatical errors). In parallel, work on the translation of the book were several groups of translators.Russian printed version of the novel went on sale October 13, 2007 edition of 1.8 million copies. August 16 book arrived in three printers in areas adjacent to the Moscow area (including the printing plant in Nizhny Novgorod region). Print out in complete darkness for about a month [source not specified 460 days].
About the title of the book the author reported December 21, 2006 on its official website, but to get it, it was necessary to perform a mini-quest.The same day, the name was published on the website publishers Bloomsbury [5].Since the word «hallows» in the English language has several meanings, among Russian-speaking fans of Rowling disputes arose over how to properly transfer the title of the novel. There were three major versions of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (this is almost a literal translation, although it is not clear that in this case the author had in mind), "Harry Potter and the Relics of Death" (it was believed that under the "relics" refers to Horcruxes but with the advent of the first spoilers, it became clear that this is not a fact), "Harry Potter and the Deadly tomb." Rowling herself refused to comment about the title of the book before it appeared. Interest is the fact that a few days before the book was published in the English language Rowling has published an alternative name for the translators of the book - «Harry Potter and the Relics of Death». This title is for the correct translation for those languages that can not be equivalent to the English phrases to convey the meaning of «Deathly Hallows».The idea of the name "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" came up with the coordinator of the translation of Potter's Army TeeN'e on Saturday, July 21 - the day of official publication of the book in English, and was presented at the internal site team of translators. With the proliferation of online translation of Potter's Army is the name became widespread because most accurately reflects the nature and role of gifts in the book [6].Translated publisher "Rosman" title of the book initially looked like a "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." To determine the official name, the publishing house together with the portal Mail.ru has organized the campaign "Think of the name of the book in the Harry Potter books" in order to find the most successful translation [7]. The contest, the poll was conducted from July 27 to August 6, 2007. After his graduation, it was announced that the approved name of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" [8].
XenophiliusLovegood in the house tells Harry, Ron and Hermione story about three brothers who met with death and received a gift of three powerful subject matter - an unbeatable wand (Elder Wand), stone, raised the dead, and a perfect invisibility cloak. According to the description of invisibility cloak Harry meets the mantle. The sign of the book symbolizes the Deathly Hallows: a triangle - the mantle is inscribed in a circle - stone, and a vertical bar - Elderberry stick. Most magicians do not believe in the tale of three brothers. After the story of Harry realized that Polumna have not been home. Xenophilius recognizes that Polumna arrested for his statements in support of Harry Potter.Xenophilius decided that if it says Harry, his daughter released. But my friends managed to escape before the arrival of Death Eaters.Ron talks about a special radio station, only telling the truth about what is happening. Friends can tune in to it, and they receive the news of his former friends. Harry says the name of the Volan de Mort. Death Eaters are imposed in the name of the curse: anybody who utters it, opens his whereabouts. There are a werewolf Fenrir Grey and his associates.They grabbed Harry, Ron and Hermione, and lead them to the mansion Malfoy. Draco asked to identify the prisoners. After learning about the sword of Gryffindor, BellatrixLestrange is horrified and tries Hermione Cruciatus Curse, to find out where they got the sword. Bellatrix is confident that they stole the sword from her safe in the bank "Gringotts."Harry and Ron are in the basement with Dean Thomas, Griphook the goblin, Ollivander and PolumnaLovegood. Powered Griphook for questioning at the request of Harry's lying, that the sword was a fake.Suddenly there is Dobby and transgressiruet together with Dean, and OllivanderPolumna the house of Bill and Fleur. The noise in the basement is Peter Pettigrew. Harry reminds Pettigrew of duty to save lives, and silver hand Pettigrew begins to strangle him (for showing weakness). Pettigrew dies. Harry, Ron and Hermione save Dobby, Bellatrix manages to mortally wound the dagger Dobby. Harry grabs his wand at Draco.