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  1. <div id="saleslander"> <div class="inner clearfix"> <span class="icon"></span> <h1>livinglight.eu<span> is for sale!</span></h1> <h3>Buying this domain means full control and ownership.</h3> <div class="domain_actions"> <div class="box_payments"> <p>Price in Words:<br/><b>two thousand, four hundred and ninety-nine</b></p> <p>Domain Punycode:<br/><b class="punycode">livinglight.eu</b></p> <p>Payment options:</p><p class="paymentimg"> <img style="border:0;" src="http://www.livinglight.eu/images/payment/visa.png" alt="Buy and register a domain with VISA" title="Buy and register a domain with VISA" /> <img style="height:28px;" src="http://www.livinglight.eu/images/payment/visa_verified.png" alt="Buy and register a domain with VISA" title="Buy and register a domain with VISA" /> <img style="border:0;" src="http://www.livinglight.eu/images/payment/mastercard.png" alt="Buy and register a domain with Mastercard" title="Buy and register a domain with Mastercard" /> <img style="height:28px;" src="http://www.livinglight.eu/images/payment/mastercard_securecode.png" alt="Buy and register a domain with Mastercard" title="Buy and register a domain with Mastercard" /> <img src="http://www.livinglight.eu/images/payment/sofort.png" alt="Buy and register a domain with SOFORT banking" title="Buy and register a domain with SOFORT banking" /> <a href="http://www.wirecard.at/secure/" target="_blank"><img style="border:0;" src="http://www.livinglight.eu/images/payment/wirecard.png" alt="SECURE transfer through WIRECARD CEE" title="SECURE transfer through WIRECARD CEE" /></a> <img style="border:0;" src="http://www.livinglight.eu/images/payment/sepa.png" alt="Buy and register a domain with SEPA TRANSFER (IBAN/BIC)" title="Buy and register a domain with SEPA TRANSFER (IBAN/BIC)" /> </p> </div> <form id="form_send_golem" method="POST" action="index.php"> <input type='hidden' id="domainid" name="domainid" value="27413" /> <input type='hidden' id="domain" name="domainname" value="livinglight.eu" /> <div class="box_buy clearfix" > <p id="buy_price" class="buy_price" data-currency="&euro;" data-amount="2499" >2499</p> <input type="button" onClick="buyDomain();" name="btn_buy" value="Buy Domain" class="button button_buy_it_now"/> <!-- <a class="button button_buy_it_now" href="/en/buy-domain-en.html?task=taskBuy&amp;domainid=27413">Buy Domain</a> --> </div> </form> <div class="box_buy_info" > <p>A purchase includes:</p> <ul> <li><span>100% Secure Transfer</span> through GOLEM Domain Escrow Service.</li> <li><span>100% Money Back Guarantee</span> if the seller fails to transfer the domain.</li> <li><span>Be immediate owner by contract</span> through a Buy Now purchase.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="box_bid_info" style="display: none;"> <p>A purchase includes:</p> <ul> <li><span>100% Secure Transfer</span> through GOLEM Domain Escrow Service.</li> <li><span>100% Money Back Guarantee</span> if the seller fails to transfer the domain.</li> <li><span>Be immediate owner by contract</span> through a Buy Now purchase.</li> </ul> </div> </div><!-- end .domain_actions --> </div> </div> <div id="contentDomain"> <div class="inner clearfix"> <ul class="saleslander_stats"> <li><span class="views">&nbsp;</span> Visitors last 31 days: <span> 28</span></li> <li><span class="pagerank">&nbsp;</span> PageRank:<span> 0</span> </li> <li><span class="bids">&nbsp;</span> Interested persons:<span> 6</span> </li> <li><span class="installment">&nbsp;</span> Installment option:<span> No</span></li> </ul> <ul class="saleslander_stats"> <li><span class="rating">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Seller rating: <span>Verified &amp; Reliable</span> </li> <li><span class="transfer">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Transfer method: <span>Escrow Service (100% Secure)</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" > //<![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#buy_price").html(formatCurrency3($("#buy_price").attr("data-amount"), $("#buy_price").attr("data-currency"))); $('#bid_buy_now').click(function() { $('.box_bid_info').hide(); $('.box_buy_info').show(); $('.box_bid').hide(); $('.box_buy').show(); return false; }); $('#buy_bid_now').click(function() { $('.box_bid_info').show(); $('.box_buy_info').hide(); $("#input_place_a_bid").addClass("required"); $('.box_bid').show(); $('.box_buy').hide(); return false; }); }); //]]> </script>

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