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Lesson 12 Sizes and Amounts. By: Ignacio Perez Miguel Hernandez Eugenio Gonzalez. I nfinitesimal. Too small to measure or calculate. Augment. To add to; increase the size, extent, or quantity of. Modicum. A small or token amount. Behemoth. Something enormous in size or power.
Lesson 12Sizes and Amounts By: Ignacio Perez Miguel Hernandez Eugenio Gonzalez
Infinitesimal • Toosmalltomeasureorcalculate
Augment • To add to; increase the size, extent, or quantity of
Modicum • A smallortokenamount
Behemoth • Something enormous in size or power
Prodigious • Extraordinary; marvelous
Abound • To be great in number or amount
Brevity • The quality of being short in duration; briefness • Brief or concise expression; terseness
Diminish • To become smaller or less • To lessen the authority, reputation, or prestige of
Quotidian • Everyday; commonplace • Thebusinessmenhavetogive a dailyquotidianreportontheirwork.
Amplitude • Greatness of size or range; magnitude