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Christianity. Cults & Religions. Mormonism. Mormonism. Also known as “The Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints” Was founded in the early 19 th Century by Joseph Smith The Mormon Church has over 13 Million members in over 160 Countries 50,000 full-time missionaries

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  1. Christianity Cults & Religions

  2. Mormonism

  3. Mormonism • Also known as “The Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints” • Was founded in the early 19th Century by Joseph Smith • The Mormon Church has over 13 Million members in over 160 Countries • 50,000 full-time missionaries • Still has a living prophet and apostles • They are lead by the living prophet • Then his two councilors • Then there is 12 church apostles • Once a year these men meet in in Salt Lake City and receive a new word from God that is held just as highly as scripture itself. • Mormon Theology hinges on hits history

  4. Joseph Smith • Born in Vermont (1805) to a poor family • Is actually a JR – Joseph Smith Jr. • Later he has a meeting with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit • He asks them “what Church do I join” • Jesus instructs him not to join any church • They are all wrong • All creeds are an abomination • All who profess those creeds are corrupt. • Claimed that in 1823 he was visited by the angels Moroni • Told Joseph there was a new book that needed to be written. • After visiting Joseph for 4 years he finally gives him the plates that this book is written on for him to translate from an ancient form of Egyptian that had never been seen before or sense. • To translate the text he placed the plates along with a seer stone into the bottom of his hat and would place his face over it to block out the light and dictate what he read to others who wrote it down

  5. Joseph Smith (Continued) • Was wanted by the law, and eventually jailed, for money-digging • "Money-digging" (also sometimes called "glass-looking") was a con or a fraud that was practiced in the Northeastern US at that time. The con man would have a "magic stone" which he would place in his hat, and then pull his hat over his face, excluding all light. The stone would then supposedly shine and the money-digger could locate hidden treasure. People would pay the money-digger to tell them where to dig, but there was another part of the scam. When you got "close" to the treasure, the money-digger would usually tell you that the treasure had moved. The whole thing was like looking into a crystal ball or doing palm-reading.

  6. Joseph Smith (Continued) • Translates The Book of Mormon during 1828-1829 • Published in 1830 • Was visited by Moses and told to restore the Aaron Priesthood • Started his church in New York and with 6 members traveled the country sharing their new religion • Later published another book, The Doctrine and Covenants, and his own Bible translation. • In 1835 buys Egyptian artifacts from a traveling showman and from them translates and publishes The Book of Abraham • While travel he discovered the garden of Eden was located in Jackson County, Missouri; as well as the spot where Jesus will eventually reign over all the Earth.

  7. Joseph Smith (Continued) • Once he reached the Mississippi river In 1844 and founded a town called Nauvoo and it is there that he really settled into his role as leader. • There he was: • Lieutenant General of his own Army • Mayor • Judge • Recorder of Deeds • He ran for President of the United States. • Had himself secretly crowned King of the Earth • Instituted Temple rituals

  8. Joseph Smith (Continued) • In 1833 he receives a vision saying Polygamy is ok • Polygamy – The practice of being married to more than one spouse • Smith was already secretly practicing polygamy • In come cases even marring the wives of his colleagues. • Was assassinated in 1844 by an angry mob. • Was succeeded by Brigham Young • Who in 1846 lead the Mormons to the Salt Lake Valley • Once said “The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy.”

  9. Mormon Texts • The Mormons believe in the traditional OT and NT Bible. • KJV only • The Book of Mormon • Said by them to be “the most correct of any Book on Earth” • Books they hold in high regard: • Doctrine and Covenants • Pearl of Great Price

  10. Mormonism Teachings • There is no Trinity • Joseph Smith taught that God was once as we are now – and is an exalted man. • God was a man advanced in his world to such a degree that he was given his own world by which to rule over. • The teach eternal progression • “as man is God once was, as God is man may become” • We were all once spirit matter that was arranged by God and one of his wife by physical relations to become spirit children • Once spirit children reach maturity they are sent to Earth to live • They teach that we have no sin nature. • Mormons practice baptism for the dead.

  11. Mormon Teachings (Continued) • You will not find crosses on Mormon temples or etc. because they believe Jesus atoned for sin when sweat great drops of blood. • After Jesus resurrection he visited the Americas

  12. Mormonism Teachings (Continued) • Salvation • Once the gods convened to discuss the plan of salvation for our world. Jesus, God’s eldest spirit son, purposed the idea of him as savior and everyone given the choice. Lucifer, his half brother, said that he should be savior and everyone be compelled to be saved. The gods decided to go with Jesus. Lucifer was very angry and lead a third of the spirits in rebellion. They were defeated and cast down to become the Devil and his angels. • Salvation is by works • You have to be a member of their church • Do your temple work • Believe in Joseph Smith

  13. Mormon Teachings (Continued) • After Death • If you are a good Mormon you go to Paradise. • If you are not you go to Spirit Prison • Here you wait for Mormon missionaries to preach the gospel to you. • Then if you believe someone here has to baptized for you because everyone has to be baptized. • Eventually there will come an end and a rapture for all good Mormons • After this most people will go to one of three “degrees of glory” • Telestial Kingdom (for real bad guys) • Terrestrial Kingdom (where nice guys go) • Celestial Kingdom (Mormons) • People who leave the Mormon church go to “out darkness”

  14. Unusual Mormon Teachings • No Caffeine • No Alcohol • No Tobacco • As part of their development for god-hood any Mormon who has been married in a temple or went through missionary training receives special undergarments. • Some sins are so sever that the blood of Christ cannot atone for them • Until recently Utah still allowed for execution by firing squad.

  15. What is the appeal of Mormonism? • Family Emphasis • They believe that if you are married in the Mormon Temple that your family unit lasts forever. • Social activities • Upon being converted to Mormonism they put you to work almost immediately and there is a chance for advancement. • Baptism on behalf of deceased relatives • The idea that unbelieving family members in the past still have hope.

  16. What does the Bible say? • “Even if an angel…” • Galatians 1:6-8 • No gods before or after God • Isaiah 43:10; 40-45 • God is not a man • Numbers 23:19; Hosea 11:9; Romans 1:22-23 • Jesus Christ has always been God • John 1:1 • Matthew 1; Luke 1 • The gospel of salvation • Romans 3:20-23; 6:23 • Ephesians 2:8-10 • Jesus preserves his church • Matthew 16:18 • Testing prophets • 1 John 4:1 • Deuteronomy 13:1-5; 18:21-22

  17. Does and Don’ts Does • Do define your terms. • Do ask Mormons what they believe. • Do concentrate on core issues. • Do memorize certain points and quotes. • Do be patient. Don’ts • Don’t assume that a Mormon defines a word in the same way you do. • Don’t assume what an individual Mormon believes. • Don’t dwell on topics that are especially sensitive to Mormons. • Don’t be surprised if Mormons are suspicious of Christian literature. • Don’t think you need to cover every topic in one sitting.

  18. Quick Review

  19. Which of the following is not true about Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church? • He claimed God commissioned him to restore the church on earth. • He ran for president of the United States. • He claimed that John the Baptist appeared to him. • He was thrown in jail because he refused to stop preaching forgiveness. • He “married” some of the wives of his colleagues.

  20. Which of the following is not true about Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church? • He claimed God commissioned him to restore the church on earth. • He ran for president of the United States. • He claimed that John the Baptist appeared to him. • He was thrown in jail because he refused to stop preaching forgiveness. (Smith was actually jailed for money-digging and again later for ordering the destruction of a newspaper’s printing press when it denounced his polygamy) • He “married” some of the wives of his colleagues.

  21. True or False? The Mormon Church claims that the Book of Mormon is an historical record of ancient Hebraic people who came from the Middle East to the Americas.

  22. True or False? The Mormon Church claims that the Book of Mormon is an historical record of ancient Hebraic people who came from the Middle East to the Americas.TRUE (Although the Mormon church makes this claim, there is no archaeological evidence – nor single city mentioned in the Book of Mormon – which can be found to support this claim. )

  23. According to Mormon teaching, Jesus was the eldest of God’s spirit children and … was his younger, jealous brother.

  24. According to Mormon teaching, Jesus was the eldest of God’s spirit children and LUCIFER was his younger, jealous brother. (Lucifer was jealous that Jesus was chosen to be the Savior instead of him, so after Lucifer led an unsuccessful rebellion among the heavenly beings he was cast down to earth and became the Devil.)

  25. According to the Bible, which of the following is true about salvation? • Salvation cannot be earned by personal worthiness. • Good works are the result of salvation, not its basis. • Salvation is maintained by full obedience to the law. • (a) and (b) • All of the above

  26. According to the Bible, which of the following is true about salvation? • Salvation cannot be earned by personal worthiness. • Good works are the result of salvation, not its basis. • Salvation is maintained by full obedience to the law. • (a) and (b) (See Romans 3:20-23) • All of the above

  27. In Acts 17:11, the Berean Christians searched the … to test whether the Apostle Paul’s message was from God.

  28. In Acts 17:11, the Berean Christians searched the SCRIPTURES to test whether the Apostle Paul’s message was from God.

  29. Other Resources Books • Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons by Mark Cares • Mormonism 101: Examining the Religion of the Latter-day Saints by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson • By his own Hand upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri by Charles M. Larson • What Every Mormon (and Non-Mormon) Should Know by Edmund Gruss and Lane Thuet • Out of Mormon: A Woman’s True Story by Judy Robertson

  30. Next Week Eastern Spirituality Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age

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