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TELPAS 2014. January 2014. This training does not replace your responsibility to read and follow all manuals and supplements. READ THE MANUALS!!!. General Information. Grades K-12 LEP students including parent denials Components K-1 reading, writing, listening and speaking
TELPAS 2014 January 2014
This training does not replace your responsibility to read and follow all manuals and supplements.READ THE MANUALS!!!
General Information • Grades K-12 LEP students including parent denials • Components • K-1 reading, writing, listening and speaking • 2-12 writing, listening, speaking and on-line reading test • Test Dates • Writing: February 17th to March 7th • Reading: March 17h to April 4th (should not have “absent” students) • Late arrivals – March 17th or later, reading test only
E11 Deadline LEP & Special Education Students • The ARD and LPAC committee meet TOGETHER to determine domain by domain for rating and testing students. • Documented on “ESL/Bilingual & Special Education Test Assignment and Accommodations” Form • Deadline is February 21, 2014 NO BLANKET EXEMPTIONS.
Test Security and Confidentiality • Protect the contents of all online assessment and student performance (ratings and writing samples) documentation • Trained and oath prior to handling testing material. Oaths for each role • Administered in strict accordance with instructions • No viewing, discussing, providing answers to secure testing materials (paper or on-line)
Campus Coordinator Responsibilities • Identify and train a writing collection verifier • Train appropriate personnel to enter/verify student information in the online system or do it yourself • Ensure computer systems have been checked before testing • Contact District technology if you have computer issues • Read all manuals • Attend required test coordinator training sessions • Identify and train a sufficient number of TELPAS raters and test administrators • District Bilingual Coordinator will oversee the remediation training for raters that fail to meet standards after the second set, however TEA establishes this as a campus coordinator responsibility to ensure that raters are trained and qualified
Campus Coordinator Responsibilities • Be the campus contact for all questions about testing • Report testing irregularities and security violations immediately to the district test coordinator • Campus documentation transfer to DTC • Ensure that all eligible students are identified and tested • Oversee the implementation of validity and reliability • You and your principal are responsible for test security on your campus • Supervise and actively monitor testing
Responsibilities of Testing Coordinators for Holistic Rating Training • Ensuring raters understand the importance of being properly trained on the holistic rating process • Ensuring new and returning raters understand which training to take and for which grade clusters • Monitoring that all raters complete their training requirements and receive supplemental training support if needed • Ensuring that any individual who serves as a rater but is not successful on the calibration portion of training is provided rater support during the TELPAS administration
TELPAS Rater Responsibility • Rate writing collection • Complete required documentation • Maintain security and confidentiality of student’s writing collections and ratings • Report test irregularities • Sign all oaths • Attend training session on administration procedures • Complete holistic rating training requirements • Assemble and verify student writing collections
TELPAS Verifier Responsibilities • Not a TELPAS rater or the CTC • Attend campus testing training • Complete online requirements • Verify writing collection in accordance with manual and complete documentation
Rater Credentials • Have student(s) in class in spring assessment window (elementary have PE or fine arts teacher trained as a backup for primary rater) • Be knowledgeable about student’s English ability • Be trained in rating process • Passed with a 70% or better • Two attempts • Prior to third attempt receive supplemental training
Training • On-line at Texas Training Center https://texas.pearson.desire2learn.com/ • Site code: telpas2014 • Test administration training for: • Raters • Verifiers • On-line administrators • Technology
The training webpage informs raters that districts may sometimes require a returning rater to complete new-rater training and to consult with their testing coordinator if they need clarification. TEA New and Returning Rater Definitions for K–1 and 2–12
Training TEA Fall ELPS-TELPAS Foundational (Awareness) Training For teachers who will be trained as new TELPAS raters in the spring if they lack this foundation Spring TELPAS Administration Procedures Training As a key part of this training, information from the TELPAS Rater Manual is reviewed to prepare raters to proceed with online holistic rating training Returning Raters New Raters Online Basic Training Course Online Calibration (Sets 1 and 2*) Online Calibration (Sets 1 and 2*) If not calibrated: Supplemental Holistic Rating Training Final Online Calibration (Set 3) *Set 2 required only if not successful on Set 1
TEA TELPAS Administration Procedures Training • As part of annual spring TELPAS administration procedures training, holistic rating training requirements are reviewed with raters, as well as information about how to access the online training and calibration components. • In addition, raters receive training on assessment procedures such as how to assemble writing collections, how to record students’ proficiency ratings, etc.
Two Types of Training Online basic training courseThis course isfor new raters. It provides instruction on using the PLD rubrics and gives raters practice rating students in each language domain. There are separate courses for K–1 and 2–12. Online calibration This is for all raters. Raters use the PLDs to rate students in each language domain. Raters have three opportunities to calibrate on assigned grade cluster. TEA
Grade Clusters Grades K–1Grade 2 Grades 3–5 Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12 TEA • Raters must know their assigned grade cluster to select the appropriate online training. • Raters should consult with their campus testing coordinator if they are unsure of their assigned cluster. Training and Calibration Grade Clusters
TEA Raters with Students in Multiple Grade Clusters within Grades 2–12 • Raters are required to train and calibrate in the cluster in which they have the most ELLs. • As a best practice, these raters should also review online basic training course practice activities in the additional cluster(s). • Example: A grade 2–5 ESL teacher has most of her ELLs in grade 3. She must complete training and calibration in grades 3–5. As a best practice, she should review the online practice activities for grade 2 to check her readiness to apply the rubrics appropriately.
TEA Raters with Students in Multiple Grade Clusters that Include Grades K–1 • Because of differences in the instructional content and rating rubrics, these raters must complete training and calibration for K–1 and at least one other cluster in 2–12. • Raters with more than one additional cluster should train in the cluster in which they have the most ELLs. • As a best practice, these raters should also review online basic training course practice activities in the additional cluster(s). • Example: A grade 1–3 ESL teacher has most of his ELLs in grade 2. He must complete training and calibration in grades K–1 and 2. As a best practice, he should review the online practice activities for grades 3–5 to check his readiness to apply the rubrics appropriately for his 3rd grade students.
TEA When and where do raters take the online training? • Depending on campus arrangements, raters may either complete training and calibration during school hours, after school, or on weekends. • The online training system allows raters to access the training from any computer that meets the minimum system requirements. • Campuses inform raters of the details during annual administration procedures training.
TEA Why is calibration necessary? • Calibration helps ensure that raters have adequate training, including ample practice and feedback, before they assess their students in the spring. • Calibration ensures that raters clear their heads and consider only the elements of student performance included in the PLDs. • Calibration supports assessment validity and reliability and is an important part of holistically scored assessment processes.
TEA Preparing for Calibration Sets • New raters must complete the online basic training course before beginning calibration. • All raters have the option to review the online basic training course (which includes practice rating activities) before beginning calibration.
TEA Other Things to Know About Calibration • Raters affirm online that they will keep the contents of the calibration sets secure and confidential. • Calibration activities are taken from a bank and randomized. Trainees will rate different sets of students. • Raters can work at their own pace, go back and review students, and change ratings as they work.
TEA Other Things to Know About Calibration • Raters can exit and return later to finish. They click a “submit” button when they are finished with a set. • After completing a calibration set, raters immediately see results. Results show both the rating assigned by the rater as well as the correct rating. • Raters see annotations explaining the correct ratings. Raters should use the annotations to go back and review any incorrectly rated students.
TEA Is calibration a test? No, it is a training method that ensures that raters have enough guidance, practice, and support to assess students consistently and accurately.
TEA Will raters be able to refer to any resources during calibration activities? Yes, raters should use their rating rubrics (PLDs) and refer to, as needed, information from the: • online basic training course • holistic rating PowerPoints produced by TEA • TELPAS Rater Manual • Educator Guide to TELPAS
TEA How many students must be rated successfully? To be successful, raters need to rate students in their assigned grade cluster with at least 70% accuracy.
TEA Supplemental Holistic Rating Training • Raters not successful after sets 1 and 2 must receive supplemental training. • The rater will meet with a district-appointed supplemental support provider. • After the rater has received supplemental training, he or she will be able to access the third and final calibration set.
TEA Recap of Calibration Process • There are 3 sets of 10 students. • Raters who calibrate on set 1 are done. • Raters who don’t calibrate on set 1 go on to set 2. Raters who calibrate on set 2 are done. • Raters who don’t calibrate on set 2 receive supplemental training. • Raters attempt third and final calibration set. • Raters who calibrate on set 3 are done.
If the individual is needed to serve as a rater, the district must implement rater support procedures to ensure that the rater’s students are evaluated consistent with the rating rubrics. • Supplemental training will be on Feb 26th or 27th at the Johnson Center from 5 to 6. What happens if a rater is unsuccessful in calibrating?
TEA Course and Calibration Certificates • Raters who take the basic training course get a certificate from the online Training Center after completing the course components. • Raters will receive a certificate of successful calibration when they calibrate.
Assembling and Verifying Writing Collections • 2 – 12 • Five writing samples to include at least one narrative about a past event and at least two academic writing samples from math, science, or social studies. • All samples must have student’s full name and date accomplished on them • Only writing samples on or after February 17th may be used
Assembling and Verifying Writing Collections • May be a “clean” copy from work by the student to include a journal • No corrections by teacher or peers • May be typed but spelling and grammar checker must be off • The writing collection cover sheet and verification from Appendix A must be completed and attached on top of the samples for each student
What Not to Be Include in Collections • Copied from a textbook, lesson, or other written sources. In students own words • Papers done with heavily use of a dictionaries or thesaurus • Papers with teacher’s , peers, or parents corrections • Written primarily in another language than English • Worksheets or Q and A writing assignments • Brief, incomplete, or rushed papers
Verifying the Collection • Principal and CTC designate one or more campus verifiers • They complete training on the Texas Training Center and are trained and sign an oath on test administration • Raters are responsible for assembling the writing collection and providing to verifiers. Writing collections are to be kept secure like an answer document
On-line Reading Test • Requires the TA to be trained and sign another oath if they were a rater or verifier. • Students that take by paper will still have to have their answers transcribe into the TAMS. There is a special form and group that you will have that you will have to use in the on-line testing. This same process as for STAAR L • You may sign up for one session on either February 20th 21st, or 24th. If session is full you must choose another time slot
Years in U.S. Schools • Years in US Schools is often confusing because pre-K and Kinder are not included in the count. It starts with grade 1 • New 60 day rule to be released • Years in U.S. schools are important because they are used to determine accountability performance requirements for AYP and the Progress Measurement • For more information refer to the LPAC Manual
TELPAS Reading • TELPAS reading is conducted as an online only assessment • Administered to all LEP students in grades 2-12 • Since it is online, there are no test booklets or answer documents to handle or process • There is a separate training for TAMS on February 20-24, 2014. This training will cover in detail the TELPAS online system
TELPAS Reading Accommodations • Refer to on-line accommodations • It is possible that a required accommodation is not available with online testing. In those cases, we will have to request approval from TEA to give a paper version of the test and order the materials. This is not a last minute process. Plan Ahead!!
TELPAS Reading Make-Ups • All students must be assessed within the assessment window • If a student is absent the day you have them scheduled to take TELPAS reading then move them to another session that will test later within the TELPAS assessment window • The TEA expectation is that we test every eligible student within the TELPAS assessment window
Validity and Reliability of TELPAS • TEA requires districts to implement one or more rating support and verification procedures for every campus with TELPAS-rated students • SAISD has developed a TELPAS validity and reliability plan that meets TEA requirements • Campus test coordinators will be expected to submit required documents to the district test coordinator by the requested deadlines in order to comply with our district validity and reliability plan • An internal audit will be conducted by the Bilingual Department
SAISD TELPAS Validity and Reliability Procedures • For all language domains – grades K-12: Raters will collaborate with other teachers of the students in determining the student’s rating. One collaborator will initial the TELPAS Rating roster for each child • For writing – grades 2-12: • 5% of all writing collections will be randomly pulled for assembly verification by the campus test coordinator
Tutorials to Prepare Students for online TELPAS Reading Testing • TEA has optional tutorials for students • Students are required to have seen and accomplished a tutorial prior to testing (not the day of testing)
Documentation • Oaths • Four different (rater, verifier, on-line TA, and technology) • Rater Roster • Do not use one in back of manual, use the one from the Testing Web site • All information must be completed and all signatures accomplished • Required Documentation Checklist • All necessary forms
Prepare for TELPAS Reading GR 2-12 • Links to the web-based tutorials available for each grade cluster on Testing Department website. • No downloading or installation is necessary to access and use the tutorials. • With NO sample items in the actual test, make sure to schedule lab time for students to practice with the tutorial.
DATES • On-line reading begins on March 17th • Schedule of schools • High schools being on March 17th - 21st • Middle schools and academies on March 17th – 21st • Elementary schools on March 24th – March 28th • If you need to deviate from the schedule you must let us know so that technology will know who is testing. An email will be sent out requesting your planned testing dates