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Day 2. Photo 1-2 Syllabus & Classroom Expectations. Ice Breaker Game. In groups of 3, you will try to put together the photo puzzle. Course Description.
Day 2 Photo 1-2 Syllabus & Classroom Expectations
Ice Breaker Game • In groups of 3, you will try to put together the photo puzzle
Course Description • This course in Digital Photography is designed for beginners interested in photography who have had little or no previous experience. The course is an introduction to the concepts, design principles, materials, and techniques of photography. Students will learn how to take better pictures through the basics of camera operation and photographic composition. A variety of photographic subjects will be explored. The emphasis of the course will be creating and manipulating photographic images using software such as Adobe Photoshop. There will be one photo assignment per week involving one to two hours which the student will complete outside of school.
Course Objectives • Identify significant discoveries, developments, and inventions in the history of photography • Understand the significance of early documentary photography and its social, political, and scientific impact • Distinguish between various movements, styles, and trends in the history of photography • Demonstrate health and safety practices as related to photography • Understand basic digital camera operations • Understand various design elements in photography • Understand how photography can be used to communicate and express ideas and feelings • Learn how to use photo software such as Photoshop & Picasa • Understand how to upload photos to various online domains such as Flickr • Understand how to upload, edit, and prepare photos for digital output • Learn about various careers in photography and how to prepare to a portfolio to market yourself as a photographer
Course Requirements • ♦ Internet Access (You will have access to school computers during class) • ♦ Camera- A digital SLR camera is preferred. ***The school will provide access to a digital camera. These cameras will be used by numerous students per day. If you do not have your own digital camera, you will be able to check out a camera during class time and on a daily basis for use on assignments. If cameras are damaged or have gone missing, the student will be responsible for the appropriate repair/replacement costs which could be up to $800****** • ** If you are serious about photography and want to purchase your own camera, I recommend having a camera with the following specifications: • ♦ 6-8 megapixel minimum • ♦ Manual Controls Option • ♦ Minimum 3x optical zoom • ♦ JPEG and RAW file format capable • ♦ Image stabilization • ♦ ISO 100-1600 (high sensitivity mode) • ♦ Secure digital memory card storage • ♦ USB Flash Drive to store your photos (Minimum 2MB. ** You can purchase these at Walmart, Fred Meyer, Amazon.com, Target, Best Buy, etc.) • ♦ SD/SDHC Memory Card for a digital camera (at least 2 GB- brands vary from Sandisk, Kingston, and Lexar. They range from $15-20 for an 8 GB size)
Grading & Assessment • You will be graded for the work & effort you put into the class. 40% of your grade will be from the projects (portfolio, photo assignments, semester projects) you produce. 40% will be your Work Habits/Participation. 10% will be quizzes/tests and 10% will be homework. • To earn an “A” in this class, you must do the following: • Complete all work beyond the best of your abilities. ‘A’ Students go above and beyond. • Come to class with all required materials, i.e; notebook, pen/pencils, camera (if you have your own), flash drive, memory card, etc. • Get all work completed and turned in on time. • Engage in classroom discussions, activities, critiques, and put effort into your projects. • Be here on time, all the time. • Have a good attitude and respect for your classmates.
Late Work • Late work will suffer anywhere from a 10% to a 100% loss of value. Work more than one week late will not be accepted, no exceptions. • Should you be absent (excused only) the day something is due, it is expected that it will be ready immediately upon your return. This means you don’t get an extra day in class to work on it because you missed the last class. • Should you be absent (unexcused) the day something is due, you forfeit anywhere from 10% - 100% of the value of that assignment, depending on how much of the assignment is turned in complete. • If you are absent (excused or unexcused) during the workday or demonstration day, it is up to you to get the work and make it up on your own time. • *****This class has a specific process on how and where to turn in photo assignments. This will be covered extensively through-out the beginning of the year. If photo assignments are not submitted in the proper photo folder drive on time and completed, then an automatic zero will be given for the assignment. • Course attendance is important to me. Points are given for daily participation. • The class is organized so that there will be time at the end of class to work on lessons and projects and also to discuss your projects. Please use this time well. There may not be enough class time to complete all projects in class and you will need to do significant work outside of class. There are computer labs available to you after school hours. • **Attendance, Absences, & Tardies: I will follow the Southridge High School policy regarding excessive tardies and absences. Southridge has established a four-step process to deal with students who have unexcused tardies/absences. Please read the Southridge Student Handbook for further explanations of this policy.
General Requirements • Quality work is expected in everything you do in this course. Low quality work will be reflected in your grade and may be turned back for a remake. This is essentially a self-directed class. You will have specific assignments, but the bulk of your time will be free to put into practice what you learned from the assignments/lectures. You are expected to work on Photography assignments, at all times, to expand your knowledge of photography. This knowledge expansion can be; seeking job information about the field of photography, computer manipulation/enhancement knowledge, talking to me about the field or about anything photography related, or reading books and other materials available to you in class. • **If I see you spending your time working on homework for other classes, you will lose participation points for the day and will receive a 10% deduction on your assignment. If you are caught spending time goofing off on the computer doing email, games, looking at prom dresses or cars, interrupting other classmates time, or anything that is not photography related, you will be given one warning. The second warning will result in a referral and/or ISS or detention in my room. It may also result in the loss of using the internet for the entire semester.
Computer Use • Your use of school district computers for this class meansthatyouagree to operate the equipmentresponsibly and appropriately. Damage to computers, the computer system, or the software or theft of equipment or software willresult in school discipline and fines to pay for repair or losses. At no time are you to accessgames, email, or the internet (without permission). • Cell phones and otherelectronics must beturned off during class time. If they are used in class, theywillbeconfiscated and returned to parents or turned in at the attendance office, depending on number of violations.
Classroom Behavior/Expectations • Absolutely NO cell phones- If a cell phones rings or I see you doing anything with one during my class for whatever reason, I reserve the right to confiscate it. If caught using one during a quiz/test, the assumption is you are cheating and you will automatically receive and ‘F’. Your responsibility at school is to get and education, not to play with cell phones. • Respect for others- You are expected to treat EVERYONE with respect. A large part of our class will be critiquing your classmates work. Your feedback should be constructive and respectful. I do not want to hear any derogatory, prejudice, or degrading remarks towards any of your classmates, PERIOD. • Come to class prepared- Come to class each day with your camera (if you have your own) a notebook/three ring binder, flash disk, memory card and enthusiasm. • No foul language-Using such language or words meant to insinuate obscene words is offensive in all situations, especially at school. I expect you to act as an adult in the classroom. • Attendance is crucial-It is your responsibility to present a pass from the attendance office for excused absences; otherwise the absence is recorded as unexcused. As for tardiness, if you are not in the room at your desk when the class bell rings, you are tardy; there are no questions or discussion about it. Tardies and absences, class behavior, and attitude also effect the individual assignment as well as the over-all course grade. • No food or drinks allowed in the classroom • ******Artistic freedom limits**** A small note about this…This is an art class and I try to give you as much creative freedom as possible. I consider myself fairly liberal in what I consider visual art. However, images containing or depicting offensive behavior such as gang signing, other offensive finger gestures, gang violence, display of weapons, display of drugs or drug paraphernalia, illegal activities, promoting negative cultural values, nudity, or scenes meant to intimidate me or any student or other staff member will not be tolerated and will immediately be turned over to security as soon as I become aware of it.