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the most famous prehistoric monument in the world

Stonehenge. the most famous prehistoric monument in the world. Stonehenge is significant in many ways - it is a unique monument …. .... an icon , an inspiration and part of an important prehistoric landscape .

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the most famous prehistoric monument in the world

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stonehenge themostfamousprehistoricmonumentintheworld

  2. Stonehengeissignificantinmanyways - itis a uniquemonument….

  3. ....anicon, aninspirationandpartofanimportantprehistoriclandscape.

  4. Itis a richsourceforfindingoutmoreaboutprehistoryandholds a pivotalplaceinthedevelopmentofarchaeology.

  5. Stonehenge was constructed in three phases.

  6. The Stonehenge that we see today is the final stage that was completed about 3500 years ago, but first let us look back 5000 years.

  7. The first Stonehenge was probably built around 3100 BC. It was a circle about 284 feet in diameter.Shortly after this stage Stonehenge was abandoned, left untouched for over 1000 years.

  8. The second and most dramatic stage of Stonehenge started around 2150 BC. 82 bluestones were transported to the site. It is thought these stones, some weighing 4 tonnes each were dragged on rollers and sledges.

  9. The third stage of Stonehenge started about 2000 BCThe final stage took place soon after 1500 BC.

  10. Stonehengewasproducedby a culturethatleftnowrittenrecords. ManyaspectsofStonehengeremainsubjecttodebate. A numberofmythssurroundthestones.

  11. Thetruemeaningofthisancientcreationhasbeenlostinthemistsoftime. WasStonehenge a templeforsunworship, a healingcentre, a burialsiteorperhaps a hugecalendar? Howdidourancestorsmanagetocarrythemightystonesfromsofarawayandthen, usingonlythemostprimitiveoftools, buildthisamazingstructure? Surroundedbymystery, Stonehengeneverfailstoimpress.

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