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OSMANLI EMPIRE The Ottoman Empire was established in 1299. It gets its name by governor Osman. The Ottoman Empire reigned approximately 650 years. TURKEY. BLACK SEA REGION. HEAVEN OF GREEN. BLACK SEA REGION
OSMANLI EMPIRE TheOttomanEmpirewasestablished in 1299. Itgetsits name bygovernor Osman. TheOttomanEmpirereignedapproximately 650 years.
HEAVEN OF GREEN BLACK SEA REGION TheBlackSeaRegionwhichgetsits name andcharacteristicsfromtheadjacentsea. Themostimportantfeature of agriculture in thisregion is thetea. Hazelnutsarethemainfruit of theblacksearegion.
THE PEARL OF COTTON AND ORANGES MEDITERRANAN REGION Thisregiontakesits name fromtheMediterranenSea. Thepopulation is concentratedespecially at thelocationsuitableforagriculture, tourismandindustryandcommers. Theplains of thisregionarerich in agriculturalresources Antalya is extensiveenoughtosupporttherapidlygrowingcityandpart of thesame name which is an importanttradingcenter.
THE POINT OF TURKEY EASTERN ANATOLIA REGION It has thehighestaveragealtitudelargestgeographicalareaandlowestpopulationdensity of allregion of Turkey. There is somevolcanicactivitytoday. Thisregion has thelargest plato and lake in Turkey.
SEA – BEACH – SUN … AEGEAN REGION Theregion of theaegean is known as, in thewords of Heredotus, “Havethemostbeautifulskyandthebestcilimate in theword”. TheTemple of Artemis one of the seven wonders of theancientworld Pamukkale is known as itscalcium-richthermalwatersflowingout of themountain. Thebestknownholidayresorts in thisareaare Bodrum, Marmaris, Datça, Fethiye.
THE CENTRE OF PROPHETS SOUTHEASTERN ANATOLIAN REGION ThebestTurkisharchitectureanywhere, thisregion of Anatoliabringshistoryto life. Theprophet Abraham, who is thefather of threedifferentreligions is believedtohaveleaved in Şanlıurfa. Theareaaround Harran will be themostproductiveagriculturalregion of country. Mount Nemrut is theMousoleummadefortheCommageneKing.
HEART OF TURKEY (ANKARA) CENTRAL ANATOLIA REGION Thisregion is located in thecentre of Turkey. Thisarea is concernedwithwheatproduction. Therearesmallandmedium-size industrialfacelities in CentralAnatolia. One-third of theproduction of potatoes in Turkey is alsorealised in thisregion.
THE CAPITAL OF CULTURE MARMARA REGION The Marmara Regionwith a surfacearea of 67.000 m2 is thesmallest but mostdenselypopulated of seven geographicalregions of Turkey. Itrepresentsapproximately 8,6 % of theTurkishnationalterritory.
Theworldknow us withourhosbitableandpeaceful population. Weleave since 1299 in peace, together, withtheanothercultures. This is our life style. Stilltodaywelivetogetherfreelyand in peacewitheveryreligion, everyraceandeverylanguage.Ouraim is todevelopandto be exampleandtotakeexamplefromanothercountries.