Figure 7. One gait cycle from impaired subject with peak assistive torque of 9 Nm from operating pressure of 90 psig (0.62 MPa). Data were normalized to percent gait cycle: (a) Assistive torque produced by portable powered ankle-foot orthosis (PPAFO) during gait cycle, (b) PPAFO sensor data from heel and toe-force sensors, (c) right ankle joint angle of impaired subject both with and without PPAFO and data from nondisabled subject for comparison, (d) right vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) data of impaired subject both with and without PPFO and nondisabled subject for comparison. Phases 1 to 3 refer to gait cycle when PPAFO is providing assistance for subject. Shorter KA, Kogler GF, Loth E, Durfee WK, Hsiao-Wecksler ET. A portable powered ankle-foot orthosis for rehabilitation. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2011;48(4):459-72.DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2010.04.0054