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IDBI Bank Personal loans offer you flexible repayment schedule and lower interest rates. Avail a personal loan or overdraft facility in easy steps.
Opting for a personal loan? Then, there is great need to take an overview of its services and terms & conditions. Either if you get stuck in a debt of personal loan, there are some techniques that you can follow to relieve yourself from debt. These techniques include:
Monetizing Assets: If you own assets like Life Insurance Policies, Tax Saving Certificates, Car, Home, Shares, Bonds & Debentures, Bank Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds and gold jewelry etc. Then, you can monetize these assets to pay off your debt. As there are many banks that offer loan against assets which carries a low interest rates. It could set you free from your personal loan.
Debt Consolidation: Debt Consolidation is also a good option to consider for your Debt settlement. This is a method when you could pay your debt at lower and fixed interest rates. Moreover, it offers lesser monthly installments. Basically, what Debt Consolidation overall about is that in this method, all the existing debts of a customer are combined to form a single personal loan. A consolidation agency looks over this whole process. Then, the agency pays off all the existing loans of a customer and the customer just needs to pay that single debt amount.
Convert your loan to a secured loan: You can convert your home or vehicles loan to a secured personal loan but only on one condition, if your property is free from debts. As there are many benefits of a secured personal loan Indialike it offers lower credit costs, you can use secured personal loan for a higher amount of money and it also offers interests at better rates.
Despite many benefits, it also has some drawbacks like the customer have to make regular installments and if the one do not pay these installments on time, then the lender can even sell your property. The other drawback is that you could land yourself into serious financial problems, if you face money losses like job loss, illness or other. So, it's better that you could opt for this option only if you have some sort of income protection.
Evaluation of other options in financial market: You can look up for other products like you can do monetization of your assets, sells your shares, bonds or debentures. Also, the premature closing of your fixed deposits could be of great help. The best way to get funds is from the banks that you use to credit your salary. As the bank knows your track record, your income or withdrawal transactions, the banks proves to be a better option before you for a secured personal loan. Probably, they offer you the lower rates of interest.
Source: http://www.sooperarticles.com/finance-articles/loans-articles/personal-loan-india-856117.html Thank You! http://www.facebook.com/idbibank https://plus.google.com/+IDBIBank https://in.linkedin.com/company/idbi-bank http://www.twitter.com/idbi_bank http://www.youtube.com/idbibank