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Partonic Cascade and Hadronic Evolution Dynamics in AMPT. 林子威 (Zi-wei Lin) Texas A&M University in collaboration with C.M. Ko, Bao-An Li, Subrata Pal, and Bin Zhang. AMPT: A Multi-Phase Transport Based on following references: nucl-th/9904075; PRC61, 067901(00); PRC62, 054905(00);
Partonic Cascade and Hadronic Evolution Dynamics in AMPT 林子威 (Zi-wei Lin) Texas A&M University in collaboration with C.M. Ko, Bao-An Li, Subrata Pal, and Bin Zhang AMPT: A Multi-Phase Transport Based on following references: nucl-th/9904075; PRC61, 067901(00); PRC62, 054905(00); PRC64, 011902(01); NPA698, 375c(02); nucl-th/0106073; PRC65, 034904 (02); PRC65, 054909(02); NPA707, 525(02); nucl-th/0204054(PRL in press)
Our Goal • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions: machines sqrt(s) (AGeV) main HI beam • CERN-SPS (past) 8-17 PbPb • BNL-RHIC (now) ~20-200 AuAu • CERN-LHC (future) up to 5500 PbPb • study properties of partonic and hadronic matter, especially non-equilibrium and dynamical properties, • systematic studies including pp and pA.
Outline Section • Why do we need a transport model? What need to be included in such a model? • Current Structure of AMPT • Initial condition • Parton cascade • Hadronization / phase transition • Hadron cascade • Tests at SPS energy • Results at RHIC energies • dN/dy, mt spectra, centrality dependence • J/psi, elliptic flow, high Pt • HBT • Outstanding Problems • Summary I 1 II III IV V Section I
Why transport model? Formation of partonic matter: ~ 2.56 20 GeV/fm3 SPSRHIC200 LHC >>QCD critical energy density take 1fm The parton or hadron matter may not be in local thermal equilibrium: need to solve field equations or Boltzmann equations, instead of hydrodynamics transport model Quantum transport:Boedecker at QM02 Freezeout in transport: Bleicher Parton cascade model: Bass
A general model for RHIC needs: • Initial condition for particle and energy production • Parton stage with EoS • hadronization/phase transition • hadronic interactions some options: soft+hard model, color glass condensate, final-state saturation, ... parton cascade, hydro, field equations coalescence, string fragmentation, statistical hadronization, ... hadron cascade (ART, RQMD, ...) AMPT is a multi-phase transport, including the above ingredients in green
Structure of Default AMPT Zhang et al, PRC61; Lin et al, PRC64, NPA698. A+A Wang&Gyulassy, PRD43,44,45 HIJING energy in strings(soft)+ minijet partons(hard) Generate parton space-time ZPC (Zhang's Parton Cascade) Jet queching replaced by parton cascade Zhang, CompPhysComm82 Parton freezeout Lund fragmentation to hadrons ART (A Relativistic Transport model for hadrons) Li&Ko, PRC52 Strong-decay all resonancesfor final particle spectra
Main Ingredients of AMPT HIJING default version 1.36 ZPC 2-2 parton processes: gg-gg, (gg-qqbar, gq-gq, ...) ART hadron interactions including included interactions: meson-meson: pi pi - rho, pi pi - K Kbar, ... meson-baryon: pi Lamba-Kbar N, ... baryon-baryon: N N - N Delta, ... baryon-antibaryon: rho rho - N Nbar, ...
Key Parameters of AMPT A+A Parton Distribution Function (PDF), nuclear shadowing (gA(x,Q2), qA(x,Q2)) HIJING lower Pt cutoff for minijet (p0) ZPC initial parton space-time distribution (tau0_p, z0, ...) screening mass for parton cross section (mu: sigma_p) ART hadron formation time (tau0_h) cross sections of hadron interactions (sigma, ...) take care of detailed balance
Initial condition from HIJING • HIJING: a 2-component (soft+hard) model + nuclear geometry LUND stringpQCD minijetsWoods-Saxon • Eikonal formulism for cross sections: Probability for minijet production: Overlap function Take dipole form factor and assume
HIJING fit to pp/ppbar data Determine 2 parameters: (lower Pt cutoff for minijets) Wang, PRD43 P0: independent of colliding energy
Gluon PDF in HIJING For minijets at RHIC: XBj ~2/100 ~0.02 sizeable effects Used in HIJING: too few small-x partons
Nuclear shadowing in HIJING Wang&Gyulassy, PRD44 Assumed the same for g & q; no Q2 dependence
Other shadowing parametrizations Eskola et al, hep-ph/0110348 Different for g & q; strong Q2 dependence PDF & shadowing: Qiu at QM02
Recent update of PDF and shadowing in HIJING: Li&Wang, PLB527 GRV used for structure function; new shadowing parametrization different for g & q: now dependson colliding energy: ~1.7 GeV at SPS ~3.5 GeV at LHC.
Initial condition from final-state saturation model Eskola et al, NPB570 Tuominen at QM02 Geometrical saturation: when produced midrapidity partons occupies the whole transverse plane RA Saturation momentum scale Simple estimate:
Final-state saturation model Eskola et al, NPB570 Put in PDF and shadowing:
Initial condition from initial-state saturation model McLerran & Venugopalan, PRD49 QCD: Mueller at QM02; Initial-State Saturation: Iancu, Kharzeev, Kovchegov, Krasnitz at QM02 Considers valence quarks in fast A as frozen and random color charges, produce classical Yang-Mills field for gluons: Compared to saturation model F: Differ by alpha_s and constant, but similar A & s dependence
Parton Cascade to study strong interactions of QCD matter. Final-state parton interactions can be described by parton Wigner operators: the equation of motion may be written as: For 2-2 interacitons: ZPC (Zhang's Parton Cascade) solves these Boltzmann equations by the cascade method: 2 particles scatter if: their distance < Zhang, Comp.Phys.Comm.109; Zhang,Gyulassy&Pang, PRC58
Parton cross sections From leading-order QCD: Use a medium-generated screening mass to regulate the divergence: In ZPC, make total cross section s-independent:
Screening mass mu Near equilibrium: Gluon spectrum: dN/dy/d2KT For exponential KT spectra with boost-invariance: Estimate: Screening mass will be taken as ~ several/fm
Parton processes and subdivision • ZPC only includes 2-2 processes: Right now, only and other elastic processes To be added later: Hard to implement: • Particle subdivision to cure causality problem: Classical cascade breaks down when Mean-Free-Path < Interaction length Zhang,Gyulassy&Pang, PRC58 Subdivide: is not changed
Outline Section • Why do we need a transport model? What need to be included in such a model? • Current Structure of AMPT • Initial condition • Parton cascade • Hadronization / phase transition • Hadron cascade • Tests at SPS energy • Results at RHIC energies • dN/dy, mt spectra, centrality dependence • J/psi, elliptic flow, high Pt • HBT • Outstanding Problems • Summary I 1 II III IV V Section II
Hadronization A pp collision in the string picture: P1 P2after momentum transferP2' P1' Invariant mass Mp Mp >Mp particle production P1': quark+diquark with large invariant mass, a color singlet system confined by a linear potential string tension: ~1GeV/fm
Schwinger Mechanism: • particle production from an external field via tunneling Potential energy= • Production probability • Strangeness suppression: 0.3 as default value
Lund Fragmentation Assume: • production positions at a constant proper time, • left-right symmetry (ordering of Vn just represent different Lorentz frames) Lund symmetric splitting function Andersson et al, PhysRep 97; ZPC20 percentage of light-cone momentum of produced parton
Schwinger vs Lund Model Mean Momentum square: In default HIJING, a=0.5, b=0.9/GeV2
Default hadronization of AMPT Zhang et al, PRC61; Lin et al, PRC64, NPA698 string1'+minijet1 string2'+minijet2 HIJING produces string3 independent minijets ..... proj & targ spectators ZPC string1'+minijet1'=string1 string2'+minijet2'=string2 string3 independent minijets' ..... proj & targ spectators apply Lund string fragmentation • these have no actions in parton stage • minijet1 -minijet1' recombine with the original string1'
Modified AMPT model: string melting Lin&Ko, PRC65; Lin,Ko&Pal, nucl-th/0204054 (PRL in press) Initial energy in default AMPT: soft (strings) & hard (minijets) In high density overlap area but not in parton cascade
Zhang et al, PRC62 QCD phase diagram: Kanaya, Fodor at QM02 Initial energy density from minijet partons >>1 GeV/fm^3 critical energy density for QCD phase transition strings will not exist, need to be converted into partons (or color field) • this is why most transport models underpredict v2 at RHIC, since 2/3 of energy in strings (outside of parton cascade), lack of early pressure
String Melting converts strings at high density to partons at RHIC energies: Initial conditions: excited strings (Lund-)fragment to hadrons, then according to valence quark structure • Proj & targ spectators remain nucleons
Parton colescence after string melting • Nearest partons form a hadron: find closest qbar form a meson m find closest q2 & q3 form a baryon B • Determine Flavor, examples: ubar d: form pi- if invariant mass is closer to Mpi form rho- to Mrho ubar u: lowest masses form pi0, #=(pi+&pi-) average; then randomly form rho0, #=(rho+&rho-) average; then form omega & eta with equal probability • Most hadrons in PYTHIA are included:
Structure of AMPT model with String Melting HIJING energy in strings and minijet partons A+A Fragment excited strings into partons ZPC (Zhang's Parton Cascade) Till Parton freezeout Nearest partons coalesce into hadrons ART (A Relativistic Transport model for hadrons) Strong-decay all resonances for final particle spectra
Coalescence inALCOR Biro et al, PLB347; Biro, hep-ph/0005067; Zimanyi et al, Heavy Ion Phys4,15; PLB472, hep-ph/0103156 ALgebraic COalescence Rehadronization model Near hadronization, gluon may decouple (decayed or absorbed), thus consider only constituent q+qbar: coalescence factor 2Nf normalization factors, determined from 2Nf equations for quark # conservation:
coalescence factors: • For mesons bound in a Coulomb-like potential: spin-degeneracy momentum of q in CMS Bohr radius for Debye screening length • Assume baryons created in 2-steps: baryon supression factor
Hadron Cascade Based on ART Li&Ko, PRC52 Kbar channels added Song,Li&Ko, NPA646 NNbar annhilation, K0 productions Zhang et al, PRC61 BBbar-mesons, explicit K* Lin et al, PRC64 eta channels Lin&Ko,PRC65 Lin,Ko&Pal, nucl-th/0204054 (PRL in press) multistrange channels Pal,Ko&Lin, nucl/0106073 phi interactions Pal,Ko&Lin, NPA707 Include
Meson-Meson channels SU(2): with strangeness:
Example: phi meson cross sections Pal,Ko&Lin, NPA707
Meson-Baryon channels Note: detail balance, charge conjugation, crossing symmetry
Example: K-baryon cross sections Pal,Ko&Lin, nucl/0106073
Baryon-Baryon channels Examples: pp inelastic cross sections Li&Ko, PRC52
Baryon-AntiBaryon channels Pion multiplicity distribution from ppbar annihilation: Ko&Yuan, PLB192 Assumed:
Outline Section • Why do we need a transport model? What need to be included in such a model? • Current Structure of AMPT • Initial condition • Parton cascade • Hadronization / phase transition • Hadron cascade • Tests at SPS energy • Results at RHIC energies • dN/dy, mt spectra, centrality dependence • J/psi, elliptic flow, high Pt • HBT • Outstanding Problems • Summary I 1 II III IV V Section III ,
Time evolution of a RHIC event at 130G Tt= 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 25 30 fm/c Animation athttp://nt3.phys.columbia.edu/people/zlin/ZLIN/publication.html