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Unit #2 Review

Unit #2 Review. Grade:. «grade». «subject». Subject:. «date». Date:. 1. The most famous deep sea submersible is named. A. Alvin. B. Beebe. C. Pichard. D. Deep Sea #5. 2. Which of the following is an example of an organism using chromatophores:. B. A. D. C. 3.

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Unit #2 Review

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  1. Unit #2 Review Grade: «grade» «subject» Subject: «date» Date:

  2. 1 The most famous deep sea submersible is named A Alvin B Beebe C Pichard D Deep Sea #5

  3. 2 Which of the following is an example of an organism using chromatophores: B A D C

  4. 3 Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of coastal waters: A They are euryhaline & eurythermal B They are relatively shallow & adjoin continents C They are isothermal in the midsummer & midwinter D They are heavily used for commerce & recreation

  5. 4 Minamata disease is associated with which toxic element: A Cadmium B Lead C Petroleum D Mercury

  6. 5 The earliest recorded sea voyage was by the A Egyptians B Greeks C Phoenicians D Polynesians

  7. 6 All of the following are adaptations for plankton dealing with the viscosity of water EXCEPT: A Warm-water copepods have many appendages B Many plankton have a small surface area to volume ration in order to maximize the buoyant force of water C Many plankton produce a small amount of oil to help keep themselves lower in the water column D Cold-water copepods are more hydrodynamic

  8. 7 All of the following zones are aphotic EXCEPT: A hadal B mesopelagic C bathypelagic D abysopelagic

  9. 8 The largest ocean garbage patch can be found in the: A Atlantic Ocean B Pacific Ocean C Arctic Ocean D Indian Ocean

  10. 9 The Phoenicians A invented the compass B where the first to drill for oil C stayed within sight of land while on the water D invented fish hooks

  11. 10 Which of the following is FALSE when considering coastal wetlands: A They are ideal locations for larger predators to hunt B They can be found in low & mid latitudes C The water is considered brackish D They are defined as saturated areas that border coastal environments

  12. 11 Bioaccumulation can be defined as: A The amount of energy that is retained with each increasing level of the food chain is only 10% B 90% of the energy from the lower-levels of the food chain is l ost to the environment as thermal & other forms of energy C A substance building up in the tissues of organisms and increasing in toxicity up the food chain D A substance building up in the tissues of higher-level organisms & causing a toxic trickle-down effect on lower-level organisms

  13. 12 An organism that survives by being part of the deep scattering layer (DSL) would most likely be found in which of the following zones: A Hadal B Epipelagic C Euphotic D Bathypelagic

  14. 13 All of the following are reasons why coastal waters are disproportionately effect by pollution, EXCEPT: A They are relatively shallow, so pollutants are more concentrated B They are better circulated than open ocean, so more pollution is draw in C Sources of both chemical & thermal pollution are often found nearby D They are heavily used by humans for commerce, recreation, and fisheries

  15. 14 Which of the following is FALSE when considering petroleum-based pollution: A Petroleum is biodegradable, therefore is not considered to be highly damaging in comparison to other pollutants B Petroleum will stay on the surface of water C Petroleum spills mainly effect low-level creatures, such as phytoplankton, that rely on sunlight for survival D Petroleum spills have a longer-lasting effect on fully aquatic organisms such as fish than semi-aquatic organisms such as gulls & terns

  16. 15 All of the following are known to have a negative bioaccumulating affect EXCEPT: A Nitrogenous byproducts from fertilizers (TAN) B Mercury (Hg) C Polychlorinated biphenyl D Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)

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