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For what reason is testosterone treatment not ensured?

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For what reason is testosterone treatment not ensured?

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  1. TOTALTESTOSTERONEOVERGENERATIONS(OBSERVATIONALYEAR GROUPS) 19.5 19.01-- ------------t--- ---- -------------1------ -------- 18.5· 18.0j,f-- 17.5 17.ou-- 16.5- 16.0 15.5- --1------15.081- ------1----- --t-- ------ ----13_55- ----- 15.0 14.5- -----1 ::::i'14.OJ,!-­ :::. 13.5 13.ou-­ c 12.5,, .._,12.0"' 11.5·(,l-­ o11.0(,1-_ (}:'. 10.5 10.0,.!- o(/)9.5 9.oJ,t-- t; 8.5 w 8.oJ,t-- 1- 7.5 ....1 7.ou-- 6.5­ o 6.0 I- 5.5,.1- 5.0 4.5J,t-- 4.0 3.5J,t-- 3.0 2.5(,1-- 2.0·- 1.5 1.0J,f-- 0.5 0.0¥== 91 '\9'-"=>'-"g OBSERVATIONALYEARGROUPS Travisonetal.•Population-LevelDeclinesinMaleSerumTJClinEndocrinolMetab,January2007,92(1):196-202

  2. NORMALTESTOSTERONELEVELSINNON-DIABETICS ChartAna Simon,D.,Nahoul,K.,&CharlesM.A.(1996).SexHormones,Aging,EthnicityandInsulinSensivityinMen:AnOverviewoftheTELECOMStudy. InVermeulen,A.&Oddens,andB.J.(Eds.),AndrogensandtheAgingMa 40 34.8 35 33.8 33.1 32.8 32.4 32.4 30 29.3 30 _, ....... 0 25 24 23.2 E c "' 21.5 20.7 20.7 <ll 19.1 _, 20 18.9 18.9 c<ll 0 .<.l.l "0' (E 15 10 5 0 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 <25 AgeGroups •MeanTotalTest •10th% •95th%

  3. BENIGNPROSTATICHYPERPLASIA NORMALPROSTATE ENLARGEDPROSTATE Bladder Enlarged -prostate Prostate-- Compressedurethra Urethra

  4. Normalspermcount Lowspermcount

  5. t / / / / , I / - - / ' -

  6. • ' • • • • • • • ' •' ' ... t • • • '• • • • • • • • • ..... • • • <, • ' • • •

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