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Annual Report by Honorary Secretary General (IEEEP) at 34 th AGM/Convention. By Engr. Prof. Dr. Suhail Aftab Qureshi (HSG-IEEEP) Vice-Chancellor University of South Asia(USA) Chief Executive South Asian Electrical Concern (SAEC). Dear Members, Ladies and Gentlemen! Assalam -o- Alaikum !
Annual Report by Honorary Secretary General (IEEEP) at 34th AGM/Convention By Engr. Prof. Dr. Suhail Aftab Qureshi (HSG-IEEEP) Vice-Chancellor University of South Asia(USA) Chief Executive South Asian Electrical Concern (SAEC)
Dear Members, Ladies and Gentlemen! Assalam-o-Alaikum! I welcome all of you to this 34th Annual General Body Meeting of the IEEEP. I am thankful to our guests and members who have spared their valuable time to be here with us today.
Hon’able members, Ladies & Gentlemen, the Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Pakistan is the only recognized body representing engineers of electrical and electronics disciplines in Pakistan since 1969. The additional disciplines of mechatronics, computer, avionics and medical engineering were added last year, thus converting the Institution into a body representing over 50,000 engineers of Pakistan.
IEEEP promotes engineering profession through dissemination of technical knowledge, which we undertake through our regular publications and by holding Seminars, Symposiums, Workshops, Conferences and Lectures from time to time.
Ladies & Gentlemen! The years 2012 and 2013 have been great years of progress for our Institution. Actually, the right way was adopted by the Central Council. Similarly, the Executive Committee comprising of the office bearers of the Institution set stringent goals for themselves. Consequently, we were able to achieve all of these like securing ISBN for IEEEP’s research journal, initiation of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities at the IEEEP, formulation of HR Manual for the employees and arrangement of the declaration of the Institution as a Non-Profit Organization.
Additionally, we were able to re-launch the long dormant monthly magazine “The Electrical Engineer”, which is set to issue its first volume in January, 2014. This monthly magazine would be the first of its kind and also carry the engineering flag far and wide. It is destined to be available at all the big book stores of the country.
I would now take the opportunity to explain the achievements in detail, Ladies and Gentlemen, while informing you the current status of our Institution’s membership, I would like to inform you that since we held the last convention in March-2011, our membership has grown immensely and now stands more than 6,000. It was not possible for me to increase it up to this level without the help of our central council members.
I appreciate their services and the true dedication towards IEEEP. Increase in the membership was closely followed by the updating of the membership record. As it was a long featuring issue, the Executive Committee took great pains and thus was able to update the addresses and other particulars of at least another 1000 members. However, this is an ongoing activity and we would keep on moving forward.
Now, I would like to dilate upon some of the major conferences organized by us and the profitable results in the context of the engineering sector. The National Conference on Power Deficits was held to support the GoP in its endeavors to overcome the ongoing power crisis in our Country.
Over 300 people attended the conference, including Dr. Samar MubarikMand who was the chief guest. The conference was organized at UET, Lahore. The recommendations of the conference were duly forwarded to the Government of Pakistan as a consensus document framed by top engineers, scientists and economists. The conference concluded that implementation of these recommendations would ensure autarky in the Power Sector.
Ladies and Gentlemen, moving further, from June-2013 to Sep-2013 four consecutive CPD programs were organized under the auspices of Pakistan Engineering Council. These were specially organized for engineers which will lead to buffeting of their knowledge. It also acts as a vehicle for the opening-up of new vistas for introduction of the latest technologies in the Country. We have plans to take-up more CPDs in future, insha’Allah.
Additionally, a comprehensive human resource policy is being formulated by IEEEP to communicate organization’s values and basic practices to its stakeholders. This policy has solely been created and framed for the assistance of the IEEEP administration and to provide the employees of this esteemed institution a thorough understanding of their duties, responsibilities, benefits, entitlements and any other queries arising in their mind related to their employment with IEEEP. Nevertheless, it is not conclusive and the Human Resource Manual formulated would be upgraded.
Additionally, there is always room for improvement and as the organization grows and gets further strengthened, more useful and functional rules should be added and implemented on timely basis. With the inculcation of the HR Manual all of the staff has been brought on the contract mode, thus enabling the Institution to get the best out of its employees. Every person involved in our Institute has put great efforts in making this entity the best body in Pakistan to assist the engineering sector; these efforts by most of the members have turned out to be the achievements of this remarkable InstituteI would like to tell you about the efforts by the members of this Institute.
I am happy to inform that the Engr. TahirBasharatCheema had put great efforts to ensure declaration of the IEEEP as an NPO, consequent of which the Federal Board of Revenue has approved IEEEP as a non-profit organization under section 2(36) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Now the Institution’s income is exempt from income tax under the Tax Ordinance, 2001. All this has led to a great savings with the extra funds being able to be spent on the dissemination of knowledge in a much better manner.
RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF HYDERABAD CENTER I would also like to appreciate the efforts of Engr. ArshadChughtai in re-establishing the Sindh Center of the IEEEP. The present VC of MUET, Dr. AslamUkaliis its present Chairman. He has promised that the Centre would soon surpass others. We all wish him and the Centre a great success.
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER (ISBN) Sir, while addressing this convention today, I take this opportunity to state that efforts being made by this institution to get the International Book Number for our technical journal, “New Horizons”. ISBN is a book identifier, much like a social security number. The ISBN provides a standard way for the publishers to number their products so they cannot be duplicated by other publishers. It gives your book credibility to others. It is viewed as a symbol of prestige for any book. That’s the big advantage to have the ISBN. Now, I would inform you about the activities of the Local Centers of Karachi and Lahore.
ACTIVITIES OF LAHORE LOCAL CENTER In July-2012, IEEEP Lahore Local Center arranged a technical seminar on “Materializing the Renewable Energy Resources in Pakistan” in collaboration with M/s ZorluEnerji Pakistan Ltd. at Wapda Auditorium. A large number of engineers attended the Seminar. In line with our objectives and being very focused on the practical growth of the Institution, we arranged technical visits of the PCSIR & South Asian Electric Concern, Lahore for practical knowledge and for the growth of technical vision.
It is worth mentioning that executive committee invited renowned Engineers in their meeting and after brain storming through couple of meetings a letter was written to the Govt. Of Pakistan, including Prime Minster and Minster of Water and Power, forwarding them recommendations of measures to get out of the Energy Crisis step-by-step. IEEEP also offered their services in this regard. In the end, how can I leave this rostrum without acknowledging the great efforts of people to make this 34th Convention a real success in the history of the Institution and Pakistan.
First, I would like to thank our sponsors M/s KAPCO, HUBCO, Siemens Pakistan, PEL, Burqab Limited, South Asian Electrical Concern, Creative Engineering, First National Pakistan, ICC and many others, for their financial help to promote IEEEP activities. • I would like to pay my tribute to Engr. TahirBashartCheema, President IEEEP for helping us to enhance our membership and in getting tax exemption. • I would like to thank Engr. SalisUsman for sharing his knowledge to prepare the IEEEP HR Manual. • I would like to thank all others who contributed to make the 34th Convention/AGM a great success. • I am also very thankful to all of my official IEEEP staff for their dedicated hard work day and night to make today’s event a Great Successful. Thanks.
Dear audience, I from the core of my heart and on behalf of the Institution appreciate your participation in this AGM. Thank you once again. ALLAH HAFIZ. Engr. Prof. Dr. Suhail A. Qureshi HSG-IEEEP