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Introductory FIBA Rules 2010-11 October 1, 2010 NOVA SCOTIA. Jewelry. Absolutely no jewelry. Officials are asked to enforce this issue- it makes it difficult for others if you allow this. Playing Regulations.
Jewelry • Absolutely no jewelry. Officials are asked to enforce this issue- it makes it difficult for others if you allow this.
Playing Regulations • 4 – 10 min periods in high school(4 – 8 min in jr high) with a 2 min interval between quarters and 10 minutes at half time • Intervals are periods between periods, before game, and after game • Game must start with jump ball
Playing regulations • All periods except the first begin with AP throw in ,unless fouls during the interval between periods causes a different scenario- if there is a foul, the penalty is 2 and possession at the beginning of the next period. -A/P stays as is ! • In overtime periods, teams shoot in the same direction as 2nd half.
Playing Regulations • An interval of play ends-(explain interval) • When the ball is tossed on a jump ball(1st period) • When the ball is legally touched by a player on the court (all other periods) • If teams happen to play in the wrong direction, correct this as soon as possible.
End of Period • FIBA has decided that on a throw in, with 00.3 or more remaining the official must decide whether or not the basket shall count; if there is 00.2 or 00.1 remaining at a throw in, the ball must be tipped, tapped, or directly dunked- this means that the ball may not be caught
Baskets and Benches • Home team sits to the left of scorer’s table (as teams face the court) and shoots opposite in 1st half; however, teams may agree to change benches and/or baskets.
TEAMS • A team member is entitled to play as long as his/her name is in the scorebook, and as long as she/he has not been disqualified.-
TEAMS – cont’d • A substitute becomes a player and a player becomes a substitute when: • The official beckons the substitute on to the playing court. • During intervals, anyone in uniform is a player for the purpose of fouls • A player getting his/her 5th foul is a substitute
Teams – cont’d • First team in the schedule is the home team (Rosters in 20 minutes prior to game) and shall submit their starting lineup first (10 minutes left in warm-up)- but be realistic • Uniforms-jerseys must be tucked in, T-shirts must be of similar color as jersey (no T shirts in FIBA) ; undergarments under shorts must be of same color as shorts.
Injury to Player • If a player becomes injured, the officials are to withhold their whistle until the team in control attempts a shot, loses control of the ball, withholds the ball, or the ball becomes dead. • If it is necessary to protect an injured player, the officials may interrupt the game immediately. • Reset 24 shot clock in back court on defensive injury; reset to 14 sec in front court if under 14; stays as is of more than 14 sec. No reset on offensive injury.
Injury to player • Injured player ready to play immediately(15 sec)- he/she may stay in the game with no penalty --- If not ready to play in 15 seconds, she/he must be substituted. • If a coach, assistant coach, trainer comes onto the playing court during the 15 second period, the player must be substituted whether treatment is given or not. • However, if EITHER team calls a time out- then this player may resume play at the end of the time out.
Bleeding Player • Any player who is bleeding or has an open wound must be substituted. He may return to the court only after the bleeding has stopped and the affected area or open wound has been completely and securely covered • If the injured player or any player who is bleeding fully recovers during a charged time out by EITHER team during the same stop clock period , that player may continue to play.
Coaches • Coaching box -5 meters from center and continues to baseline • Only HEAD COACH may stand during the game, but either coach may approach scorer’s table to request time out, or to obtain information. Assistant coach may not remain standing • Assistant coach and players are seated. If head coach is ejected, the assistant will assume the head coaching duties.
Status of the Ball • The ball shall either be LIVE or DEAD. • The ball shall be LIVE when: • on a JUMP BALL – Legally tapped by a jumper. • on a FREE THROW – ball at the disposal of the free throw shooter. • on a THROW-IN – ball at the disposal of the player making the throw-in.
Status of the Ball – Dead Ball • The ball in flight on a shot for a field goal is touched on it’s upward flight by a player from either team after; • The official blows his/her whistle- dead ball ! • The game clock sounds for the end of the period, or 24 sec signal sounds- Dead ball ! • **Shot/ball tipped/buzzer- count it! • **Shot/buzzer/ball tipped- no basket!
Status of the BallBall is not dead when- • A defensive player commits a foul on any offensive opponent while the ball is incontrol by the opponent,in the act of shooting for a field goal, and who finishes the shot with a continuous motion which started before the foul occurred.
Jump Ball To Start Game • Penalty for foul before game is 2 shots only- this is the exception as the game must begin with a jump ball- all fouls during intervals are technical fouls.
JUMP BALL • Non-Jumpers: - Team mates may not occupy adjacent positions, if an opponent wants space in between. - May move around the circle or court while the jump is being executed. - May not enter the circle before the ball is tapped.
JUMP BALL SITUATIONS • * * *A live ball lodges in the basket support at any time (except between free throws – violation)- (lodged throw ins are end line) • Shot lodged in basket and goes back to the offensive team on the AP arrow ??- no reset on shot clock !
Alternating Possession (AP) • AP Begins: • When the ball is at the disposal of the player for a throw-in. • AP Ends - When the ball touches or is legally touched by a player on the court; - The throw-in team commits a violation;
Alternating Possession (AP) • AP Throw in - team violates the throw in – loses both the throw in and next AP (AP switches to opponents). • AP Throw in - foul by either team – team entitled to AP does not lose the right to the next AP.
Violation or Foul in Front Court • 2010-11 - On a violation or foul in front court, the shot clock will stay if 14 or above; if less than 14, clock is reset to 14 seconds- anytime throw in is in front court- this is the process • If play is in back court, it is as usual- reset to 24 sec
TEAM CONTROL - Starts when player is in control of a LIVE ball by holding, dribbling or when ball is being passed between team mates. (there is team control out of bounds for a throw in and also when free thrower has ball) - Ends when: - An opponent gains control - The ball becomes dead. - The ball has left the shooters hand(s) on a field goal or for a free throw.
Player – Act of Shooting • Ends- when the ball has left the player’s hands, and in the case of the airborne shooter, when BOTH feet have returned to the floor. • Begins –with gathering of the ball
Goal – Made and Value • Ball shot from 3 pt area, but blocked on upward flight by defender in 2 pt area, goal counts 2 pts • Shooter on 3 point line- only a 2 point attempt
Goal – Made and Value • Player accidentally scores on his own basket, the goal counts as 2 points and is credited to the opposing captain. • Deliberately scores on his own basket – VIOLATION! • Player causes the ball to pass through the basket from below – VIOLATION!
Throw-In • Throw-in takes place closest to where the infraction occurred, but never directly behind the backboard. • A violation or foul in top half of jump circle goes to side line throw in. • Cancelled baskets - throw in is at free throw line extended • Takes place at mid-court across from the scorer’s table after a technical, disqualifying or unsportsmanlike foul, or start of last 3 quarters.
Thrower-In May Not: • Touch the ball on the court before it has touched another player……---Defense may not interfere with throw in, even if thrower in extends hands and ball out over boundary line • Take more than 5 sec to release the throw in. • Cause the ball to enter directly into the basket. • Move more than 1 meter total in both directions (permitted to move in both directions) Allowed to move backward as far as circumstances permit. If throw in passes over basket and player reaches through basket and touches ball, it is a violation and no basket can be scored
Time Outs • Called by Coach OR Assistant to the scorer’s table; officials absolutely do not accept requests for time outs. • No conditions on time outs ! – not “if they score” • In the last 2 minutes of 4th quarter, if the team entitled to the throw in from the back court or division line calls a time out- the throw in will now be moved to the front court “throw in” line, and may only be thrown into front court
Charged Time Out • Dead Ball –any (either) teammay call a time out on a whistle (dead ball), before the ball is alive on the throw in • When ball becomes LIVE, time out may not be granted. • 2 Time outs in first half, 3 second half, 1 per overtime. Unused time outs may NOT be accumulated . • May have successive time outs. • If both coaches request, the time out will be awarded to the team that has first opportunity
Charged Time Out May be called: • After a successful field goal is scored, a time out may be granted to the team scored upon- provided the time out is called before the ball is alive on the throw in • By either team, after the last or only successful free throw, BUT before the ball becomes LIVE. (Never between free throws)
Charged Time Out • Charged Time Outs can only take place during playing time (not in an interval, or after the buzzer to end the period, not before clock starts on jump ball) • 50 sec in length and may not be shortened; 2nd buzzer at 60 seconds; however, in the PEISAA, if bothteams are ready, resume play. • If a team delays coming out of a time out, a warning then the penalty is a time out- if no time outs remaining, a technical foul
SUBSTITUTION • Either team may substitute during any substitution opportunity( see exception). • Unlimited subs by both teams after a last or only successful free throw.
SUBSTITUTION On the 5th foul, player must be substituted for within 30 seconds- official requests sub from coach at approx 20 sec- 30 sec begins when you notify player and coach of the 5th foul • During time out, or interval of play, sub reports to scorekeeper, only !
SUBSTITUTION • Exceptions to the rule: • Only team scored against in the last 2 minutes of Period 4 or any overtime may be granted a substitution. • In this situation, if the scored upon team initiates a sub, the opponents may sub as well. Also at this point, because the official stopped the game, either team may call a time out.
SUBSTITUTION • A player who substitutes or who is legally substituted must play or sit for “one tick of the clock.”
Travel • Ending a Dribble- if one foot is on the floor when dribble ends, that is the pivot foot; dribble ends when ball comes to rest in one or both hands Both feet off floor to end a dribble, and the player lands on both feet simultaneously, either foot may become the pivot foot. • Normally, one foot is on the floor to end the dribble- in this case, if the player jumps to land on both feet, there is no pivot.
Travel It is LEGAL to fall to the floor with the ball, to slide on floor after gaining a loose ball or to gain control while lying on the floor. It is a VIOLATION to gain an advantage on the floor by rolling, or attempting to stand up while holding the ball. Block shot that stays in the hands of the shooter and returns to floor with ball –Travel ! – cannot be anything else
3 Seconds • Only in the front court while clock is running and the violation is for more than 3 seconds !!!
Closely Guarded • 5 Seconds call--Holding a live ball anywhere on the court and an opponent is in an active guarding position at a distance of more than 1 meter (rule of thumb – one arm length).
8 Seconds • A team has 8 seconds to get the ball out of its backcourt. (8 sec count begins with team control in the court, except on a throw in. • If one of the following occur: • Ball deflects out of bounds • Offensive player is injured and play is stopped • Jump ball (AP) - offense retains ball in backcourt • Double foul (AP) – offense retains ball in backcourt • Cancellation of penalties of both teams (AP) – offense retains ball in backcourt: The offensive team will only have the time remaining in the 8 second count to advance the ball to the front court.
8 Sec and 24 Sec on Throw In • Shot clock starts on touch (same time as game clock) on a throw in
24 second • Must attempt a shot for goal within 24 seconds after gaining control of a live ball in the court. • Ball must leave the players hands before the 24 seconds expires, AND • Must hit the ring or enter the basket. • Throw in for violation either at nearest point or on end line- explain
24 second Violation • If ball hits backboard, and/or misses the ring and horn sounds –hold whistle if defensive team secures rebound directly- ball hits floor- violation! • If the clock is reset in error, the officials may correct and give time remaining to team that had control prior to the error. • If clock stopped for an error not committed by either team, and the opposition is placed at a disadvantage, the shot clock is corrected. Bottom line- do what is right for the game !
Shot Clock • Shot clock is stopped, but not reset, when the same team will retain possession of the ball for a throw in as a result of : • - ball out of bounds • - player on that team injured • - jump ball; AP. • - double foul • - cancellation of equal penalties
Back Court • Basic principles: • Once team establishes team control in the front court-- • Offensive team must be the last to touch the ball in the front court. • Offensive team must be the first to touch the ball in the backcourt- this is a violation ! • Center line is in back court.
Back Court • Ball is not in front court until ball and both feet are touching the front court (any part of front court)- ball and both feet do not have to be completely in front court Player straddling may now dribble in any direction or pass to team mate in back court or a team mate straddling
Back Court • If a backcourt violation is called, the ball is put in play closest to the spot where the ball was last touched by the offense player. • Cannot throw the ball from the front court to the backcourt from out of bounds. • Ball goes into backcourt when it touches the backcourt OR touches a player or an official who has part of his/her body in contact with the backcourt.
Backcourt Violation • Defensive player who makes a great play by intercepting a pass in the air, leaving from his front court and landing in his back court or straddling the line- this is now a legal play because this player established a new team control in the back court !- this would also apply to the same situation on the jump ball- this player may now dribble or pass in any direction