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Legal Requirements related to observation, evaluation, supervision, discipline, increment withholding, tenure chargesEvaluation system in transition
1. LEGAL ONE ADVANCED:Supervision and Evaluation Wayne Oppito, Esq.
Jay Doolan, Ed.D.
Art Firestone
Alan Sadovnik, Ph.D.
2. Legal Requirements related to observation, evaluation, supervision, discipline, increment withholding, tenure charges
Evaluation system in transition—recommendations from the NJ Educator Effectiveness Task Force
Review of observation and evaluation best practices
Review of research and policies that explore how evaluation can improve schools and teacher performance
Session Content
3. N.J.A.C. 6A:32-4.5
Minimum of 3 observations required
Minimum of 1 each semester
Minimum of one class period in a secondary school or one complete lesson in elementary school
Consistent with Board policy
Annual Written evaluation plan Evaluation of Non-Tenured Staff
4. N.J.A.C. 6A:32-4.4
Minimum of 1 observation required
Minimum of one class period in a secondary school or one complete lesson in elementary school
Consistent with Board Policy
Annual Written Evaluation
Evaluation of Tenured Staff
5. Performance Areas of Strength
Areas Needing Improvement
Individual Professional Development Plan
Summary of Indicators of Student Progress and Growth
May incorporate other issues, such as student performance data, ongoing classroom management, parent communication, etc. Components of Annual Written Evaluation Plan
6. Clear roles and responsibilities
Development of job descriptions and evaluation criteria
Methods of data collection and reporting
Observation conferences between supervisor and teaching staff member
Preparation of PIP
Preparation of annual written performance report
Any changes in Board Policy distributed by 10/1 Requirements for Board Policy on Evaluation
7. Following each observation
No later than 10 days after observation
Right to rebuttal, must be done within 10 days
Improve performance
Identify deficiencies
Extend assistance
Provide basis for reemployment recommendation Observation Conferences
8. Verbal warning/reprimand, no writing
Written reprimand
Right to binding arbitration (N.J.S.A. 34:13A-29)
Increment Withholding
May be disciplinary OR performance related
Tenure Charges
Conduct unbecoming, inefficiency, incapacity, other just cause
Cannot Transfer as form of discipline
Employee Discipline
9. If performance based, burden on employee to prove it was arbitrary and capricious – goes before Commissioner of Education
If disciplinary, burden on district to prove it had just cause – goes before arbitrator
Must take place prior to start of school year (before Sept. 1 for teacher)
Has permanent impact on salary, pension Increment Withholding
10. All tenure charges require detailed notice, right of employee to respond in writing
Board must determine there is preponderance of evidence to support charges, and charges are serious enough to warrant dismissal
If tenure charges for inefficiency, must first provide 90 day improvement plan
Include clear benchmarks for improvement
Provide assistance, ongoing and clear feedback Tenure Charges
11. Discrimination Claims
Reasonable Accommodations
Sexual Harassment Claims
Retaliation Claims
Political lobbying
Grievances /Unfair Practice Charges
Contract violations
Targeting for Protected Union Activity
Denying Access to Union Representative AVOIDING LEGAL LANDMINES
12. Member of protected class
Suffered adverse employment action
Adverse action was motivated by illegal bias
Any legitimate, non-discriminatory reason given is a pretext for discrimination ELEMENTS OF DISCRIMINATION CLAIM
13. Reasonable person standard
Must show link between activity and gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, etc.
Two types
Quid pro quo
14. Must have engaged in protected activity
Adverse employment action linked to your participation in protected activity
Examples of protected activity could include
Reporting health or safety violation
Filing grievance
Reporting sexual harassment ELEMENTS OF RETALIATION CLAIM
15. Know the contract
Avoid scheduling issues such as having staff meeting go beyond contract day
Promote open communications with association leaders, reps
Never taking filing of grievance personally
Understand the politics involved and seek higher level support for controversial issues AVOIDING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ISSUES
16. Evaluation System in Transition Recommendations from NJ Educator Effectiveness Task Force Report
17. Schools in state of crisis
Achievement gaps are persistent and growing
When compared internationally, US is 15th in reading, 23rd in science, and 31st in math (PISA)
Teachers play a significant role in improving achievement—now have technical systems to identify poor performing teachers Current Political Context
18. NJ number 3 in the country on 4th grade reading on latest NAEP—40% students proficient vs. 31% US average
NJ number 3 in the country on 8th grade mathematics on latest NAEP—44% students proficient vs. 33% US average
NJ leads states in percent of high school students who graduate—83% graduate vs. 69% US average
NJ Successes
19. Measure student growth
Design and implement rigorous evaluation systems that take into account data on student growth
Use the evaluation system to:
Inform professional development
Compensate, promote and retain staff
Grant tenure
Remove ineffective tenured and non-tenured staff Race to the Top: Improving Teacher and Principal Effectiveness
20. Provides alternatives to failing schools (charters, choice, and Opportunity Scholarship Act)
Rewards innovative, effective, and high quality teachers (based on competency not seniority)
Reforms teacher and school leaders evaluation systems (student achievement and merit pay)
Enhances NJSMART to measure learning in classroooms and schools
Governor’s Reform Plan
21. Student achievement appears to be the most direct measure of teacher quality and, by extension, principal quality. Research strongly supports the contention that effective teachers and principals lead to higher student achievement.
James H. Stronge
Why Link Student Performance to Evaluation System?
22. Recommendations to the Governor on March 1
Evaluation system implemented in 5-8 pilot districts in 2011-2012
Evaluation system modified and ready for broad implementation in 2012-2013
Evaluation system used in making personnel decisions in 2013-2014
NJ Educator Effectiveness Task Force
23. The needs of students are paramount—public education exists for the benefit of children
All students can achieve at the highest levels—public education must lead to high levels of achievement no matter where students begin
Educators have the power to inspire, engage, and broaden the life opportunities of all students Task Force Guiding Principles
24. WHO—Recommendations are for teachers and principals
PURPOSE—To assess the current performance of teachers and principals and provide feedback on how to improve
EFFECTIVENESS—To inform decisions about hiring, tenure, compensation, dismissal, etc.
SUMMATIVE CATEGORIES—Highly Effective, Effective, Partially Effective, and Ineffective New Evaluation Systems
25. New Teacher Evaluation System
26. A recommendation that the system be based on the new core teaching standards developed by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC)
Ten standards focus on:
The Learner and Learning
Instructional Practice
Professional Responsibility Measures of Teacher Practice (50%)
27. Teacher Practice
28. Conducted four times a year with one annual summative evaluation
Based on a list of Commissioner-approved measurement tools and protocols from which districts can choose (eg. Danielson’s Framework for Teaching)
Focused on the following essential observation elements:
Well-trained observers
High quality rating rubrics
Faithful administration of selected protocol
Classroom Observations (50 to 95%)
29. Documentation logs/portfolios about student learning and how well teachers adhere to performance standards
Student surveys about classroom environment and their teachers’ effectiveness
Assessments of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, such as ETS’ assessment of teachers’ general, specialized, and pedagogical content knowledge Other Measures of Teacher Practice (5 to 50%)
30. Principals and other administrators
Peer Assistance and Review—a panel that identifies underperforming teachers, provides them a professional improvement plan, and makes recommendations about contract renewal, a second year in PAR, or contract termination
Master Teachers—district teachers that provide an additional set of suggestions for improvement Reviewers of Teachers
31. Measures of Student Achievement
32. Evaluation systems should use multiple measures of student achievement to determine teacher effectiveness
Growth models are best to measure student performance—state will use state assessment data from 2009-2010 to be available in fall 2011
Guiding Principles
33. Status Model: Takes snapshot of student proficiency at one point in time (current system)
Growth Model: Measures progress by tracking achievement scores from one year to next
Value-Added Model: Uses student background characteristics, achievement, and other data as statistical controls in order to isolate the effects of the school, program, or teacher on student progress. Background: Three Accountability Models
34. How much did student improve from 4th grade to 5th grade relative to his academic peers—students with the same score in 4th grade? State Assessment Measure (70 to 90%): Student Growth Percentile Model
35. Ranking all students by scale scores for year one
Placing students into academic peer groups based on scores
Ranking and placing students into academic peer groups for year two
Calculating student growth by comparing student performance across years related to academic peer group performance Background: DOE to Calculate Student Growth Percentile By:
36. State assessment information with multiple years is available only in grades 4 to 8
Leaves out primary and high school teachers and non-tested content area teachers
Also leaves out counselors, social workers, and other educational services personnel Background: Student Growth Models—The Missing 70%
37. State assessments to be used for math and language arts in grades 4 to 8
State to consider the development of standardized assessments in as many non-tested content areas and grades as appropriate
State to approve the types of assessments that are acceptable for use in non-tested areas
Student Growth Measures (70 to 90%)
38. High school graduation rate increase
Promotion rates from 9th to 10th grade
College matriculation rate increase
Proficiency level increases for an underserved subgroup
Advanced level increases for the school or subgroups
Student attainment on nationally normed or supplemental assessments Schoolwide Performance Measures (10%)
39. Growth or attainment on nationally normed tests—Iowa Test of Basic Skills
Growth or attainment on supplemental assessments—Stanford 9
State-mandated end of course tests—biology
Student achievement goals or student learning objectives
Grade and subject specific student outcomes—graduation/college acceptance rates Other Measures of Performance (0 to 20%)
40. Components of Principal Evaluations
41. Develop and implement a shared vision of learning
Monitor and continuously improve teaching and learning
Manage organizational systems and resources for a safe, high-performing learning environment
Collaborate with families and stakeholders
Be ethical and act with integrity
Advocate for teachers’ and students’ needs
Measures of Effective Practice—ISLLC Standards (40%)
42. Performance indicators developed by the state
Multiple data sources, including observations of instructional meetings, PLCs, etc, used to gather evidence of performance
Approved rubrics, templates and tools must be validated
Evaluation performed by superintendents or their trained designees
Review of leadership practice twice per year with an annual summative evaluation
Effective Practice Logistics
43. Principal’s effectiveness in improving teacher effectiveness—growth of teachers’ ratings
Principal’s effectiveness in recruiting and retaining effective teachers
Principal’s effectiveness in exiting ineffective teachers Retention of Effective Teachers (10%) Measured By
44. Measures of Student Achievement
45. Evaluation based on the aggregated growth of all students on statewide assessments (all subjects and grades) (35%)
Growth Model: Measures progress by tracking achievement scores from one year to next
Evaluation also includes at least one school-specific goal (15%) approved by the Commissioner and district superintendent
Measures of Student Achievement
46. High school graduation rate increase
Promotion rates from 9th to 10th grade
College matriculation rate increase
Proficiency level increases for an underserved subgroup
Advanced level increases for the school or subgroups
Student attainment on nationally normed or supplemental assessments Possible School Goal Measures (15%)
47. High quality training
Awareness of all educators about the new system
Frequent observations and teacher feedback
Elimination of unnecessary mandates to provide more time Task Force’s Conditions for Success
48. Valid and reliable measures of student performance in all subjects and grades
High quality data systems
Need for additional observers
Principal authority over teachers, budgets, etc.
Evaluations for all, including superintendents, librarians, nurses, social workers, secretaries, and custodians Conditions for Success
49. Using student assessment measures as a high-stakes evaluation measure
Connecting test scores to teachers who teach untested content areas (could be 70%)
Connecting test scores to principals
Identifying multiple measures to compare across classrooms
Determining valid ratings for individual teachers when multiple teachers are involved
Critical Evaluation Issues
50. Defining the other half of the evaluation system—best practices in teaching and learning and leadership
Ensuring quality evaluators and training for all—teachers and school leaders
Establishing appropriate weights and an overall formula for evaluating both student growth and best practices
Need for research that supports high stakes evaluation systems
Critical Evaluation Issues
51. New CCCS and Common Core
New Common Core Assessment System
Merit-Based Bonuses
Reductions in Force
Professional Development Impact of New Evaluation System
52. Key Features of Evaluation Systems Harrison School District, Colorado
State of Tennessee
(See Handouts)