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The CAPE AB project. … from CAB ABC to CAPE AB. CAPE AB: Network for co-operation and democratic participation of citizens in the Adria-Balkan-Region Europe for Citizens Network Project. Duration: 01.07.2015 – 30.06.2017 Budget: 140.000 Euro Partnership: AT, SI, HR, BiH, RS, HU and IT.
CAPE AB: Network for co-operation and democratic participation of citizens in the Adria-Balkan-Region Europe for Citizens Network Project
Duration: 01.07.2015 – 30.06.2017 Budget: 140.000 Euro Partnership: AT, SI, HR, BiH, RS, HU and IT
Activities and offers: • Workshops in all partner countries • Final conference in Austria (pres. May 2017) • Support with development of applications and selectionof appropriate funding programmes for participation • Collection of good practice examples
Further information: 1. Land Steiermark, www.europa.steiermark.at 2. Verein Auxilium, office@auxilium.co.at 3. Project website, www.cape-ab.eu