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Understanding the ESEF Filing Rules and Requirements

Dive into the details of the ESEF implementation process, tagging policies, and mandatory reporting standards for financial years post-January 2020.

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Understanding the ESEF Filing Rules and Requirements

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  1. Workshop ESEF • AMF • ESMA • XBRL France • AMF – June25, 2018

  2. Scope of application • 1

  3. An overview of the development process Regulatory Technical Standard  Development of specifications Analysis of responses Endorsement & implementation Reporting Research 18 December 2017 Publication of Final Report including RTS incl. Field Test Report, and ESEF Reporting Manual December 2016 including 2ndCBA and broad policy lines September 2015 including 1st CBA and first suggestions 1 January 2020 ESEF comes into force (for financial years beginning on or after 1rst January 2020) August 2017 Field tests

  4. Scope Requirements: From 1 January 2020 issuers will have to prepare their annual financial reports (AFR) in a single electronic reporting format. Recital 26 of the Transparency Directive sets out the policy objectives of ESEF : 4

  5. block tagging of notes • no tagging of notes • full detailed tagging • only regular tagging of PFS Compromises to be made – level of tagging data for analysis Costly for issuers, extensive filing rules from ESMA All information in financial statements is tagged in detail Detailed tagging of PFS, block tagging for notes Extent of information in notes in structured format is limited The solution chosen No information from notes in structured format Detailed tagging of PFS, no tagging of notes Incomplete tagging in primary financial statements Tagging in PFS only if element in IFRS Taxonomy exists easy to prepare

  6. nolimitation • ESMA business extension • anchoring • none Compromises to be made - extensions comparability Limited number of reportable elements and information loss No extensions are allowed Extensive investment for ESMA ESMA business extension – no issuer extensions The solution chosen Checks necessary to assess correct application Issuers allowed to extend - have to anchor to taxonomy Comparability and consumption of data are impaired All extensions are allowed and prepared by issuers flexibility for issuers

  7. Level of tagging required in RTS Management Report and Half-year FS IFRS consolidated FS Individual FS primary financial statements mandatory from 2020 mandatory from 2022 * block tagging of notes Forbidden Not required in France detailed tagging of notes Not required Not Required * : See the list of othermandatoryelements of the coretaxonomy to bemarked-up in annex.

  8. Proposed requirements: level of tagging • All elements in primary financial statements will be taggedin detail • For the notes: only block tagging will be required • The following identification elements will need to be tagged compulsorily : For financialyearsbeginning on or after 1 January 2020

  9. Includingonly standards adopted by EU ESEF Taxonomy Entity Core disclosures requirements Core ESEF Taxonomy Elements IASB standards + Basis for conclusions + Implementation guidance Guidance and examples IFRS taxonomy Updatedregularly. => Taxonomy updates takenonboard by ESMA in ESEF taxonomy on a yearly basis Common practice Limited number of additions ESMA Extensions (Entity-specificdisclosures)

  10. Taxonomy used • Based on the IFRS Taxonomy with a limited number of ESMA additions • Taxonomy labels will be translated in all languages of the EU • The taxonomy code will be provided on ESMA Web site • No requirement to tag subtotals but possibility to do so • The IFRS taxonomy includes common practice elements, i.e. IFRS Disclosures that entities commonly disclose in practice when applying the Standards. • Example : Property, Plant and Equipment. Common practice added to the IFRS Taxonomy allowing entities to tag the disclosures relating to « buildings » as a separate class of property, plant and equipment. In IAS 16 §37, «  buildings » is not mentioned as an separate class of PP&E. • Other examples :revenue from sale of natural gas, cash and bank balances at central banks, long-term deposits, borrowings, …

  11. EsefFilingrules • 2

  12. ESEF Filing rules All annual financial reports have to be prepared in XHTML XHTML is human readable and no rendering mechanism is necessary Where the annual financial report contains consolidated IFRS financial statements, they have to be associated to XBRL tags XBRL allows software supported analysis The XBRL tags have to be embedded in the XHTML document using Inline XBRL

  13. ESEF Filing rules • When marking up disclosures issuers shall use core taxonomy elements with the closest accounting meaning to marked up disclosure • Prior to setting up new extensions, issuers shall examine the ESEF Taxonomy. If the closest core taxonomy element misrepresents the accounting meaning of the marked up disclosure, then the issuer shall create an extension taxonomy element • The extension elements shall : • not duplicate the meaning and scope of any core taxonomy element • identify the creator of the element • be anchored to an element in the core taxonomy

  14. ESEF Filing rules • Reporting manual provides further guidance, explanations, examples and technical guidances on : • Tagging • Anchoring • Use of language • Use of positive and negative values (signage) • Extension taxonomies • Issues encountered when generating Inline XBRL documents • It isintended as a living document. Alsoitwillberegularlyupdated to takeintoaccountlessonslearned • It does not constitute new policy

  15. Extension Creation Issuer’sstatements Taxonomy Replaced by « issue of share capital » «proceedsfromissuingshares » Taxonomy Issuer’sstatements Replaced by «purchase of property, plant and equipement ,intangibles assetsotherthan goodwill, investmentproperty and other non-currentassets » « purchase of property, plant and equipement and intangibles otherthan goodwill»

  16. Extension Creation Taxonomy Issuer’sstatements  « issue of capital » «  capital increase in kind » and « capital increase in cash ».  « issue of capital » Anchoring  « capital increase in cash »  « capital increase in kind» Elements contained in IFRS Taxonomy Extension element

  17. Extension Creation  « share premium »  Issuer’sstatements Taxonomy « issue of capital» «  issued capital and share premium ».  « issue of capital » and « sharepremium  » Anchoring  «issue of capital andsharepremium» Elements contained in IFRS Taxonomy Extension element

  18. Nextsteps • 3

  19. Next steps • RTS (Regulatory Technical Standards) – Process : • Decision on endorsement of the RTS on ESEF by validation of the EC expected over the next few months. • After EC approval, the European Parliament and the European Council will have three months to object. If silence, then it is approved. • The IFRS Taxonomy is updated each year by the IASB (New accounting standards, common practices, …) • Each update of RTS will probably require an approval by the European Commission (process to be clarified) • ESMA initiative • The question of a data certification by an auditor is still being analysedby the European Commission • ESMA / National enforcer : • Assist issuers in the implementation and understanding • Address fatal flaws if any issue • Support of software vendors by ESMA

  20. aNNEX • 4

  21. Proposed requirements: level of tagging • Other mandatory elements of the core taxonomy to be marked-up: For financialyearsbeginning on or after 1 January 2022

  22. ESEF Reporting manual – General guidelines • Guidance on how to solve common issues encountered when generating Inline XBRL documents. For example : • Use of positive and negative value. Most XBRL numeric elements are designed to contain normally positive values. • Unit of measure. Each numeric element must be associated with a unit of measure (Euro; km; …). Some standard unit measures are defined in the XBRL specifications; other units are registered in the “Unit Registry” maintained by XBRL International. • Language of labels. Same as the annual financial report. ESMA encourages to use a customary business language (English notably)

  23. What does an ESEF filing look like - XHTML • XHTML is a non-proprietary electronic reporting format, it is freely usable, and is human-readable without specialised software. It can be displayed in standard web browsers.

  24. What does an ESEF filing look like - iXBRL • iXBRL provides a mechanism for embedding XBRL tags in XHTML documents. This allows the XBRL benefits of tagged data to be combined with a human-readable presentation of a report, which is under the control of the preparer. NB. IFRS Fullindicates that the disclosure is a core IFRS taxonomy element

  25. What does an ESEF filing look like entity NB. Services and other materials is an entity-specific disclosure  anchored to the closest wider element in the IFRS taxonomy (in this case Total expenses, by nature )

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