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Jeopardy. Directions: Choose your desired category and the appropriate points. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question. If you need to go back to see the answer, push “P” for previous and “N” for next. Good Luck! . Micro-scopic Anatomy. Head, Neck, & Trunk Muscles.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy

  2. Directions: Choose your desired category and the appropriate points. Remember to phrase your answer in the form of a question. If you need to go back to see the answer, push “P” for previous and “N” for next. Good Luck!

  3. Micro-scopic Anatomy Head, Neck, & Trunk Muscles Muscle Anatomy Muscle Contraction Limb Muscles Misc 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  4. A bundle of muscle fibers.

  5. What is a fascicle? 100

  6. The layer of connective tissue that covers an entire muscle.

  7. What is the epimysium? 200

  8. Specific type of connective tissue that makes up the endomysium.

  9. What is loose connective tissue? 300

  10. A broad, flat tendon.

  11. What is an aponeurosis? 400

  12. Two of the three functions of a tendon.

  13. What are:- connect muscle to bone or c.t.- provide durability over bony projections- stabilize joints? 500

  14. The fundamental unit of contraction.

  15. What is a sarcomere? 100

  16. The cell membrane of a muscle fiber.

  17. What is the sarcolemma? 200

  18. ALL types of myofilaments that make up a light (I) band in a sarcomere.

  19. What are actin myofilaments only? 300

  20. The other names for the thin & thick myofilaments in a sarcomere(2 answers – be able to specify which is which).

  21. What are actin (thin filaments) & myosin (thick filaments)? 400

  22. Organelles that fill most of the space inside a muscle fiber.

  23. What are myofibrils? 500

  24. The tiny space between the axon terminal and the sarcolemma.

  25. What is the synaptic cleft? 100

  26. The full name of the neurotransmitter that controls muscle contraction.

  27. What is acetylcholine (ACh)? 200

  28. Specific part of the sarcolemma where it tunnels deep into the cell (see arrow in diagram).

  29. What is a T tubule? 300

  30. A motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it controls.

  31. What is a motor unit? 400

  32. The specific step in the process of muscle contraction that follows ACh binding to the receptor on the sarcolemma.

  33. What is Na+ ions move into the muscle fiber and K+ ions move out of the muscle fiber, generating an action potential? 500

  34. The smiling muscle.

  35. What is the zygomaticus? 100

  36. The kissing muscle.

  37. What is the orbicularis oris? 200

  38. Arm (shoulder) abductor.

  39. What is the deltoid? 300

  40. All four muscles that form the abdominal wall.

  41. What are the:- rectus abdominis- external oblique- internal oblique- transversus abdominis? 400

  42. Antagonist to the sternocleidomastoid.

  43. What is the trapezius (or the other sternocleidomastoid)? 500

  44. Calf muscle.

  45. What is the gastrocnemius? 100

  46. Major muscle group that extends the knee.

  47. What is the quadriceps group? 200

  48. The TWO synergists to the biceps brachii.

  49. What are the brachialis and the brachioradialis? 300

  50. The triceps brachii attaches to the humerus and the ulna.Based on the above statement, the bone that is the insertion of the triceps brachii muscle.

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