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Learn about the different types of fats, their impacts on health, and how to make informed dietary choices. Discover the importance of saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats for optimal health. Find out how to balance fat intake and enjoy a healthy diet.
Thu ZarMyint Chemical Engineer & Food Technologist Shwe Yin Mar Coffee & Nature’s Own Fruit Preservation FATSGood or Bad
Fats are the most concentrated source energy in your diet . Fats add flavor to foods and are essential for the body’s absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) Fats substances in the body ,which are called lipids ,also provide insulation from temperature extremes. About Fats
1)Saturated Fats They are solid @ room temperature . They are found in animal products such as meat ,eggs ,milk , and dairy products ,as well as palm oil and coconut oil ,which come from plants. It is depositedalong the wall of arteries. The accumulation of this fat is contributing factor to diseases of the cardiovascular system such as high blood pressure and Heart attack. Two kinds of dietary fats
It’s liquid or soft @room temperature. They are either polyunsaturated or monounsaturated Both types can lower body cholesterol. A) Polyunsaturated fats > Soft @room temperature corn oil ,soy bean oil ,& Cotton seed oil. B) Monounsaturated fats > Liquid @room temperture found in peanut oil, olive oil , and canola oil . Beef fat ,Lard ,& Chicken fat are also monounsaturated fat ,they are very high in saturated fat . 2) UnSaturated Fats
The worst type of Fat = trans fatty acids. They increase low density lipoproteins (LDLs ) the bad cholesterol ,they decrease high density lipoproteins (HDLs )the good cholesterol. Example, Margarine contains both saturated & unsaturated fat. Hydrogenation process ,During the process of making margarine ,trans fatty acids are formed . Transfat
A fatlike substance that is manufactured by the liver and is necessary for certain bodily processes ,including the formation of sex hormones ,vitamin D and Bile . When you eat animal products such as meat , milk , eggs and dairy foods . Plant food do not contain cholesterol. In the blood stream ,cholesterol is risen when eat saturated fats,,when eat unsaturated fats ,can cause cholesterol level to drop . Cholesterol
Foods and oils with higher amounts of polyunsaturated fats include: Walnuts. Sunflower seeds. Flax seeds or flax oil. Fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, albacore tuna, and trout. Corn oil. Soybean oil. Safflower oil. Polyunsaturated Fats
There have been some mixed messages about dietary fats over the years . Look @ Saturated fats,kind to show how this one really effects your health.For years ,we are told the saturated fat in those foods (steak, full cream milk ) is not good for us. But recent science suggests a low-fat life style could actually harm our health and that saturated fats shouldn’t completely shunned. SATURATED FATS
Healthy Heart Foods with saturated fats as Omega 3 in salmon
As a macronutrient,fat is vital for your health. Saturated fat has a specific role to play . It gives you energy ,keeps your brain firing and helps you absorb other nutrients such as lycopene , beta – carotene and fat- soluable vitamins A,D , E and K. which are important for bone strength ,blood cloting and fighting off free radicals . Latest research >suggests eating plenty of saturated fat could help you to live longer. SAT FAT FACTS
A Diet that’s very low in saturated fats has now been found to possibly increase your risk of premature death by 13%,while a relatively high intake could actually lower your chances of an early death by 23 % and reduce your risk of suffering a stroke . Why ? When you cut back on fat,you turn to carbohydrates to fill you up –bread ,pasta ,rice and sugary foods ,it increase risk of other health problems such as insulin resistance ,which is the precursor to type 2 diabetes.
For optimum health , Your total dietry intake of fats should be make up 35 % of your calories . To be the healthiest people ,eat 9-13% of their calories from saturated fat. Current recommendations are set @10% of calories from saturated fat. Example ,If you ‘r eating 2000 calories a day.10% of calories from would equate to 20gms of sturated fat and would give your body all it needs to produce hormone s and keep your cell healthy . How much is too much ?
Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fat from olive oil,advocado and nuts or seeds is good and seems to reduce cardiovascular risk . Opt for full-fat milk ,butter and cheese ,-they can be heart healthy : Eat a balanced diet,then A Nice steak,A nibble cheese and occassionalice cream ,is fine Be SAVVY with Swaps