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Software Engineering Challenges of the H2020 DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture. Helmut Neukirchen University of Iceland helmut@hi.is.
Software Engineering Challenges of the H2020 DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture Helmut Neukirchen University of Iceland helmut@hi.is The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) under Grant Agreement n°754304
Moore’s law (1965) • Number of transistors in an integrated circuit (IC) doubles every two years. • Still valid! • But believed to end approx. 2025-2030. • Clock speed & performance per clock cycle used to double each as well every two years. • Not true anymore! http://wccftech.com/moores-law-will-be-dead-2020-claim-experts-fab-process-cpug-pus-7-nm-5-nm/ Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 2
For what is the doubling of number transistors used? • More cores, bigger caches. • Today’s main way to achieve speed: • Parallel processing: • Many cores per CPU, • Many CPU nodes. • Needs to be supported by software Software Engineering (SE) challenges! https://hpc.postech.ac.kr/~jangwoo/research/research.html Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 3
Parallel processing programming models (1/2) • Big data processing (Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark): • Write serial high-level code, frameworks take care of parallelization, • Nice from SE point of view. • Performance not on par with HPC. • Partly due to Java/Scala, Python: 10x slower than C/C++. F Glaser, H Neukirchen, T Rings, J Grabowski: Using MapReduce for High Energy Physics Data Analysis. Proc. Int. Symp. on MapReduce and Big Data Infrastructure (MR.BDI), 2013. H Neukirchen: Performance of Big Data versus High-Performance Computing: Some Observations. Extended Abstract. Clausthal-Göttingen Int. Workshop on Simulation Science (SimScience), 2017. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 4
Parallel processing programming models (2/2) • High-Performance Computing (HPC): • Rather low-level code (C, C++, Fortran), explicit parallelization. • Message Passing Interface (MPI): communication between nodes. • MPI_Send, MPI_Recv,…, MPI_Bcast, MPI_Reduce • OpenMP: Multithreading (single node), communication via shared memory. • SE point of view: bad! • MPI pretty low-level. • Well, OpenMPI pragma annotations not that bad. • Both are prevailing: lot’s of codes exist, we have to live with them! Broadcast Reduce received broadcast responses, e.g. sum, max. #pragma omp parallel for for(i=0; i<N; i++) { c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; } Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 5
Scalability: Strong scaling • Naïve view: more cores higher speedup. • Amdahl’s law (1967): non-parallel parts limit speedup. • “Strong scaling”: increase number of cores for constant problem size. http://www.drdobbs.com/parallel/break-amdahls-law/205900309 Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 6
Scalability: Weak scaling • While Amdahl’s law is true, we can still get more work done per time. (Gustafson’s law 1988) • “Weak scaling”: increase number of cores and problem size. • Instead of considering fixed problem size: • Fixed runtime (Amdahl’s law), but: • Possible to grow problem size while growing number of cores. http://www.drdobbs.com/parallel/break-amdahls-law/205900309 Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 7
Beyond Amdahl’s and Gustafson’s laws?! • Even weak scaling has limits: • Parallelisation overhead, • E.g. communication/co-ordination. • Make parallel parts faster. • Clock speed limits reached, but more suitable hardware possible (“accelerators”). • E.g. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), • Many Integrated Cores (MIC). • Make sequential parts faster. • More suitable hardware, e.g. do things in hardware that were before done in software by CPUs. • E.g. using Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)). • E.g. to speed-up communication. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 8
Towards Exascale computing • Towards Exascale via accelerators (typically shared memory): • General Purpose GPU (many “shader” cores): • NVIDIA Tesla K20x (2688 cores), P100 (3584 cores), Volta (5120 cores). • Many Integrated Cores (MIC): • Intel Xeon Phi (72 x86 cores), Sunway SW26010 (260 RISC cores). • Homogenous HPC Cluster Heterogeneous HPC cluster. ≈100 Peta Flop/s=0.1 Exa Flop/s TOP500 6/2017 (update: next week)https://www.top500.org/lists/2017/06/ 9
EU Exascale projects: DEEP, DEEP-ER • Flexible integration of accelerators and special hardware. • “Blueprints” of future Exascale technology: small prototype platforms. • Co-design: HPC applications drive hardware requirements. • 2011-2015: DEEP (Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform): • Standard cluster + flexible attachment of MIC “booster”. • 2013-2017: DEEP-ER (Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform – Extended Reach): • E.g. I/O and storage for fast checkpointing (resiliency/fault tolerance). Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 10
EU Exascale projects: DEEP-EST • 7/2017-6/2020: DEEP-EST (Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform – Extreme Scale Technologies): • MSA Modular Supercomputing Architecture: more accelerators, e.g.: • Network Attached Memory (NAM), FPGA-supported communication. • EC Funding: 14.998.342 € • http://www.deep-est.eu • University of Iceland provides machine learning applications. • Port HPC machine learning implementations to DEEP-EST hardware. • Clustering (DBSCAN), Classification (SVM), Deep learning (Neural networks). • Software Engineering more a voluntary side aspect (no deliverables). Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 11
GPU GPU InfiniBandinterconnect GPU GPU GPU GPU Standard heterogeneous cluster CPU CPU • Disadvantages: • Static assignment of CPUs to GPUs. • What if one CPU process needs more than one GPU? • Accelerators not capable to act autonomously. CPU CPU CPU CPU Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 12
Acc CPU Acc CPU Acc Acc CPU Acc DEEP heterogeneous cluster Booster Cluster • Go for more capable accelerators (MIC). • All nodes might act autonomously. • Attach all nodes to a low-latency fabric (EXTOLL: latency ‹‹ InfiniBand). • MICs can communicate even with each other (via MPI). • Dynamical assignment of cluster and booster nodes! • Run code with limited scalability (energy-)efficiently on cluster, • Run highly scaleable code (energy-)efficiently on booster. • Additional SSD Non-volatile memory (NVM) attached to booster nodes. InfiniBandinterconnect EXTOLLfabric Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 13
DEEP-EST: Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA), e.g. NAM • Allow more HW modules than just the MIC booster, e.g.: • Network Attached Memory (NAM): • Introduced in DEEP-ER as extreme fast /tmp for checkpointing. • Network attached RAM storage, • access through FPGA via InfiniBand & EXTOLL fabric from cluster & booster. • DEEP-EST: extend NAM to support general fast volatile storage. • E.g. for storing intermediate machine learning data. • Let FPGA even do calculations on the stored data (Near-Data Processing). • E.g. offload machine learning steps. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 14
DEEP-EST: Modular Supercomputing Architecture (MSA), e.g. GCE • Allow more HW modules than just the MIC booster, e.g.: • Global Collective Engine (GCE): • HW-supported MPI collectives. • E.g. MPI_Reduce in FPGA: • FPGA might be even re-programmedto support custom functions beyond standard max, sum, etc. • Many more HW modules thinkable, e.g.: • GPU booster module, • Data Analytics Module. • In the style of Google’s Tensor Processing Units (TPU) accelerators. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 15
Software Engineering challenges resulting from heterogeneous clusters • Homogenous cluster: • Huge investment into MPI/OpenMP codes. • Code base grown over decades. • Heterogeneous cluster: • GPUs: need to re-code existing codes completely. • (CUDA for NVIDIA, OpenCL for AMD, NVIDIA, etc.). • Additional investment needed. • MIC: OpenMP multi-core annotations can be re-used for many-core! • OpenCL maps also on MIC. • SE point of view: heterogeneous clusters are bad! – Well: • MIC (due to OpenMP code re-use) not as bad as GPUs. • Code using ArrayFire array library can map to CUDA, OpenCL, CPUs. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 16
Software Engineering challenges in DEEP-EST • Modular Supercomputing Architecture of DEEP-EST:adds even more heterogeneity! • Even worse from SE point of view: more code adjustments needed! • DEEP-EST=“die Pest”!? • Seems to be the price to pay on the road to Exascale… • Well, DEEP did some homework wrt. MIC booster: • MPI implementation of DEEP abstracts away hardware details. • MPI can be used in a unified way to communicate globally via MPI between cluster and booster side. • Not possible in standard MIC approaches. • OmpSs (add-on to OpenMP): • Pragmas to specify what code parts to run on booster/cluster nodes. • Pragmas and run-time system to give impression of shared memory between separate address spaces of booster and cluster nodes. • Example next 3 slides… http://www.toll-collect-blog.de/ Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 17
OmpSs OpenMP extension used in DEEP-* (1) • copy_* pragma to copy between different address spaces. • E.g. share array A between two nodes. • Run-time system copies as necessary. Shared array Might run on Cluster node A A B CPU CPU Might run on Cluster node B http://www.training.prace-ri.eu/uploads/tx_pracetmo/OmpSsQuickOverviewXT.pdf Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 18
OmpSs OpenMP extension used in DEEP-* (2) • target device( ) pragma to specify target (smp, cuda, mic). • Still: share array between GPU and CPU address spaces. • Run-time system copies as necessary. Run on CPU B GPU CPU Run on GPU http://www.training.prace-ri.eu/uploads/tx_pracetmo/OmpSsQuickOverviewXT.pdf Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 19
OmpSs OpenMP extension used in DEEP-* (3) • in, out, inout pragma to specify data flow dependencies. • Allows to omit synchronisation pragmas (taskwait). • Run-time system waits as necessary. B GPU Data flow CPU Data flow http://www.training.prace-ri.eu/uploads/tx_pracetmo/OmpSsQuickOverviewXT.pdf Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 20
No homework done in DEEP-ER: API for NAM (Network Attached Memory) • libNAM API does not match existing APIs. :-( • Possible SE Solutions: • Add NAM as further address space of OmpSs to give a unified access? • Well, OmpSs is for multi-threading. NAM access wouldnot be a separate thread. • FPGA processing might be a case. • Refactoring (systematic source code transformations, preferablyautomated by a tool) to introduceNAM API calls. • Replace POSIX file operations. • Replace memory access (malloc) • M.Sc. student started to work on C refactoring for HPC (targeting, e.g., MPI usage). Note: more advanced API for Near-Data Processing (FPGA processing of data stored in NAM), e.g. similarto MPI_Reduce. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 21
Software Engineering challenges in DEEP-ESTSupport (Re-)Engineering via Interaction Room • Successfully used in business information system development. • Make domain experts and SE experts talk, • Capture knowledge in semi-structured way. • An Interaction Room is • a dedicated room for the project team • where domain experts and software development experts feel at home • with large whiteboards (paper or digital canvas)on the walls • but without a classic conference table • to visualize and discuss key project aspects informally • instead of going over tedious documents. M Book, S Grapenthin, and V Gruhn: “Seeing the forest and the trees: focusing team interaction on value and effort drivers”, Int. Symp. On Foundations of SE, 2012. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 22
Example: Process canvas for an information system with annotations to capture implicit assumptions/knowledge Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 23
Interaction Room canvasses to discover & capture implicit assumptions embodied in HPC code M Book, M Riedel, H Neukirchen, M Götz. Facilitating Collaboration in High Performance Computing Projects with an Interaction Room. Int. Workshop on SE for Parallel Systems (SEPS), 2017. Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture • Problem canvas: • Goal and scope of research question (the domain). • Real-world canvas: • Description of the pertinent aspects of the science domain. • Decomposition canvas: • Breakdown of scientific model into parallelizable units. • Architecture canvas: • Implementation of simulation on suitable HPC technology/HW architecture. • Not necessary sequential use, but iterative refinement of canvas contents.
Conclusion • Road to Exascale via accelerators. • DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputer Architecture: • Include flexibly accelerators via EXTOLL fabric to support different workloads. • HPC bad from Software Engineering point of view: • Low level HPC code: bad! Heterogeneity even worse! • Higher abstractions (e.g. Apache Spark RDDs) would help, but slower runtime. • OpenMP/OmpSs are a first step towards higher level. • In general: lack of SE for HPC! • Currently together with Software Engineering for Distributed Systems Group: Survey of state of SE usage by HPC developers. • Current work at University of Iceland to support HPC by SE: • HPC refactoring/patterns, • Interaction room for HPC. • Outlook DEEP-EST: • Just started. Not yet experience from porting HPC codes to new HW. • If there is a follow-up project to DEEP, DEEP-ER, and DEEP-EST: how will it be named? Helmut Neukirchen: SE Challenges of DEEP-EST Modular Supercomputing Architecture 25