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National Programme for Mental Health. WHAT IS CLINICAL GOVERNANCE? Clinical governance is a framework through which healthcare teams are accountable for the quality, safety and satisfaction of
WHAT IS CLINICAL GOVERNANCE? Clinical governance is a framework through which healthcare teams are accountable for the quality, safety and satisfaction of patients in the care they deliver. It is built on the model of the chief executive officer/general manager or equivalent working in partnership with the clinical director, director of nursing/midwifery and service/professional leads. A key characteristic of clincial governance is a culture and commitment to agreed service levels and quality of care to be provided.
National Mental Health Programme Four Principles for New Service Development
The First Three Programmes • Early Intervention in Psychosis • Early Intervention in Eating Disorders • The Management of Self Harm Presenting to Emergency Departments
IMPROVED OUTCOMES Continuous quality improvement Interventions and partnerships for enhanced social functioning Measuring individual clinical and social functioning Outcomes Measuring service user experience Measuring programme targets EIP EARLY DETECTION Recognising that a problem exists Education of Primary Care Teams Rapid access to an assessment ↓ REFERRAL/RAPID ASSESSMENT Linking individuals to care providers Ready access to screening with 72 hours Streamlining the referral process Immediate take up of those at risk ↓ TREATMENT and INTERVENTIONS Phase specific interventions including Collaborative treatment planning Family Psycho education Cognitive behavioural therapy Supported employment/ education MONITORING AND EVUALATION Ensuring clinical programme success Implementing standards and guidelines National Clinical and Academic network IT infrastructure in place Service user and carer evaluations
Consultation Feedback • Primary Care inclusion • Recovery and Values Based Care
Key Factors for Better Services • Community Mental Health Teams • Local leadership • National clinical and academic leadership • Broad based outcomes measurement including service user satisfaction • IT • Role of Service User
Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare • SUs - as patients - as consumers - as ‘survivors’ - as providers
Together (founded 1879) • …people experiencing mental distress can direct their own journey towards improved mental health and to living independent, fulfilling lives.
How Service User Involvement Operates • The interaction between service users and in self help • The interaction between service users and mental health professionals working with them • The management of local services • The planning of overall services
Values-Based Practice … the theory and practice of effective healthcare decision-making where legitimately different (and sometimes conflicting) values are in play.
The National Mental Health Programme will…. • Promote SU representation on CMHTs • Support the primacy of SUs as directors of care plans • Develop a broad range of outcome measures directed towards real world SU issues • Include satisfaction as a core outcome measure • Promote the development of Values Based services