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The SENIOR AUTOBIOGRAPHY. How to Approach the Final Autobiography: Step 1. Review all 3 of your Memoirs. Highlight the main idea of each memoir the significance of an event in shaping you as an individual, or the reason why you remember this particular event, or
How to Approach the Final Autobiography: Step 1 • Review all 3 of your Memoirs. • Highlight the main idea of each memoir • the significance of an event in shaping you as an individual, or • the reason why you remember this particular event, or • what this particular event says about you • What ideas, people, places, time periods, or beliefs link them? • Discard any memoirs that seem trivial or insignificant in determining your beliefs, personality, reactions, or future.
Step 3~ Brainstorm • Brainstorm all the possible ways you might want to organize your final paper. (The number of ways is only limited by your vision or imagination. You can take an objective approach, or a creative one, or your own hybrid. Here are a few examples…)
Organizational Plan~Subjective Approaches(examples) • A series of letters or phone calls • Sports/Hobbies metaphors • Foods that remind you of different times in your life • Photography • Making up future scenarios • Being interviewed • Sitting @ graduation, reflecting on experiences • The different cultures that comprise you • Family traditions/celebrations/meals • Packing to move away to college (overused! Don’t use!!)
The Process~ Step 1 • Write a 1 to 2 page INTRODUCTION based upon the organizational method you have chosen.
The Process~ Step 2 • Then select a story from your life that seems to follow logically from the introduction. This story may be one you have written about before, and in fact, may incorporate carefully selected, revised and edited pieces of a past memoir. However, in no case should a prior memoir simply be inserted wholly into your final autobiography.
The Process~ Step 3 • Create a paragraph tied to your introduction (organizational idea) to link to another story in your life that fits the overall theme you have chosen. Once again, you are encouraged to create totally new stories (or chapters) that fit with your theme, but you MAY use portions of prior memoirs as a basis for some of the stories in your Final Autobiography.
The Process~ Step 4 • Continue this process until you have a final product that is anywhere from 12 to 18 pages in length (double- spaced, 12 point Times New Roman). • Then write a 1 to 2 page conclusion, linked to the introduction to finish it up.
The Rough Draft The Rough Draft is due no later than Tuesday, November 29th 2011!Rough Draft must be submitted to turnitin.com as well!
The Rough Draft Specifications • Must include a minimum of 4 developed stories from your life (3-4 pages each) • Must meet all the requirements of the final paper. • Should be carefully proofread! • Should have a title page • Should have standard margins • Should have numbered pages • Period 2,7—15-18 pgs. • Period 3—12-15 pgs.
Grading--FCAs • Organization/Thematic development 30pts. • SDT 40 pts. • Thematic Intro. 10pts • Thematic Conclusion 10pts. • Overall Product (my decision) 10 pts.
The FINAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY Tentatively due no later than January 6th whether you are in school or not! It may NOT be emailed.
The FINAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY • Must be neatly bound: • Spiral/Other professional binding (Kinkos, Staples, etc.)- Preferred Way! • In a Business or Academic Report cover • DO NOT SUBMIT a Final Autobiography that is merely stapled in the corner, or in a flimsy plastic sleeve with a sliding plastic spine. Your grade will be lowered if you do either of the above.
The FINAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY • May include pictures, drawings, cartoons, poetry, etc. if you wish. (Will add to the overall presentation grade).