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Decontaminate Your Skin Using the Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL). PFC Powers, Tifani. Decontaminate Your Skin Using the Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL). Conditions
Decontaminate Your Skin Using the Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) PFC Powers, Tifani
Decontaminate Your Skin Using the Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL) Conditions You are at mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP) level 2 with remaining MOPP gear available and have been given the RSDL. You find yourself in one of the following situations where you have: • Been attacked with chemical agents. • Passed through an area contaminated with chemical agents. Standards Start to decontaminate your skin and/or eyes within 1 minute after you determine they are contaminated. Decontaminate all exposed skin and your eyes, if necessary, without getting the decontaminating lotion in your eyes or uncontaminated cuts and wounds and finish within less than 2 minutes.
Training and EvaluationTraining Information Outline • Inspect the RSDL for leaks or stains. a. If no leaks or stains are detected, thelotion is mission ready. b. If stains and leaks are detected, inspect each packet for leaks. c. Discard all leaking packets. d. Reinsert good packets into the carrying case. • Verify that there are at least three skin decontaminating packets in the kit. NOTE: If there are less than three packets, request an additional kit, continuing to use your kit until all packets are gone. CAUTION DO NOT mix RSDL or RSDL training lotion with solid, undiluted high-test Hypochlorite (HTH) or Super Tropical Bleach (STB). Heat and/or fire may result. AVOID contact with eyes and wounds. If contact with eyes or wounds occur, rinse with water as soon as possible
Decontaminate your skin with the RSDL within 1 minute of the suspected exposure. a. Put on your mask without – 1. Tightening straps. 2. Sealing mask b. Seek overhead cover for protection against further contamination. c. Remove one skin decontamination packet from the carrying pouch. Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion (RSDL)
d. Tear the packet open quickly at the notch. e. Remove the applicator pad from the packet.
f. Save the packet as the remaining lotion can be added to the applicator pad if required. g. Thoroughly scrub the exposed skin of the hand, palm, and fingers with applicator pad. h. Switch the applicator pad to the other hand and thoroughly scrub the exposed skin of the other hand, palm, and fingers. Scrubbing Hand with Lotion
WARNINGDeath or injury may result if you breathe toxic agents while decontaminating the face. If you need to breathe before you finish, reseal your mask, clear it, and check it. Get your breathe, then resume the decontamination procedure.
AVOID contact with eyes and wounds. If contact with eyes or wounds occurs, rinse with water as soon as possible. j. Decontaminate your face and the inside of your mask. 1. Hold your breath. 2. Close your eyes. 3. Grasp the mask beneath your chin. 4. Pull the mask away from the chin enough to allow one hand between the mask and your face.
5. Beginning at one side, scrub up and down across cheeks, nose, chin, and closed mouth. Avoid ingesting. 6. Wipe extra strokes at the corner of your nose. 7. Continue across your face to the other ear.
8. Scrub under the chin from the ear along the jawbone to the other ear to coat the skin with lotion.
9. Scrub under the chin from the ear along the jawbone to the other ear to coat the skin with lotion. Scrubbing Jawbone Area with Lotion
Do not apply lotion to lens of protective mask. RSDL may cause loss of transparency. 10. Turn your hand over and scrub the inside surfaces of the mask that touch your skin. Be sure to include the drinking tube and canteen cap. Keep the applicator. 11. Keep the applicator. 12. Seal your mask. 13. Clear your mask. 14. Check your mask. 15. Breathe.
16. Use applicator and any remaining lotion in the packet. Without breaking mask seal, scrub the Decon applicator pad across the forehead, exposed scalp, the skin of the neck, ears, and throat. 17. Thoroughly scrub the hands with lotion again. 18. Put on protective gloves.
WARNING Do not discard RSDL or training RSDL packaging or applicator pads into containers that contain HTH or STB. Heat and or fire may result. 19. Any remaining lotion may be used to spot decon weapons and personal equipment. 20. Do not put used packets in your pockets. Discard the used packets in accordance with local standard disposal procedures. Discard the carrying pouch after packets are used. 21. Discard applicator pad. 22. Remove lotion by washing with water or soap and water when operational conditions permit. 23. Allow RSDL to remain on skin for at least 2 minutes.