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Explore the UK, Make Friends from Around the World & Improve your English

Join Brooke House College in Market Harborough, UK, for academic courses (GCSE, A-Level) and a summer school. Explore the UK, make friends from around the world, and improve your English skills. Visit our website for more information.

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Explore the UK, Make Friends from Around the World & Improve your English

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  1. Explore the UK, Make Friends from Around the World & Improve your English • Academic Courses – GCSE & A Level – One Term to Two Years • Summer School – Two Weeks to Eight Weeks

  2. Location – Poloha

  3. Market Harborough Train Station Train Station Grammar School Grammar School Union Canal High Street Union Canal Union Wharf

  4. Location – Poloha Brooke House College sanachádza v malom, typickyanglickommeste Market Harborough. Market Harborough ležínecelú 1 hodinuseverne od Londýnavlakom a 1,5 hodiny od letiska Heathrow autom. Mestoponúkanávštevníkomveľaobchodov, kaviarní, reštaurácií a barov. Študenti Brooke House saužmnohorokovtešiaúzkemu a priateľskémuvzťahu s ľuďmi Market Harborough. Kraj Leicestershire mákrásnukrajinu a najkrajšiededinky. Leicestershire je skutočne v srdciAnglicka a veľkémestá Oxford, Cambridge a druhémestoAnglicka, Birmingham, súveľmidostupné.

  5. Ensuite Single Room(Click) Standard Single Room (Click) Brooke House CollegeAccommodation - ubytovanie Twin Room with toilet(Click) • Chlapci a dievčatábývajúoddelene • Jednolôžkovéajdvojlôžkovéizby • Izbyaj s osobitnoukúpeľňou • Pod dozoromzamestnancov 24 hodíndenne Standard Twin Room(Click)

  6. Supervised Accommodation • Common room - Spoločenskámiestnosť • A Kitchenette - kuchynka • WiFi • Laundry Facilities - Pračovňa Brooke House CollegeAccommodation - Facilities Example Common Room (Click)

  7. Brooke House CollegeCatering - Stravovanie • At Brooke House we make every effort to provide quality, varied food with as international a flavour as possible. • Menus are carefully prepared and changed on a daily basis. • We ensure that students receive a balanced diet.

  8. Specialised help and advice to apply to the most suitable courses at the most appropriate universities • Preparation for University admission interviews • University fair days held in the college • Opportunity to study and train: - Brooke House College Football Academy Programmes leading to University

  9. General Certificate of Secondary Education UK compulsory public examinations (usually age 14-16) • Choice of a wide range of subjects • Courses last either 1 or 2 years depending on: - student's age - academic ability - the level reached in previous school's education system GCSE

  10. GCSE Subjects * Compulsory Subject

  11. A Level • Tutors have excellent academic qualifications and considerable expertise • Tutors are experienced in relating to young people from different cultural backgrounds • Tutors give guidance on subject choices, taking into account students' intended degree programmes and careers, prior to the commencement of studies • The College has an excellent record of students progressing into the country's best universities

  12. A Level • Students' progress is tested regularly by practice A Level examinations • Students receive high levels of coaching in examination practice and technique • Students normally study: • - 3 subjects • Students are advised on how best to choose their subjects based on future career aspirations

  13. A Level Subjects

  14. Trinity College • Graded English Speaking Exam (GESE) • All courses, except IELTS • First morning, placement test • Exam with Trinity College examiner of students final Friday • Pass Rates • 2016 – 100% • 2017 – 97% • 2018 – 98%

  15. Angličtina Plus Aktivity

  16. Exkurzie Cambridge / Oxford Rock Climbing Warwick Castle Alton Towers Theme Park London Sightseeing Harry Potter Studio Tour

  17. Students arrive and depart on Sunday. Minimum stay 2 weeks. Maximum stay 8 weeks. • Angličtina Plus Aktivity – Čo je zahrnuté? • 15 hodín Trinity College GESE angličtiny každý týždeň • Trinity College GESE jazyková skúška • Mnoho športových a iných aktivít v popoludňajších a večerných hodinách počas týždňa • Pól-denné výlety v stredu popoludní vrátane návštevy štúdia Harryho Pottera a Warwick zámku • Celodenné výlety cez víkend vrátane londýnskych prehliadok, zábavného parku Alton Towers a stredovekého mesta • Ubytovanie a strava • Preprava z a na letisko £650.00 per week 1/3 discount (£945.00 normally)

  18. More information?

  19. www.brookehousecollege.co.uk/summerschool @BHCSummerSchool @brookehousecollege @brookehousecol Youtube.com/brookehouse

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