Ed SimonsRadboud UniversityNetherlandsInitiator and project leader for the development of METIS, the CRIS usedby all 13 universities in the Netherlands as well as the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences.Currently: Project leader of the development of a Student Information system foruniversities in Mozambique and Zambia.
Purpose of the Task Group CRIS-IR: “To work out, in cooperation with the IR-community, an optimal solution for the interoperability of Research Information Systems on the one hand and Institutional Repositories on the other, on a European scale, taking into account all relevant aspects. “
Thismeansthatthis TG is about: (strivingtowards) Anoptimalsolutionfor research information (supply) to all possiblestakeholders (researchers, managers, policy makers, general public etc..), assuminganoptimalintegration of CRIS on the one hand and InstitutionalRepositorieson the other. Liasewith the IR-Community.
What has been done and is goingon: A concrete workplanfor the TG has been formulated. An international meeting has been (co-)organisedbyeuroCRIS and the National Italian Research Council (CNR) in Rome forpeoplefromboth the CRIS and the IR community. A surveyamong the euroCRISmembers is in preparationconcerning the actualsituationon the interoperabillitybetween CRIS and IR’s in theirinstitutions.
WORKPLAN: • Make an inventory of current practices of CRIS-IR interoperabillity among the euroCRIS members. • Establish contacts with the IR-community and actively promote mutual cooperation, dialogue and understanding between the two communities (CRIS and IR). • Determine and define the optimal set of metadata for a “CRIS-driven” repository. • Define an interoperabillitymetadata standard for CRIS-IR. • Identify consequences of the CRIS-IR work for CERIF and communicate these as possible action points to the CERIF TG.
WORKPLAN (continued): • Work out technical models for optimal interoperability of CRIS and IR, including demonstrators. • Work out organisational and workflow models related to the interoperabillity / integration of CRIS-IR. • Development of use cases for CRIS-IR interoperability. • Communicating within euroCRIS good practices in current real-life cases of interoperability between CRIS and repositories. • Discuss and define principles, policies and theoretical frameworks (the “vision” if you wish) underlying the interoperability of CRIS-OAR (the “philosophical” part of the job).
WORKSHOP IN ROME, MAY 2010 (euroCRIS and CNR) Purpose: Bringing the 2 communitiestogether in dialogue (CRIS and IR). Formulate a possiblefuture “Roadmap” for CRIS-IR. Itwouldbegood to have such meetings structurallyorganised, at leastonce a year. The TG CRIS-IR shouldbe a major contributor and active partner in these meetings.